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A few nights later, Beverly awoke in the wee hours, feeling very dry and thirsty. She slipped from her bed and padded barefoot down the hallway toward the kitchen, clad only in her briefest of nighties.

She opened her mouth in a wide yawn just as she approached Randy's bedroom. But she never finished that yawn. For she heard a loud groan coming through the half-opened door to her little brother's room.

In the moonlight which streamed into Randy's room from the window next to his bed, Beverly saw the naked boy jerking himself off.

Randy pulled on the length of his huge hard cock, unaware that Beverly was silently moving toward his bed. His eyes were closed and he groaned continually now. His fist ran up and down his stiff prick which was visibly throbbing.

Oh God! Bev thought to herself. She licked her lips hungrily, wishing she had her mouth wrapped around his delicious-looking cock at that very moment.

She was standing right next to the teenaged boy's bed now, gazing greedily at his cock, which was just about to explode. Beverly quickly pulle her gown up over her head and tossed it carelessly to the floor, wanting to be just as naked as Randy was at that moment.

"Unnngghhh, I'm gonna pop!" Randy cried, still thinking that he was completely alone in his bedroom.

His fist was a blur now, racing up and down the full length of his hard-on.

Yes, come, little brother! Bev urged silently, turned-on beyond belief. She stared down at his purplish cockhead and saw a drop of pre-cum hovering at his piss-slit. Hurry and come, Randy! I wanna taste your jism!

With that thought, the boy came. A big wad of jism began to race up from his quaking balls, shooting through the tube of his cock. Just as the thick spunk was about to spurt out of his cum-slit, Randy felt the thrilling shock of a pair of wet, warm lips closing around his prickhead. His eyes flew open at once as his first blast of cum spurted.

"Bev!" he gasped, seeing the object of incestuous desires actually sucking him off.

"Umfff," Bev gurgled as she swallowed down her brother's jism. The thick creamy goo tasted even better than she had anticipated, and her pussy twitched with pleasure as she drank every drop of it.

"God, Bev! I can't believe you just did that!" Randy groaned, returned his sister's smile.

"Believe it, Randy, honey. I've been horny for you for ages now! I'm so glad I saw you playing with yourself tonight. It gave me the perfect excuse to come in here and suck your cock while you came. And was it good!"

Bev rolled her eyes and smacked her lips. Watching her, Randy laughed in delight.

"Do you like eating it, Bev? I mean, did you really like sucking my prick and eating my cum?" the youngster asked excitedly.

"Are you kidding? I loved it! And that's just the beginning for us, Randy! That is, it can be the beginning if you're turned on to me too," Bev said, sobering as she felt a twinge of uncertainty.

"Are you kidding? I've been hot for you ever since I can remember, Bev! Both Ross and I feel that way about you," Randy said, reaching out and beginning to fondle the woman's tits.

"Really? Both you and Ross?" Bev asked eagerly, feeling her pussy growing wetter at the lewd thought of both of the twin boys being as sexually attracted to her as she was to them.

"Sure!" Randy responded with a grin, still stroking Beverly's tits which trembled at his incestuous touch. "I mean, if I had a dollar for each time that Ross and I have wished you weren't our sister so we could fuck you, I'd be at least a millionaire?"

"Oh, wow," Bev sighed.

She moaned softly, loving the feel of the boy's hands on her tits.

"Have you ever fucked anyone, Randy?" she asked, holding her breath for the answer which was so important to her.

"No, Bev, I've had a few opportunities with some of the young girls I know…" Randy began.

"I'll bet you have!" Bev said with a pang of jealousy as she thought how good looking and sexy her brother was.

"But I've been waiting for you, I guess. I'd give anything if you'd be my first sexual partner, Bev."

"You mean it?" Bev asked, her nipples growing hard between her little brother's fingers. "I sure do! And I know that Ross feels the same way," Randy murmured, feeling his cock beginning to grow hard again.

"Music to my ears," Bev said softly and they both laughed. "I'd love to give you your first fuck, Randy, but first I want us to do a few other things together."

"Sounds great to me! Just lead the way," Randy said huskily.

Beverly scooted even closer to Randy, feeling the heat from his thigh as it touched hers. Then she smiled and batted her wide eyes sexily at the young teenaged boy. She ran a hand up and down one of the boy's legs, cuddling close to him. His hard muscular body was arousing the woman like crazy. She could feel hot sticky pussy-juice leaking out from her hungry cunt and beginning to dribble down her inner thighs.

"Hold me, Randy!" she murmured hoarsely. Randy groaned as he wrapped his arms about her. Beverly saw a red flush cover his body and she knew that she was really getting to him. And that was just what she wanted. She felt his cock hardening and growing against her and she struggled against the urge to fuck him on the spot. But she restrained herself, knowing that the longer they both waited for their long desired fuck, the sweeter it would be.

Beverly nibbled and licked her way up the boy's neck, darting her wet tongue-tip into his ear.

"Wow!" Randy gasped.

"Mmmmm, I want you to kiss me now, Randy," Bev purred, planting her moist lips against his. Randy groaned and returned her kiss. Bev darted her tongue into his mouth and felt a heavy shudder run through his powerful body.

She worked her tongue in and out of his mouth and he quickly caught on, stabbing his own tongue against hers. Bev's fingers laced through the coarse hairs of his cock, and again she felt the boy shudder with excitement against her.

Beverly felt the boy's hard cock pulsating against her and she could hardly wait to feel her big stiff prick inside her pussy. But first things first…

The yung woman knew that there was no hurry. This was Randy's very first time with a woman, land Bev loved her little brother enough to want a do things right. She wanted to draw his sexual out experience for both of them, milking very single drop of incestuous pleasure from it for herself and for him.

As their kiss broke off, Randy's eyes dropped to the woman's large, up-thrust tits. Beverly saw his excited gaze and she smiled, proud of her tit. They had always been her pride and joy. She knew that not only larger than average, but that they were uptilted thrust of a teenager's with not one hint of sag. They were both fine and highly placed on her chest and she saw her brother's mouth watering as he continued to stare at them.

"God, Bev, I've always loved your tits and I've always wanted to see them naked!" Randy said, his voice thick with lust.

"Well, now's your chance," Bev said with a little laugh. "So, what do you think?"

"I think they're gorgeous!" Randy cried, his eyes glazing over with desire.

"I'm glad you like them, Randy," Bev purred, deliberately arching her back to make her tit-mounds jut out even more.

"Like them? I love them!" Randy growled, his hands itching to touch her tempting-looking tit. But he held back, not wanting to seem too eager.

To the youngster's delight, Beverly took both of his big strong hands in hers. She placed his hands on her naked tits, her nipples throbbing against his palms.

"Oh, God!" Randy groaned, feeling his cock grow still larger and harder.

Randy pressed his hands against Beverly's tits, feeling her nipples stiffen more and poke out lewdly. Her swelling tits throbbed hotly against his hands.

"Ohh, yesssss," Beverly panted, feeling more juice ooze into her pussy. "Play with them Randy! Please! They need you to play with them!"