It was actually funny for Ormack to watch and listen to McLanahan as he worked — his interphone sounded like a series of unintelligible grunts and incomplete sentences. Ormack would see a cursor zip across the big screen, and he would hear a guttural “Pick.” A submenu would appear, and Patrick would read the information, then utter a quick “Close” to erase the display and return it to the main God’s-eye display. Every second was like that. McLanahan would be manipulating several different windows on the SMFD at once, zooming around each window, calling up streams of data that would be visible for only seconds at a time, and all while letting fly with a stream of seemingly random words: “Radar… pick… close… zoom… zoom… close… one… five… close… pick… pick one… close… track… one… left.… close…”
Weapon-status information was arranged along the bottom of the display so both crew members could check their weapon status instantly. McLanahan could resize any display, move displays around the SMFD, and even program certain displays to appear or disappear when a timer expired or when he switched in or out of certain modes. He was getting very adept at using his left index finger to move or change displays while his right hand worked a keyboard or hit the voice-command button mounted on the control stick on the side instrument panel.
To Ormack, it was like watching a kid play six different video games at once. McLanahan was flashing the different screens around the SMFD at an astounding rate. He was calling up radar images, scanning for fighters, setting up his bombing systems, talking on the radio, monitoring terrain, and sending messages on SATCOM, all with incredible speed and without missing one bit of information. “Wait a minute, Patrick, wait a minute,” Ormack said over the interphone in absolute frustration. “You had the radar screen up for just a few seconds and then you took it down. Why?”
McLanahan put the radar image back on the left side of the SMFD so Ormack could see it clearly and explained, “Because all I need to check on that screen is whether or not the crosshairs fell close to the offset aimpoint — here…” He pointed to the screen.
“I don’t see anything.”
McLanahan touched the circular crosshairs on the radar display and a menu appeared. He slid his finger down to a legend that read, 1/10 MRES. The screen instantly changed to show a tiny white dot near a cluster of buildings. A circular cursor was superimposed over the dot, with a set of thin crosshairs lying right on it. “Here’s the offset, a grain storage bin.” He motioned to a set of numbers in a corner of the enlarged display. “Crosshairs are within a hundred feet of the offset, so I know the system is good. I also check for terrain, but since we’re VFR and heads out of the cockpit, and it’s so flat around here anyway, I don’t have to spend too much time worrying about the terrain — the nearest high terrain is Devil’s Tower, over fifty miles away.”
“I get it,” Ormack said. “You also don’t want to be transmitting that long either, right? The fighters can pick up your radar emissions…”
“I was transmitting for about three seconds,” McLanahan explained. “I was in ‘Radiate’ on the radar long enough to get this image, then shut down. But the bombing computer digitizes the radar image and stores it in screen memory until I release it. I can complete the rest of the bomb run with a radar image that’s over two minutes old, and aim on it right up to release. When we get closer to the target I’ll start fine-aiming on the release offsets, which are much more precise, but right now I’m trying to find those fighters.”
“How does that compare with the satellite data you received?”
“There is no comparison,” McLanahan said with true enthusiasm in his voice. “The NIRTSat stuff is incredible — and I thought, sitting here in the most incredible machine I’ve ever seen, that I’d seen it all. I can’t wait to see the data from the Philippines that we’re supposed to be collecting as well.”
He punched instructions into a keyboard, and the graphic display of the terrain and symbols on the SMFD changed — it was as if he had switched from a fuzzy tum-of-the-century snapshot to a high-resolution color laser photo. The image was slightly different from the main SMFD display, but it still showed the ribbon “highway” of the pre-planned route, the timing and mileage icons, and target markers throughout the area. “The strike computer has already redrawn the route to real-time data — our route of flight goes farther west, and the launch point for the SLAM missile is earlier than before.”
McLanahan zoomed in on the target area and switched from a bird’s-eye view to a God’s-eye view, which showed the target area from directly above but enhanced to show objects in three dimensions. “There’s a whole row of simulated mobile-missile launchers out here…?” McLanahan touched the screen and zoomed in closer to rows of cylinders on flatbed trailers. “They all look the same, but I think we can break out the real ones on the next NIRTSat pass. We should be receiving the new data in a few minutes.
“Watch this, John — with the NIRTSat data, I’ve already seen what the bomb run and missile launch will look like.” McLanahan changed the screen again to show a photograph-quality view of the same cylinders. “Here’s what the computer thinks the SLAM missile will see a few seconds before impact — the computer doesn’t know which one is the real one, so it’s aiming for the middle one in the group.” He changed screens again, this time to a more conventional-looking green and white high-res radar image. “Here’s the computer’s predictions for the target-area radar-release offsets, based on the NIRTSat data. Here’s the mountain peak and grain-storage bins I was just using… here are the two release offsets. I can start aiming on these offsets and not touch anything until release.”
“Amazing,” Ormack said. “Friggin’ amazing. The NIRTSat system does away with shadow graphs, year-old intelligence data, hand-drawn predictions, even charts — you have everything you need to do a bomb run right here…”
“And I received it only thirty minutes ago,” McLanahan added. “You can launch NIRTSat-equipped bombers on a mission with no pre-planned targets whatsoever. You no longer need to build a sortie package, brief crews, schedule simulator missions, or get intelligence briefings. You just load up a bomber with gas and bombs and send it off. One NIRTSat pass later, the crew gets all its charts, all its intelligence, all its weapon-release aimpoints, all its terrain data, and all its threat data in one instant — and the computer will plot out a strike route based on the new data, build a flight plan, then fly the flight plan with the autopilot plugged into the strike computers. The crew can replay the satellite data from the point of view of the flight plan and can even dry-run the bomb run hours before the real bomb run begins.”
McLanahan then switched the SMFD screen back to the original tactical display, but this time with NIRTSat data inserted into it. “Unfortunately, you can’t search for fighters with the NIRTSat data,” he said, “and it takes a few seconds of radar time to update the screen…”