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“I really want that trust, because I have to tell you, I want to be with you very, very much. I think we could enjoy each other.” When she didn’t say anything, he asked, “Did you come here tonight just to watch? Or are you here to play?” He pinched a nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Hard. “Because if it’s the latter, I want to be the one you play with.

Desire spread through her like wet heat, burning her. She licked her lips again. “To…to play. I came to play.”

“And would you like to play with me?” He pinched her nipple again, this time maintaining the pressure.

She gasped at the bolt of pleasure.

“We are two different people here,” he assured her in his low, deep drawl. “That’s the beauty of a place like Rawhide. We can be anyone we want.” He bent his head closer and bit the lobe of her ear. “I will take very good care of you. I give you my word on that.”

Liz looked around. Everyone in the lounge was occupied. The dungeon master lounging against one wall looked at her and smiled, giving a slight nod of his head. Okay. So Reece and Katie had probably said something to him, and he was telling her Alex was okay. It wouldn’t do for a friend of the owner to be hurt in this club. So, did she want to take this chance?

Yes! The word resounded in her head.

“Yes,” she breathed. “I would like that.”

He stood up and held out a hand to her. “Then come with me. We’ll find a room that suits us and see how well we do together.”

Chapter Three

There was no light in the room except for a lamp in the corner and a spotlight shining down on the wide leather bench.

Alex studied the woman standing before him, sensing a skittishness he often found in horses that had been mistreated by their masters. Was that what had happened to Liz Gillibrand. Had some man abused her trust?

She was striking, with her strawberry blonde hair and her startling green eyes, and skin that, despite hours in the sun, still had a delicate appearance to it. His cock pressed painfully against the restraining leather of his pants, making him aware of just how much he was attracted to this woman.

“Take off your clothes,” he told her in a firm voice. “Now.”

Her hands trembled slightly as she obediently she reached behind her neck and unfastened the button holding the halter top in place. Just as slowly, she undid the one keeping the rest of the fabric in place, folded the garment, and set it on a nearby chair.

When she unzipped the short skirt and let it slide down her legs, Alex had to stop himself from dropping to his knees in front of her and lapping at her cunt. Jesus, she was a feast. Slender from all her hard work with the horses but still with nicely rounded curves he wanted to run his hands over. He’d been with a lot of women in his life, but he’d never met one who turned him on the way Liz Gillibrand did, or who reached out to him so emotionally. He had to be careful here. He had a very strong sense she was dealing with issues of some kind, and he needed to work around them very carefully.

“Leave your boots on for the moment, take off your thong and hand it to me,” he commanded.

She shimmied out of the scrap of material and held it out to him on her fingertips. He crushed it to his nose, inhaling her musk. Then he tossed it to the chair where the rest of her clothes were. He had developed a reputation of iron control, but now he was flirting dangerously with it. What had started as a gamed to him, a way to interact with a woman who turned him on, had suddenly turned into something far deeper, and he needed to be very, very careful here.

“Now the boots. But turn the other way when you reach down to take them off. I want to see your ass and your pussy.”

She turned obediently and bent down to remove first one boot, then the other. Her ass was provocatively displayed, and as she widened her stance to work on the boots, he saw the tempting sight of her glistening cunt.

His cock swelled so painfully he wondered if he’d damaged himself. Heat surged through his balls. He couldn’t ever remember a time when he’d reacted this way to a woman. Or even allowed himself to imagine it. He was a Dom very comfortable in his own skin, well respected, and not looking for anything permanent. He enjoyed his single status too much. Until now. This woman was about to turn his life upside down and she didn’t even know it.

“Now turn and face me,” he commanded. “And keep your hands at your sides.”

He lifted a set of nipple clamps from the table at the side and pinched one taut bud until it stiffened. Taking a moment to swirl his tongue around it, moistening it, he placed one of the clamps on it and tightened the grip until the peak swelled and darkened. Liz tensed at the first bite of the clamp but otherwise gave him no reaction. He moved to the other nipple and gave it the same treatment, then stood back to admire his handiwork.

Jesus! The sight of her made his mouth go dry and heat surge through his blood.

Slowly, Alex, old boy. This one is very special, and you don’t want to scare her away.

His friends would have a good laugh if they knew the master swordsman was about to take an unexpected tumble. And he had to do it while still holding the reins that controlled this situation.

“Climb onto the bench,” he told her. “Balance on your knees and forearms so your ass is elevated.”

He allowed himself a moment to ease his hand over the line of her back, the swell of her ass, marveling at the silken softness of her skin. He dipped his fingers into the slick wetness of her cunt, then brought them to his nostrils to inhale her scent. The level of his testosterone shot off the charts.

Oh, yeah. He was in big trouble here.

“Some rules first.” Liz could feel his eyes on her as he walked slowly around the bench. “What’s your safeword? I never play without it.”


He chuckled. “Interesting choice. All right, then. At any time, if for any reason you want me to stop, simply say the word and we’re done.”

She nodded, keeping her eyes lowered.

“You are to call me Sir. I prefer that to Master. And obedience is a must. Any hesitation at all and your Sir will punish you. Clear?”

“Yes, Sir.” She was so hot already, but the basic familiar instructions aroused her even more. Liz could slowly but steadily feel herself falling back into the familiar sanctuary of subspace.

“You body is mine to do with as I wish,” he continued. “It is for my pleasure, and mine only. Your pleasure is only at my discretion. No matter what I do to you, you absolutely will not come until I give you permission. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” she repeated.

He paused beside the bench and delivered an open-handed smack to one cheek of her ass. She jerked automatically but then held herself still.

“Good. You’re an obedient sub.”

Without warning, he landed another hard smack on her ass. Then the blows came in quick succession, each one harder than the one before, until her ass felt as if it was on fire. She knew her cunt certainly was.

“Ah. Dripping.”

She heard the satisfaction in his voice as he probed her slit. Easing out slowly, he took a moment to circle her opening before moving in front of her. He lifted his hand and inhaled the cream that clung to it before holding it out to her. “Lick my fingers. Until they’re clean.”

Liz ran her tongue over the surface of his fingers, licking her cream from them until she’d cleaned every inch of the skin. Her own taste lingered on her tongue, a combination of sweet and tart.

“Nothing is to be denied to your Sir.” He was in full Dom mode. “Punishment for any offense is at my discretion, both in type and intensity. Are we clear on that?”

“Yes.” She wet her lips. “Yes, Sir.”

“Excellent. We’ll get along just fine. Keep your head bowed and your eyes on the bench in front of you.”