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Jeffrey laughed for the first time in days. 'He really thinks he's gonna walk away from this?'

'His lawyer indicated he'd be open to probation with time served.'

Jeffrey laughed again. He was suddenly looking forward to seeing Fred Bart.

Nick turned serious. 'I want your read on the lawyer. Something's going on there.'

'All right,' Jeffrey agreed. 'You got the goods?'

Nick handed him a folder, then reached under the desk and buzzed the door open. Jeffrey followed him to the back, thinking that even though only a few days had passed, the building had an air of neglect to it. Don Cook wasn't exactly a leader, and it was going to take someone with a strong personality and a lot of experience to help the town recover from Valentine's betrayal. Jeffrey gave the man two months before he stepped down, took his retirement and went fishing for the rest of his life.

A tripod with a digital camera on top stood outside the small conference room. Nick rapped his knuckles on the door as he opened it.

'Finally,' Bart said, as if he was glad to see them.

Jeffrey threw the file Nick had given him on the table, then he held out his hand, introducing himself to Bart's lawyer. The man didn't offer his name, and Jeffrey guessed from his expensive suit and fancy haircut that he was more at home in Atlanta than Elawah County.

Nick indicated the camera. 'Just let me get this set up.' He whistled under his breath as he placed the tripod at the head of the table, moving it just so, acting like he had all the time in the world. Jeffrey knew he was just trying to make the dentist antsy, but the technique was working on Jeffrey, too. By the time Nick was finished, Jeffrey was almost squirming in his chair.

Nick sat down beside Jeffrey, opposite Fred Bart and his lawyer. For the sake of the camera, he said, 'I'm Nick Shelton with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. Beside me is Grant County Chief of Police Jeffrey Tolliver, who will be leading this interview. That okay with you boys?'

The lawyer nodded. He was a burly man, his hair shaved close to his head. Jeffrey wondered if he had something tattooed on his scalp.

Bart said, 'Can we get this over with?'

Jeffrey opened the file on the table. He fanned out the photographs they had found in a folder on Jake Valentine's desk. Judging from the charred debris in his wastebasket, there had been more photographs, but Valentine had taken care to make sure it was only Fred Bart and Boyd Gibson implicated in the surveillance photos. The sheriff had been telling Jeffrey the truth when he said he'd called the GBI. Nick's office had logged a call on his voice mail about an hour before Jeffrey and Sara had gotten to the jail. Valentine had sounded giddy as he laid out the case of the drug-pin dentist.

Fred Bart barely glanced at the photographs. The pictures were grainy, but they still managed to tell a story. Jeffrey tapped his finger on the top one, which showed Fred Bart with Boyd Gibson smoking cigarettes outside an abandoned-looking warehouse. Behind them, a drug transaction was taking place. Another photo showed Bart in his Jag passing off a stack of money to Boyd Gibson, All the photos pointed the finger at Fred Bart as being the meth mastermind in town with Gibson as his muscle.

Bart blustered, 'Obviously, those have been doctored.'

'I'm sure you can find an expert to tell that to a jury,' Jeffrey admitted. Jake Valentine had done a good job setting up the dentist. If Lena hadn't seen the tattoo under the sheriff's arm, no one would have questioned Valentine's evidence – or Bart's death in his own homegrown meth lab, courtesy of Clint Jones.

Jeffrey told him, 'Your bank account shows a cash deposit of over two hundred thousand dollars Friday morning.'

'I was in my office with patients. I have no idea what you're talking about.'

'You mean your office where they found enough meth to powder a ski slope?' He paused. 'Jake was ready to hand the GBI the bust of a lifetime.'

Bart shook his head slowly side to side. 'I have no idea what you're talking about.'

Jeffrey laid it out for the man. 'You're looking at the death penalty.'

The lawyer interjected, 'My client is cooperating in every way he knows how.'

'He shot a man in cold blood in front of a police detective.'

'She was high,' Bart protested, much as Nick had predicted. 'With the amount of chemicals in that room, I'm surprised she even remembers she was there. You know what she did to Jake. She cut off his hand! That's not the action of a thinking person.'

Jeffrey thought it was the action of somebody who didn't want to die. 'You injected my wife with a sedative.'

'Jake would've hurt her if I hadn't knocked her out. Mark my words. He was a violent man.'

The lawyer stiffened. Jeffrey would have missed it if he hadn't been watching.

Jeffrey asked Bart, 'How were you protecting Charlotte Gibson in the back of that Escalade?'

'I've already told your friend here that wasn't me,' Bart insisted. 'I was at home watching TV that night.'

' Lena 's willing to make a positive ID.'

Bart flashed a smile. 'It's my understanding that the perpetrator of that crime was masked.'

'Yeah,' Jeffrey agreed. 'But it's hard to hide behind a mask when you've got little ferret teeth.'

Bart covered his mouth with his hand before he could stop himself.

Jeffrey said, 'Tell me about Boyd Gibson.'

The lawyer seemed to perk up at the sound of Gibson's name. Was Fred Bart the only person in the room who didn't realize the guy was working the other side? Jeffrey would've loved to roll up the man's sleeves, look for any tattoos he might have.

Jeffrey repeated, 'Boyd Gibson?'

Bart talked slowly, moving his lips as little as possible as if he could hide his teeth. 'Jake told me what happened,' he said. 'Clint and Boyd never got along, but Jake kept them in line. He told them to burn down Hank's bar. Lena had spent some time there and Jake didn't like her poking around. He was trying to scare her off.'

'So?' Jeffrey prompted.

'So, Jake said that they poured gasoline around the outside of the bar. Clint threw a match on it, but then Boyd started yelling about how Hank kept some money inside, stuffed under a floorboard or something.'

'He ran into a burning building to get cash?'

Jeffrey asked, thinking that if Bart was telling the truth, Jeffrey had risked his life to save one of the stupidest bastards on earth.

Bart nodded. 'At that point, you came along. Boyd got away and he met up with Clint in the woods. They had some kind of argument. I told you these men were hotheaded.' Bart paused for effect. 'At any rate, Clint ended up stabbing Boyd.'

'And then what?'

'And then he had to tell Jake.'

'What about the knife?'

'Clint didn't want to lose his knife – it was expensive – so he used one he'd… found.' The man held out his hands in an open shrug. 'Mind you, I got this story second-hand from Jake, so I can't confirm the veracity.'

'Yeah,' Jeffrey said. 'I understand that.' He crossed his arms. 'Did Jake say whose idea it was to throw Boyd's body into my hotel room?'

'His. Jake thought if your wife got scared enough, you'd leave town.'

Jeffrey asked, 'What about Charlotte Gibson?'

'Jake got worried because she was talking to Lena.'

'So Jake torched her?'

'Yes. Jake liked to send messages.'

'Is that right?'


Jeffrey remembered what Lena had said about Bart's last words to Valentine, the anger that had boiled up between the two men. The dentist had been supplementing his income with meth since Valentine was in diapers. He'd been the big man in town until Myra had married her college sweetheart.

'Lemme get this straight.' Jeffrey summarized, counting off the dead bodies on his fingers as he said, 'Clint Jones killed Boyd Gibson, Jake killed Charlotte and of course you were kind enough to shoot Clint in – what – self-defense? I guess leaving Lena and Sara in the house to die was some kind of oversight on your part?'