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She released Randy's hands, and she was delighted when he left them pressed against her tits. He groaned softly as he began to squeeze and maid her tit-mounds.

"Yessss!" Beverly gurgled happily as she sank back against the pillows. Her tits throbbed and tingled in response to her brother's obscene touch. "That feels really good, Randy."

"God, Bev, I love your tits!" the teenaged boy groaned as he continued to manipulate her big milkers.

"My nips, honey, squeeze my nips!" Bev begged hornily.

"You mean like this?" Randy asked innocently as he caught both of her long, red nipples with his fingers and squeezed them hard.

"Yes! Just like that!" Bev cried, feeling the familiar heady mix of pain and pleasure rush through her.

"You know what I've always wanted to do?" Randy ranted.

She shook her head from side to side.

"Lick your tits! I've always wanted to lick your tits Bev!" Randy cried thickly. "Can I your tits now?"

Still unable to speak, Beverly nodded her head vigorously, eagerly.

"Uhhh!" Randy groaned lustfully as he lowered his head and ran his wet tongue over one of the woman's nips.

"You!" Bev cried.

Randy then licked Beverly's other nipple with the flat surface of his hard, wet tongue, feeling the little strawberry bud trembling against his tongue meat.

"Ohhhh!" Bev gasped.

Next, Randy squeezed both of the woman's huge tit-mounds together to form one gigantic tit. He swallowed hard, trying to control his rising lust ha he gazed down at her two nipples, which were pressed togtther now and throbbing hard.

"I… I'm gonna suck your nipples now, Bev!" the boy grunted as he lowered his head again.

"Yes, do it!"

Randy wrapped his moist lips around the bases of her two trembling nipples and sucked hard.

"Yeow!" Bev screamed, her body bucking upward uncontrollably.

Randy continued to suck his older sister's nipples, feeling them pulsating violently against his lips and tongue.

"Ungh!" he groaned, closing his eyes in pleasure. He could not possibly count all the times he had jerked himself off while fantasizing about sucking his sister's big tits. And now that he was actually doing just that, he could hardly believe it. Waves of incestuous desire swept through his loins, hardening his cock still more.

"Oh, my God!" Bev cried, thrashing about on the bed beneath her little brother's wildly sucking mouth.

Randy sucked Beverly's nipples harder and harder, hollowing his cheeks inward to increase the erotic suction pull of his mouth on the twin buds. He sucked them until they grew so absolutely stiff and long inside his mouth that he was afraid they would literally explode if he didn't stop. He reluctantly slipped his mouth off the two nipples, groaning with excitement as he watched them spring back into place against her lily-white tit-mounds.

"Oh, God, that was great! For a virgin, you can really suck tit, Randy!" Bev said and they both laughed.

"That's not all I'd like to suck," Randy said huskily, hungrily eyeing the woman's pink pussy.

"Mmmmm, do you mean what I hope you mean?" she asked coyly, spreading her legs. She was stretched out on her back now, and she bent her knees, showing Randy the pink meat of her pussy with its fringe of golden curls.

"Yeah! I wanna lick your pussy and make you come!" Randy said, his voice slurred with lust.

"Are you sure you can keep that gorgeous hard-on while you suck my cunt, Randy? 'Cause I'd love for you to eat me out, but I sure as fuck don't want you to waste your cum. I want you to come inside my mouth! Inside my cunt! Inside my asshole! But I don't want you to come on the bedspread!"

"It won't be easy, but I think I can manage it. I'd sure like to try. As much as I want to feel your hot pussy wrapped around my cock, I want to taste your pussy first! It's something I've always dreamed of doing," Randy admitted almost shyly.

Beverly shivered with excitement at her little brother's words.

"Me, too, Randy. Go for it! Eat me," she whispered, spreading her thighs even wider for the boy.

With a savage-sounding groan, Randy crawled between Beverly's eagerly parted thighs. Beverly whined with desire when she felt the boy's hot breath on her naked pussy. She moaned loudly as Randy folded back the furry lips of her pussy, exposing the juicy red bud of her clit.

Randy's blonde head dipped down, and both of their bodies jerked violently as his tongue came into direct contact with Beverly's hard clit.

"Ohhhhh, yesss!" she squealed.

In a matter of minutes, Beverly was convinced that, while her little brother might still be a virgin, this was by no means his first pussy eating session. It was obvious that the boy had a practiced, skillful tongue, and that he knew just what he was doing. He was rapidly showing his big sister that he knew just how to drive a woman wild with his tongue.

He used his stiff, juicy tongue to lick up and down over her twitching clit, giving her stab after stab of heady pleasure.

"Ahuihh, you're licking my pussy soooo good, sandy! Don't stop! Make me come, lover!" Bev cried, lifting her little ass up from the bed and humping her juice-filled cunt up against the boy's face.

She kept her legs wide-open, offering the boy her entire creamy fuck-slit. But Randy paid all of his attention to the most erotic part of his sister's pussy, the swelling bud of her clit.

He groaned as her cunt-juice flowed into his mouth, savoring the sweet tangy flavor of it. He had often wondered what Beverly's fuck-juice tasted like, and now he knew. He had no doubt that before long his twin brother, Ross, would be making it with Beverly, too. But Randy felt no jealousy. He was so close to his twin that he was only glad that the other boy would soon know the pleasures which their sexy sister's pussy had to offer them. But Randy had to admit to himself that he was very happy that he was the first of the twin boys to make it with Beverly. It made him feel honored and privileged.

He lashed her clit faster and harder with his stiffened tongue-tip, bringing the beautiful blonde woman closer and closer to orgasm.

"Oh, God, Randy, do you know what you're doing to me?" she wailed, clawing hard at the bed with her arched fingertips in a desperate attempt to vent some of her raging lust.

The teenaged boy's wet tongue whipped her trembling clit mercilessly. As he continued to lick his sister's clit, more fuck-juice seeped into his mouth and he swallowed it down thirstily. And all the while, he kit his cock swelling more than it ever had before.

"Ooooooow shiiiiiiit, I've never felt anything like it!" Bev howled. "You're licking my clit soooo fuckin' good, Randy! I love the way you're making me feel!"

Randy continued to tongue-lash Beverly's quivering clit until she was hovering on the brink of orgasm.

"Oh, God, Randy, I'm almost there! Make me come now! I have to come or I'll lose my ever-loving fucking mind!" Bev shrilled, thrusting her wet pussy up harder against her brother's wantonly sucking mouth.

Suddenly, Randy wrapped his lips about the base of Beverly's clit and sucked for all he was worth. Then, while, she struggled to breathe beneath him, he sank his sharp teeth into the very edges of her shuddering clit. That was all it took.

"Shiiiit! I'm comnuniiinnnggg!" Beverly shouted at the top of her lungs as a powerful incestuous climax washed over her, releasing a fresh flood of cunt-juice, which Randy eagerly swallowed down.

As Beverly's orgasm peaked, Randy shoved the full length of his tongue into her cunt-hole and sh immediately clasped it with her cunt muscles.

"Ohhhhh, Randy, I love the feel of your tongue inside me!" Bev cried lustily. "But I'll love the feel of your cock inside my pussy even better!"


"Fuck me now, Randy?" Beverly begged eagerly. "Stick that big gorgeous cock of yours right up my pussy-hole!"