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Braelyn licked off a few beads of water from the tip of his cock as she cupped his balls. He moaned and thrust his hips forward. She started at the base of his shaft and dragged her tongue up toward the head. It twitched, and a bit of pre-cum leaked from the slit. Her pussy clenched as an ache built deep inside it.

With a firm grasp on him, she opened her mouth and took as much as she could handle inside. As if he were still pretending to be a werewolf, Skylar let loose with a loud wolf-like growl. The sound went straight to her pussy, causing it to grow even wetter.

She bobbed her head as he slid in and out of her mouth. The salty taste, musky scent of him, and the sounds he made had her blood heating. He grew even harder. With a strangled moan, Skylar pulled her away and yanked her to her feet. He then lifted her, urging her to put her legs around his waist. He cupped her ass in his hands, held her in position and surged up into her pussy with one stroke.

Braelyn put her arms around his neck as he spread his feet to better brace himself and then moved her up and down his shaft. In a show of just how strong he actually was, Skylar thrust up into her as he continued to lift her. Her eyes drifted shut as wave after wave of pleasure washed through her, pushing her release closer to the surface.

“Keep going,” she said with a moan. “Just a little bit more.”

“Come for me, babe. I’m right there with you.”

A few more strokes and they both came at the same time. Her pussy clutched at his cock as it pulsed deep inside her. Lost in the moment, drowning in the pleasurable sensations taking her over, Braelyn cried out, “Oh god, I love you, Skylar.”

After her body settled, she realized what she’d said. Embarrassed, thinking she might have jumped the gun a bit, she tried to put her head on Skylar’s shoulder to hide her face. But he didn’t let her get away with that.

“Look at me, Braelyn,” he said in a low voice. When she reluctantly did, he ran his gaze over her face, his eyes shining with what she could only guess was the same emotion she felt. “You didn’t say anything wrong. I love you too.”

“But it’s too soon. I don’t want you to think I only said it because you gave me an incredible night of sex.”

He smiled. “It was that good, huh?” His face then grew serious. “I’m a firm believer in when you’ve met the right person you know you want to spend the rest of your life with them. I want that with you, Braelyn, and knew the instant I saw you crossing that street. I’m not ever letting you go.”

Not usually a crier, she felt herself choke up. “I’m good with that, because I doubt I could ever let you leave me. I’d end up being one of those women who stalks the man who dumped her and can’t let go.”

“There’s no chance of that happening.” Even though he was still hard, Skylar pulled out of her and let her down on her feet. She sighed in disappointment. “None of that now. There will be plenty of time for making love after we’ve taken care of business with Roxie.” He turned them and angled her under the spray of the shower. “But that doesn’t mean I have to give up the pleasure of washing every inch of you.”

It ended up being the best shower Braelyn had ever had.

* * *

Skylar couldn’t stop sneaking looks at Braelyn as he drove them to Roxie’s place to pick her up. Braelyn was his, all his. He hadn’t expected to claim her as his mate quite so soon, or without her at least knowing what he truly was, but he couldn’t complain about the end result. She loved him, had even said so out loud. And even though it had been sort of a game between them, she played along with him being a werewolf. Not that she had any inkling there was nothing hypothetical about him being one. He had high hopes she’d be able to accept him for what he was without any freaking out, especially since she’d said she would be able to handle seeing him in his wolf form. Even if she had compared him to a dog.

At the gated entrance to Beowulf and Roxie’s property, Skylar buzzed up to the house. He heard Roxie’s voice over the intercom telling him to come on up as the gate slowly swung open.

“Roxie has a nice place,” Braelyn said when they drove up the long drive.

“This was her husband, Beowulf’s, family home. His parents left it to him. He used to live here with only his younger brother, Wade. Now that Wade is married as well, he lives in Napa Valley on the vineyard his wife, Taryn, runs. So now it’s just Beowulf and Roxie, and the soon-to-be addition to their family.”

“Sounds as if you know them pretty well.”

“I do. So do the rest of my family. If we’re not here, Beowulf and Roxie are over at our place.” Skylar parked the car in the circular part of the drive, close to the front door, and turned off the engine. “A word of warning. Roxie is probably going to be a little pissed off with me. Just ignore her. She’ll settle down once all three of us have had that talk I told you about last night. I think it would be better if we held off doing that until we go to my house.”

He saw Braelyn didn’t really understand what he meant by everything he’d said from the unsure expression she wore. “This chat you want to have with Roxie, it isn’t anything bad, is it?” she asked.

“No,” he said quickly to reassure her. “Not at all. It will just be easier on me to have Roxie with us when we have this particular discussion.”

“All right.”

They both got out of the car, and Skylar linked his hand with Braelyn’s as they walked to the front door. He knocked once and opened the door. “Roxie?” he called.

“I’m in the kitchen.”

Skylar guided Braelyn through the house to the kitchen. Roxie was there drinking from a bottle of water. She smiled when she saw him, but it slipped a bit when her gaze landed on Braelyn.

“Skylar,” she said slowly, “is there a reason why you didn’t come alone?”

He steeled himself for what would come next. “Yes, a very good one.” At Roxie’s glare, he rushed ahead with the introductions. “Braelyn, this is Roxie. Roxie, this is Braelyn.”

Roxie turned her gaze onto Braelyn. “It’s nice to meet you. I’d recognize you anywhere. You’re even prettier in person.”

“Thanks,” Braelyn said. “It’s nice to meet you as well. Skylar told me you have used his family’s protection services for a while now.”

Roxie’s gaze flitted over to him briefly to give him another glare, then returned to Braelyn. “It’s true, though I was reluctant to have them around in the beginning. Now I’m used to it.” She looked at him again. “So, Skylar, did you have that chat you were supposed to have with Braelyn first, or did you take a page from your brothers’ book and went ahead and did it anyway?”

“I didn’t, and I wasn’t the only party involved. A man can only take so much before he loses his head and gives his woman what she wants.”

Roxie rolled her eyes. “How convenient. I suppose we’ll be having that chat with Braelyn later?”

“That’s what’s I planned on.” Skylar saw Braelyn looking between him and Roxie, more than likely a bit lost in the conversation going on around her. He decided it would be best to change the subject. “Well, Roxie, are you almost ready to go? We have to stop by Braelyn’s parents’ house first so she can change, then we’ll head out to Marin County.”

“I just have to grab my purse from the living room.”

“Beowulf went with the others?” Saskia had told him when she’d phone the night before that Beowulf and a few of his pack members were going to go to the meeting with Miles, but would stay out of sight unless things turned ugly and they were needed.

“Yeah. I should be okay for a few hours. I made him promise. I’m not in any condition to be going through that right now. I have enough going on.”