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So reluctantly, she finished her work on Saturday, took a long hot shower, and dressed in a pair of her comfy jeans and a T-shirt. Pulling her hair into a ponytail she swiped gloss over her lips, picked up her purse and keys and headed for what she was sure would turn into a lecture. On the drive to the Halliday ranch, she rehearsed all the things she would say to Katie to explain why she wasn’t going to see Alex anymore. By the time she pulled into the turnaround in front of the house, she had her resolutions firmly in place.

But it wasn’t Katie who opened the door. Instead, she was shocked to see Alex, in tight jeans and a knit collared shirt that showed every sexy line of his body. Liz stood rooted to the spot, stunned and speechless.

Alex reached for her hand and tugged her into the house. “Don’t be mad at Katie and Reece. I made a pest of myself, and I think they said yes just to shut me up.”

“Yes?” Liz frowned, still trying to gather her wits together. “About what?”

“About being alone with you outside of Rawhide.” He was drawing her further into the house, and she seemed powerless to resist. “You wouldn’t answer my calls, wouldn’t come to the club. I was going nuts.”

She realized they were in the great room, the lamps turned down low and music playing softly from the built-in speakers. Her eyes tracked around the room, spotting a tray on the coffee table with wine in a cooler and two glasses, and a tray of cheese and crackers next to it. She started to back away, but Alex held firmly to her hand.

“No. I’m not letting you run away this time.” He put her purse and keys on a side table and grabbed her other hand, turning her to face him. “I don’t know what this is between us, Liz, but it’s damn sure more than some hot D/s play. And I want to pursue it. To see if it’s what I think it is.”

Her stomach knotted. “And if it isn’t? You just walk off into the sunset? Thanks for the ride?”

“You might be the one to do the walking,” he pointed out. “But I don’t think that’s gonna happen. Either way.” She tried to pull her hands away, but he tightened his hold on them. “At least sit down and talk to me.” He grinned. “I’d hate to waste such good wine.” He brushed his lips over hers. “Half an hour, Liz. Tell me what’s wrong. If we can’t resolve this I promise, I’ll back off. Please.”

Liz worried her bottom lip, her body and her emotions in a tailspin. Just the touch of his hand heated her entire body. And something else, deep inside her, was clawing to get out.

Take a chance, Liz.

She heard Katie’s words in her head, sighed, and nodded. Maybe it was time to unload her baggage. If Alex wasn’t serious about this and he dumped her, at least maybe she’d be ready when someone else came along.

But she sure hoped it didn’t turn out that way, because she couldn’t deny her feelings for him any longer.

“All right. I guess at the very least I owe you an explanation. Then we’ll see.”

He smiled at her with a mixture of relief and heat, threaded his fingers through her hair to hold her head in place and kissed her with a hunger that burned through her body. His tongue was a live wire, washing fire over every interior surface of her mouth, jolting her clear down to her now pulsating cunt. Oh, god, how quickly she melted into him, heart pounding, body crying out for him.

He kissed her and kissed her until she had no breath left and didn’t care. She held onto his wrists for dear life, anchoring herself. She was so lost, drifting on an erotic current that swept away reason. When he lifted his mouth from hers, her head was swimming and her bones had turned to liquid.

“Now that’s the reaction I was looking for.” Alex’s voice was low, his drawl as thick as sorghum. “I think a little wine is in order.” He kissed her eyelids and her cheeks, then took her hand and led her unresistingly to the couch.

She was still trying to pull her scattered wits together when she found a full wine glass in her hands. Alex touched his to hers gently, the sound a faint chime.

“To us,” he said. “I hope.”

Liz sipped at the amber liquid, taking her time to collect herself. Her first instinct—to run like hell—didn’t seem to be an option anymore. Alex took one of her hands in his, his thumb caressing the knuckle, then lifted it to his mouth and licked it gently. Shivers skated down her spine. When he dropped her hand and sat back on the couch, she felt as if something vital was missing.

“Let me start this,” he said. “We’re great at Rawhide. Incredible. You don’t need me to tell you that. But Liz, you’re an extraordinary woman who appeals to me on every level. I want more with you. I want to strengthen this connection that I know you feel, too. And I don’t believe it’s just the so-called keeping up appearances for your workers that’s holding you back. If you don’t share my feelings, tell me now and we’ll be done. But if you do, I want to know what’s going on here.”

Liz took a healthy swallow of wine, needing the liquid courage. She’d gotten herself into this corner. Now she had to decide if she wanted out or not.

Just let it out. If he’s insulted, so be it. If he runs, he runs. But right now, you’re only hiding from yourself.

She dropped her gaze to her hands, hyperaware of his fingers at her nape, stroking, soothing, feeling the infinite patience in his posture. She drained her glass and held it out for a refill.

Alex chuffed a little laugh. “Is it so bad you have to get drunk to tell me?”

“Maybe.” She still didn’t look at him. She waited until he’d poured more of the amber liquid into the goblet, opened her mouth, and just let it all roll out. Every pitiful detail. All of her humiliation.

When she finished she waited for him to say something, but he was silent, his fingers still stroking, easing. She was almost afraid to look at him. Just at the moment when she was ready to jerk away and head for the door, he took her wine glass from her fingers and set it on the table. Then, effortlessly, he lifted and settled her on his lap, trailing kisses over her cheekbones, her jawline, down the column of her neck. The knot in the pit of her stomach slowly eased, and she found herself leaning into him.

When he spoke, his voice sounded harsh, but his anger was obviously not directed at her.

“If I ever meet that asshole, he’ll be lucky if there’s enough left of him to pick up with a towel.” He nibbled her ear lobe. “Men like that aren’t…really men. They’re cowards who get their power from abusing others.” He cupped her chin and turned her face, forcing her to look at him. “If I thought you really believed I could do that to you I’d be even angrier, but I’m going to assume you’re just in self-protection mode.”

Liz nodded, unable to say anything.

Alex cleared his throat. “So I’m going to say this and hope you believe me. From the minute I met you, I wanted you, but not as just a fling. A toy. I could sense your depth as a person and felt a connection I’ve never felt with anyone else. I can’t promise you nothing will ever go wrong, Liz, but I can promise you, I’ll do my damndest to prevent it. I want a future with you, one in which we’re equals every place except the bedroom. Are you willing to take a chance on that?”

She drew in a very shaky breath and let it out. “Yes. I want that, too.”

There. She’d said it.

“Good. Then I have a suggestion. If you don’t want to go to your place yet, don’t want the staff to see my car parked there, will you come home with me?”

Okay, here was her next big decision. If they were truly going to have a relationship, she couldn’t hide it. And couldn’t be bullied by the people looking for a chink in her armor. Katie had said it. If they didn’t like it, if they gave her trouble, well, she’d just fire them and hire someone else. Suddenly, it all seemed so simple. She took the leap, and it wasn’t nearly as bad as she’d feared.