Paul Gable
Sister slave
"So what?" Jeanette Rogers asked, taking another bite of ice cream.
"So all you do is hang about here all day and eat me out of the fucking house!" Robin snapped.
"So? I'm your sister." Jeanette flicked her honey-blonde hair over her shoulders.
"And you're rude to Stan every time he comes here," Robin said, her wide blue eyes flaring with anger.
"Oh, fuck, Stan," Jeanette said. "He's just a jerk. All men are jerks."
She spooned another glob of ice cream into her mouth.
Robin drew her breath in hard.
"I've had it, Jeanette," she said. "Either you clean this place up while I'm away and promise to go out for a job tomorrow, or there's gonna be trouble."
"Oh yeah, what kind of trouble?" Jeanette asked, letting her little nightie ride up over her thighs. It was two in the afternoon and she hadn't dressed yet.
"You'll see," Robin said menacingly. "What happened to that job you had at the supermarket?"
"Too much work," Jeanette said. "They were always hassling me. I don't need that shit."
"Jeanette, you're twenty-two!" Robin yelled. "You have to wise up sometime!"
"Just fuck off," Jeanette snarled, "you're ruining the fucking program."
"Don't say I didn't warn you," Robin said, and walked out.
It was getting dark when Robin came back.
She stood inside the door and stared at her sister, then at the total mess that Jeanette always left everything in.
"Okay," Robin said, "absolutely last chance. Start cleaning this up, or else."
"Oh, just shut the fuck up," Jeanette said.
"Didn't ever change, huh?" Robin asked. "Okay."
She pressed the apartment entry bell twice and stood by the door, waiting. Jeanette ignored her.
It was the sounds of several footsteps on the stairs that made Jeanette look up. She curled her lip as Stan walked in.
"Hi, Jeanette," he said. He was a good looking kid, with straight fair hair and a broad strong face. His was muscular too, in a way that Jeanette found disgusting.
Then another man walked in, and Jeanette jumped off the sofa. The man dropped a very large bag just inside the door. The man was tall, muscular, slimmer than Stan, and had thick dark hair. His face had a dark side to it, Jeanette thought, but that wasn't the thing that got her to her feet.
"Hey, Jeanette, this is Galvin," Robin said.
In the doorway there was a giggle, and Jeanette turned, her face red with rage, to see another couple standing there. The man was older, probably in his late thirties or early forties. Hanging on his arm was a tall, slim, dark haired girl who couldn't have been more than nineteen. She was made up to accentuate her pouting, pretty face and her dark, smoldering eyes. She wore a black leather shirt that was open below her two small, thrusting tits and a black leather mini-skirt that was slit at the side well above her black stocking tops. On her feet were a pair of six-inch black heels. She had a black collar around her neck, and was fingering it shamelessly.
"This is Vince and Cora," Robin said. "Vince is an expert at this sort of thing, but Galvin's here to do the work. We're just here to watch and enjoy." She moved over to Stan and slipped her hand around his neck.
"Enjoy what?" Jeanette asked.
"Teaching you manners," Robin answered. "Don't say I didn't warn you."
"What the fuck are you on about?" Jeanette yelled.
"You little whore!" Galvin snarled, and lunged toward Jeanette.
"Patience, patience," Vince said coolly, stopping Galvin in mid-stride. "You must learn patience. Everything is much sweeter then."
He nodded at a chair, and Cora instantly rushed to it, brushing it off with a handkerchief. He nodded at her and sat down.
"Now, offer the lady a fair choice," he said softly. "We have all the time in the world."
"Can I get you anything, darling?" Cora asked, sinking to her knees on the carpet beside his chair and running her hands around his cock.
"A beer would be nice," he said. "It's hot outside."
"Yes, darling," Cora said, and sprang up, going into the kitchen. Her high heels clacked on the linoleum.
"Get them out of here," Jeanette snarled at Robin, "or I'll call the police."
"No you won't," Robin said.
Jeanette ran for the phone, but Galvin was there at once, grabbing her hand, twisting her wrist and flinging her back at the chair. She stumbled, but managed to stand upright.
"Sit down, you stupid cunt-faced slut," he said, and slapped her face, driving her back into the chair.
She screamed, her face ringing with pain. "You bastard! You cocksucking fucker! Get the police!"
"I thought the police were all depraved motherfuckers," Robin said.
"Shut up and get them out of here!" Jeanette screamed. "And put that beer back, it isn't yours."
Cora gave Vince the beer, pouring it out for him.
"Now this is the case of a real hard-assed bitch," Vince said, leaning over to Galvin. "I suggest you warn her once, then tie her down over the back of that chair and get to work. But nothing rushed. Take it easy, it's so much sweeter then."
He smiled gently and took a sip of beer.
"Right," Galvin said, and turned on Jeanette.
"Behave, bitch, or you'll get it."
"Get what?" Jeanette snapped, sneering at him, her hands on her hips. The fact that she still had her little nightie on and that it almost showed her tits hadn't occurred to her.
"You heard, I'll tie you down over that chair and whip your ass," Galvin said.
"Oh, right, you and who else?" Jeanette asked. But her confidence was already draining away.
"Me," Stan said.
"And me," Robin said. "And, of course, me," Vince said. "You wouldn't dare!" Jeanette screamed, backing away.
"Come on, honey, on your knees and suck my cock," Galvin said, advancing on her.
"What? You can't, I won't do that, no, let me goooooo!" Jeanette screamed as he grabbed her wrists and pulled her to him in one effortless pull. She struggled, trying to bite and scratch at him with her fingernails.
"Come on, bitch, suck my cock!" Galvin snarled, hauling her around and pushing her down to her knees.
"Galvin, will you wise up?" Vince asked. "Never rape a lady. Wait until she begs for it. She will. Now take it easy, your cock will get all it wants tonight."
"Yeah, sorry, Vince," Galvin said, and gripped Jeanette's arms behind her back, hustling her towards the low-backed chair.
"What are you doing? Let go of me, motherfucker, let me go!"
Galvin pushed her face down over the back of the chair, and Jeanette screamed, struggling for all she was worth.
"Gag the bitch," Vince said softly. "She's got a lot to learn."
Jeanette screamed again, her head craned up as she saw Stan opening the massive bag that Galvin had brought in. She had reason to scream. In the bag were an assortment of whips, chains, dildos, and other devices that almost made her sick.
"Noooo, you can't!" she wailed as Robin picked a set of small black balls out of the pile, along with a black leather gag.
"Don't say I didn't warn you," Robin said, and stuffed the balls into Jeanette's mouth.
Jeanette struggled, but she was helpless in Galvin's grip as Robin pushed the three balls between her teeth. She moaned, but Robin held them in as Stan took the gag and pushed it around Jeanette's head, pulling her lovely but dirty blonde hair out of the way.
Then Jeanette screamed helplessly, far the gag actually covered most of her face, with holes only for her nose and eyes. She heaved a great breath in through her nostrils as the gag tightened, and screamed, but hardly anything came out. The balls rolled in her mouth and it was all she could do not to swallow them.
Then they grabbed her arms and put leather bonds around them. Jeanette wailed in horror as the ropes attached to the bonds were pulled around the legs of the chair by her sister and Stan. All the time, the two of them grinned and joked with each other, while Jeanette struggled and moaned.