“Of course,” said Mr. Roberts. “A great adventurer if ever there was one. In the end, though, his luck ran out. That’s why your mother asked me never to tell you about it.”
“She didn’t want me to know about my father?”
“Not until you were ready,” Mr. Roberts replied. “She didn’t know you would be an adventurer, and if you weren’t, how could she tell you about your dad?”
“I see,” said Alex, a thousand new questions racing through his mind.
“Your dad was sick when he got back from his last adventure. I never thought sickness would get him. Trolls, maybe, or goblins, but never sickness,” Mr. Roberts said sadly. “After your dad crossed the wall, your mom came and stayed here. I had been close to both your mom and dad so I agreed to play the part of your stepfather. I knew your mom loved your dad too much to ever marry again. But I also knew she needed someone to help look after you, and well . . . it was the least I could do for my friends.”
“But . . .” Alex stammered.
“I know it’s a lot to take in all at once,” said Mr. Roberts, nodding. “Going on your first adventure, then finding out your dad was an adventurer, too. Now that you’ve been
chosen, I suppose I need to give you this.”
Mr. Roberts held out one of the magic bags from the closet. Alex looked at the bag, then at Mr. Roberts, then at the bag again.
“It was your father’s,” said Mr. Roberts with a smile. “You’re his heir, so the bag—and what’s in it—belongs to you.”
“Shouldn’t I be offering you a reward for returning it?” Alex asked.
Mr. Roberts smiled. “I see you’ve learned about returning lost bags.”
“Yes,” said Alex.
“That’s good,” said Mr. Roberts. “But you don’t need to offer a reward for this bag because it was never lost. After all, your dad came home and everything. I’ve just been keeping it for you.”
“Do you know what’s in it?”
“No, I don’t,” answered Mr. Roberts, scratching his chin thoughtfully. “The bag didn’t belong to me. Your mom told me the passwords before she . . . well . . .”
“Died,” Alex said softly.
Mr. Roberts nodded. “It’s time for you to accept your father’s bag.”
“But—” Alex started.
“But nothing. Your parents would be proud to know you had been chosen and have gone on an adventure without any help or encouragement. Your mom only insisted on not telling you because she didn’t want you to be disappointed. You know, if you weren’t chosen.”
Alex smiled at Mr. Roberts as he took his father’s bag and listened to the passwords. This was something he had never expected, not even in his wildest dreams. Now he was excited to tell Mr. Roberts everything that had happened to him and everything he had learned on his adventure.
“We’ve got plenty of time,” said Mr. Roberts. “And I have a few tales for you, about your dad and the things he did.”
“May I ask you something, sir?” Alex asked.
“Anything at all,” Mr. Roberts replied.
“I’m not sure how the choosing works, but since my dad was an adventurer and I was chosen, does that mean that Todd will be an adventurer too?”
“I don’t know,” replied Mr. Roberts, considering the question. “He doesn’t really seem the type, and anyway, it doesn’t seem to happen just because your father or mother were adventurers. I don’t think anyone knows exactly how the choosing works.”
Alex nodded, wondering if Mr. Roberts had ever told Todd about any of his adventures.
“I suspect you’ve got things to do,” said Mr. Roberts as he moved toward the door. “You’ll probably spend the rest of the day taking a look at your father’s bag. You can tell me about your adventure another time.”
Alex sat thinking for a long time. Of all the surprises he’d had on his first adventure, this was the biggest and the best. Excitement flooded him as he held his father’s magic bag in his hands and softly spoke the magic word that would let him enter. He was about to discover something about the father he’d never known, and he thought that this might be an even better adventure than the one he had just finished.
Reading Guide
1. At the beginning of the story, Alex wishes for a different life. Have you ever wished for a different life? Have you ever wished that you could be somebody else? Who would you like to be?
2. If you suddenly had a chance to go on a great adventure like Alex, would you go? Would you be afraid? Would you want to take someone with you? Who?
3. Arconn tells Alex that if he doesn’t go on the adventure he will regret it for the rest of his life. Why do you think he would regret it? Are there things in your life that you regret not doing? How about things that you have done that you regret now?
4. Early in the story, Andy is warned to be careful of his curiosity. Why should we be careful of our own curiosity? Are there things that you are curious about that might be dangerous?
5. Alex is told that where there is power there is also accountability. What kinds of things in your world could be considered power? What kind of accountability is there for the powers you’ve been given?
6. It takes a long time for Alex to really believe in magic. Are there things in your world that you find hard to believe in? Are there things you believe now that you didn’t believe when you first learned about them?
7. When Alex fights the three-legged troll everything turns out well, but he is still punished. Is it fair for Alex to be punished? Have you ever broken rules to do something you know is right?
8. Iownan tells Alex that she can only see possibilities. Do your friends and families sometimes see your possibilities better than you do?
9. Iownan asks each of the adventurers to promise to return the lost crystal of the tower to her. Why do you think Iownan would make that request? Have you ever had to keep a promise that somebody else made?
10. Eric Von Tealo can only give his word that the story he’s told the adventurers is true. Would the people who know you be willing to accept your word? How important is it to have a reputation for being honest?
11. When Alex faces the wraiths at the ruins of Aunk he is tempted to do what they say. Have you ever been tempted by someone? Have you ever been tempted by something you wanted?
12. The wraiths tell Alex that they are his friends, and that they will help him become great if he helps them first. Has anyone ever promised to be your friend if you did something for them first? Are they still your friend?
13. Alex crosses the wall into the dangerous shadow lands to help his friend Tayo. How far would you be willing to go to help your friends? How far would your friends go to help you? Should there be a limit to how far you go?
14. On the journey home, Alex and his friends take the time to remember Eric Von Tealo. They make sure that his grave is marked and that his name will be remembered. How important is it to remember people who have helped you? If the people who helped you aren’t around any more, is it still important to remember them? Why?
15. When Alex returns home he is surprised to discover that his own father was once an adventurer. Have you ever discovered things about your parents that surprised you? Have you ever tried to find out about things your parents did when they were your age?
16. Arconn tells Alex that all words have power. Words can sometimes hurt us, and sometimes words can make us feel good. How do you use your words? Have you ever hurt someone with your words?
17. How is reading a book like going on an adventure? How many book adventures have you been on? What have you learned from your adventures?