Slathering in packets, skulls surrounding in the hour of my way
Sucking all my weight up through my body to my ideas
My heat, my limbs, my lust pulled into dust, days
All the scramming shit and mounds forever wedged in here now
In such strobing robes of light of we
And overhead the sky increasing, already having sucked its surface spotless
And underneath, the light-horizon, torched with tunnels of new smoke
Soft bodies blurting out a scrim of black so long and wide it could not be measured
Shit burst in replicate commotion spreading through and through the gone
Though my new eyes inside the eyes inside me
Older than water
Wider than all air
Opening the floor you’d carried in you hid forever
Floors into the day
In the room again I turned again to see what I had become
Inside the turning soon I tried to stop as I had started and could not stop
The day was spinning, so I was spinning
I found the room controlled by light
Spools were bursting from some center no longer included in the room’s shape
The screen had quadrupled in its size
The film was blacker than my fever
The shape had disappeared
Or it had moved to some point in the room around me
The room just shook and shook
My spinning in the shaking at once made the other seem like calm
Like any day at all forever
I threw up gray
I threw up gold
Each time I said or thought or felt inside me the want for it to stop it went on twice as fast and twice as hard
I threw up all the colors I remembered
All the colors of the Cone
I felt the colors all surround me
I got down on my knees
I went to squeeze the day against me in a warm way and found it no longer at all there
No fold but just my arms now
I felt the air turn inside out again around me though in a different way than just before
And in my acknowledgement of knowing it had done that it did exactly that again
And then again then and then again then
Increasing in its pace until I could no longer tell when it had happened
What was becoming
Under great sun, without number
We were so large now in the house now
The houses there surrounding all surrendered and made cold
We were liquid, snug with vision, so much of all that someone stitching into me, stitched
We in the day had such dimension
The rooms drawn cold and clinging to my face
In each room there was and would be someone
The man, the men, the child, me, you
Each of us a body
Each in skin
All of it thinning by the hour, in the house, our whole
Each room around our mush went on for our whole lives each
The mold grew quickly, barking color, prism panes
There were gardens
I was young then, I had a burnt mind and clean lungs, I had a body
All of we did
All of we never have
There was wire
The weeks controlled themselves and passed in ash
The years were greasing
The house all bloated and the choirs in our eyes
The girth of burnt flesh in the hardened ocean
The liquidated sun
The way the ground had lurched to smack the sky
To mash against our groaning bodies, squeeze us leaking out the sides
All bent in black above our format
Around each sound the world went on
This had happened many times before and would and would and would again
Floors and floors of doors for years held up above us and below with our skin folding into cities, waiting
Unto no threshold
I’d asked you not to come this far
I asked you suncloaked in the blanking
Those turned up backwards in the smear
Those who I would recognize even dismantled, bring them to me
Bring me those who I would not
Each of us another day for us beginning
Please, as this light is too much light for any hour with our name writ in the crease
You there folding under no night, or laying silent, or walking low on along a longer wall
Now you are in here
Now you must watch our shape revolve
You cannot see the shape but you can be it
It is your body in your sleep
It is the blood in your cerebrum
It has been always
Nights now this house is very still
The walls are walls and air is walls and you are walls and I am walls
There are the birds
Their eggs lain in our folding
When I move my mouth I hear them hulk
I hear the words they must surrender
I hear them spit up in their babies’ mouths, into yours
The words
They cream and cream inside my mind for hours
This long evening
Any evening
A song comes out but there’s no sound
What hold had come for us again, what years of frying nothing in clasp of corridors encombed, the blue long buildings in a prism captured and ingested and choked upon and bent and shat into the light to writhe again among the manner of a person, a brimming body with out lungs and load of veins milked without waking, it would not bend, it would not cease, inside the mounds I walked for hours even unnamed and was still right there with all the towers underground in tones all ending and beginning in such succession I could no longer recall having heard any single one of them alone at all and had always been only on in endless drift of furor, there had never been a wall, no edge of leg of lymph between me and my mind or child or range of age, the Cone had pulled us all apart again only for pleasure, a ream of bees flexed from our squat, the machines we had imagined in depression to have beings to have bodies to have glow, a tired light that filled the houses while all through all air the words went on and books turned open and emphatic spraying ink into the ink, any word forever having changed unnumbered times up till the instant of our seeing and looking down and framing in, syllables in their eternal damage milked and quilted through what linings any hour could contain while through the halls our skins changed textures and changed tone and did not move and the digits flashed all through our eyes where we were hungry or were horny or were blown, the child inside the child again all screaming disease eating money humping torrents watching serpents controlling nothing in the tone’s light in the Cone’s name come down again to clasp against the blank we’d always aimed and build edges and build rooms there and resound while for each inch there were a thousand faces and for each face a thousand eyes and in each eye a thousand colors and in each color every sound and in each sound all of the words already named and unremembered where in each memory a lock, locks laid in doors and doors unending through the milk there into corridors we called our flesh of lard so large we could not shave it in the hour of the sun and so again must split again and live it and begin it and need more and never have enough in any instance to be silent and eat the magnet and live where we had already been before