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SOMEWHERE THIS past year, I read that the most powerful influences upon your opinion about paranormal phenomena are your friends and family. The closer you are to the teller of a ghost story, the more likely you are to believe that the ghost in the story was a ghost, and not a raccoon or a temporal lobe seizure. Your beliefs are formed not by researchers or debunkers or television psychics, unless perhaps one of them is your mother or your good pal. Your beliefs are formed by your own experiences and those of your inner circle. And then validated by the researchers or the debunkers or the television psychics.

Now that you’ve spent 275 pages with me, I suppose I almost fall into the category of a friend, or anyway, someone that you know. And you might be wondering what it is, at this point, I believe. Has my year among the evidence-gatherers left me believing in anything I didn’t believe in a year ago? It has. It has left me believing something Bruce Greyson believes. I had asked him whether he believes that near-death experiences provide evidence of a life after death. He answered that what he believed was simply that they were evidence of something we can’t explain with our current knowledge. I guess I believe that not everything we humans encounter in our lives can be neatly and convincingly tucked away inside the orderly cabinetry of science. Certainly most things can—including the vast majority of what people ascribe to fate, ghosts, ESP, Jupiter rising—but not all. I believe in the possibility of something more—rather than in any existing something more (reincarnation, say, or dead folks who communicate through mediums). It’s not much, but it’s more than I believed a year ago.

Perhaps I’m confusing knowledge and belief. When I say I believe something, I mean I know it. But maybe belief is more subtle. A leaning, not a knowing. Is it possible to believe without knowing? While there are plenty of people who’ll tell you they know God exists, in the same way that they know that the earth is round and the sky is blue, there are also plenty of people, possibly even the majority of people who believe in God, who do not make such a claim. They believe without knowing. I remember once standing in the kitchen of my friend Tim, having a conversation about organic milk. I explained, in my usual overagitated, long-winded way, why I wasn’t yet convinced of the need to part with an extra dollar a quart. I didn’t believe in organic milk. Tim, who buys organic milk, listened to me for a while, and then he shrugged. “It’s just a decision,” he said. In other words, you don’t have to go out and read every published paper on antibiotics and bovine growth hormone, weighing those that speak for milk’s safety against those that warn of its dangers, before you can decide to believe in buying organic. You don’t need proof. You just need an inclination.

Perhaps I should believe in a hereafter, in a consciousness that zips through the air like a Simpsons rerun, simply because it’s more appealing—more fun and more hopeful—than not believing. The debunkers are probably right, but they’re no fun to visit a graveyard with. What the hell. I believe in ghosts.


PEOPLE ASSUME that authors are experts in the field about which they have chosen to write. Possibly most are. Possibly I’m the only one who begins a project from a state of near absolute ignorance. But I do, and it makes me an especially irksome presence in my sources’ lives. I ask naive, misguided questions and giggle at the wrong moments. I stay too long and grasp too little. The following names are listed in order of diminishing exasperation: Kirti Rawat, Bruce Greyson, Gerry Nahum, Gary Schwartz, Michael Persinger, Julie Beischel, Vic Tandy, Allison DuBois, Grant Sperry, and Karl Jansen, please accept my thanks for your patience and generosity and my apologies for the limits of my experience and the blind spots of my mindset.

For miscellaneous offerings of wisdom and arcane fact, a formal bow to Jürgen Altmann, Peter Copeland, Marco Falconi, Jürgen Graaff, Lew Hollander, Jr., Nan Knight, Greg Laing, Anne LeVeque, His Excellency Pasquale Macchi, Peggy Pearl, Dean Radin, Eric Ravussin, Colleen Phelan, Julie Rousseau, Michael Sabom, Pim van Lommel, and Valerie Wheat. A tip of the hat to Kim Wong, Susan Grizzle, and Wes Lange, who got me into the operating room and out of a logistical pickle; to everyone at the Grotto; and to the ever-miraculous interlibrary loan staff of the San Francisco Public Library.

Lester, Ruby Jean, and Lloyd Blackwelder must have their own paragraph, because they not only helped me and trusted me with their story, they practically adopted me. If I could bake, I’d send you a persimmon pie.

I hesitate to thank Jay Mandel as my agent, because that is only one of the many hats I force him to wear on my behalf: reader, advisor, hand-holder, career counselor. You make it all easy. Similarly indispensable guidance and good humor came from Jill Bialosky, who has the gall to be as gifted an editor as she is a writer. The two of you have taken me on an incredible trip, for which I am deeply, unabashedly grateful.

A book is a collective undertaking, and this one, like the last, benefited tremendously from the talents of Bill Rusin and the rest of the Norton sales staff, Deirdre O’Dwyer, Erin Sinesky, and Jamie Keenan, whose covers make my heart fizz.

And then there is Ed, to whom every mushy cliché applies and none does justice.


Chapter 1: You Again

Angel, Leonard. “Empirical Evidence for Reincarnation? Examining Stevenson’s ‘Most Impressive’ Case.” Skeptical Inquirer 18: 481–87 (Fall 1994).

Bertholet, D. Alfred. The Transmigration of Souls. Translated by Rev. H. J. Chaytor. London and New York: Harper & Brothers, 1909.

Hopkins, Edward W., ed. The Ordinances of Manu. London: Trübner, 1884.

O’Connell, Rev. J. B. The Celebration of Mass: A Study of the Rubrics of the Roman Missal. Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing, 1944.

Stevenson, Ian. Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation, 2d ed. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1980.

——. Reincarnation and Biology. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1997.

Tucker, Jim B. “A Scale to Measure the Strength of Children’s Claims of Previous Lives: Methodology and Initial Findings.” Journal of Scientific Exploration 14 (4): 571–81.

Chapter 2: The Little Man Inside the Sperm, or Possibly the Big Toe

Ackerknecht, Erwin, and Henri V. Vallois. Franz Joseph Gall, Inventor of Phrenology, and His Collection. Wisconsin Studies in Medical History, No. 1. Translated by Claire St. Léon. Madison, WI: Department of History of Medicine, University of Wisconsin Medical School, 1956.

Bailey, Percival. “The Seat of the Soul.” Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, Summer 1959: 417–41.

Dobell, Clifford. Antony van Leeuwenhoek and His “Little Animals.” New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1932.

Ford, Norman. When Did I Begin? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Gall, Franz J. Sur les fonctions du cerveau et sur celles de chacune de ses parties… Paris: J. B. Baillière, 1825.

Grüsser, O. J. “On the ‘Seat of the Soul’: Cerebral Localization Theories in Mediaeval Times and Later.” In Brain—Perception—Cognition: Proceedings of the 18th Göttingen Neurobiology Conference, edited by Norbert Elsner and Gerhard Roth. New York and Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag, 1990.

Kaitaro, Timo. “La Peyronie and the Experimental Search for the Souclass="underline" Neuropsychological Methodology in the Eighteenth Century.” Cortex 32: 557–64 (1996).