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Wave after wave of sensuality hit her like a freight train, knocking the wind from her. The girl kept twisting and bucking, nearly knocking the doctor from her back. But Ed's grip on her hair kept her in place.

"Man… ughhhh…"

Jack was having a hard time sliding his prick into Allison's pussy. Her cuntal walls tightened around his shoving cock. He had to stop for a while, take a breath while his cockhead was still outside her pussy. His cockhead was just past the girl's outer cuntlips, trapped by the warm, milking membranes.


The girl shrieked, her body stiffening as if someone were passing a current of electricity through it. He was pushing down again and the girl felt as if she were being skewered all the way up to her heart. The giant, fleshy cock shoved in another inch, lodging inside her, stretching her to the tearing point. The young woman couldn't believe her body was able to take in that much prick!

"Yeah, yeah…"

Jack had given up trying to shove his cock in all at once. He was slowly rocking back and forth, using his cockhead like a battering ran, working it bit by bit into her cunt. Meanwhile Ed was busy rubbing his prick back and forth over her lips, whispering something to his buddy who smiled back.

"Wait until I get in."

There was another push and another inch of the throbbing cockmeat greasily slid in, stretching her cuntal walls. The girl shrieked, her fingernails digging into the soft table padding. Allison felt as if she were being torn in half like a piece of tissue paper. He was going to shove his prick in so far it would come out of her mouth? Again the girl tensed, shoving back, digging her knees into the slick padding.

But all she did was make things worse for herself. The more she tightened up, or tried to knock Jack off her back, the more the pain in her pussy seemed to escalate. He was right. She had to relax, take what they had to give her, and then think about getting away.

"Ughhhh… ooohhhh!"

The helpless girl dragged in another lungful of oxygen, wondering if it were possible to be fucked literally to death. She'd heard of cases of young girls accidentally wandering into soldiers during a war and dying of massive beatings and fuckings. But just one, time? Probably not, she decided. But how she thought she would expire as Jack's fat prick kept slurping up her cunthole.

"Ohhh fuck, man. I forgot how it felt to fuck a virgin," Jack said in a strained voice.

"Yeah, bet she hasn't had anything up her ass either!"

"Don't count on it. Erika's got some pretty interesting devices in her keep. She give you the beer enema yet, honey?"

Allison's embarrassed silence told them the truth. The men laughed, their laughter dying down as the girl groaned with a sensation somewhere between pain and delight. Oh, it was almost impossible to believe that she was taking so much hard hot meat up her cunt.


Jack tensed his massive thigh muscles again, throwing back his head and closing his eyes while tightening his hairy ass. He held his prick tightly in his hand, guiding it in, his face contorting with the effort of fucking Allison's tight, virgin cunt.

"Yeah, yeah, I think she's getting a little wetter down there," he said, stopping for a few seconds and catching his breath.

"When you get it in it's my turn. Just lay down on the side," Ed said, his eyes glistening with excitement as they roamed over the girl's white, naked body.

"Don't worry. We're gonna both enjoy this one together. Bet she won't forget this scene for the rest of her damned life," Jack said, smoothing his fingers over Allison's ass again.

What were they talking about? Fucking her at the same time? Together? That couldn't be done. They knew she wasn't going to let them fuck her in the mouth. They would have to break her jaws before she took Ed's fat cock between her lips and sucked on it!

Jack was back at it again, shoving his blood bloated cock knob deeper into her pussy. She resisted him every inch of the way, hunching back, digging her fingertips into the padded examining table and pushing back with her thighs. It was instinctive, the only thing she felt she could do to make things harder for him.

"I said relax it, bitch," Jack growled, raising one hand and bringing it down hard against her asscheek. He hit her ass again and again, leaving long red marks where his fingers struck the white flesh.

Allison sobbed at the force of the blows. Then the stinging sensation gave way to a radiant warmth that spread to her cunt and asshole. How strange! She was starting to like getting slapped and almost raised her ass up to meet the blows just as they stopped.

In a flash Allison felt her cunt muscles relax. Jack sensed the opportunity and shoved in, the fat cockhead plowing through like a rocket. The blonde teen opened her mouth and let out a rush of air, unable to scream as she writhed helplessly under the big stud. She agonized to the pressure of hot, searing pain as her body filled up with his cock.

Jack hunched his blunt-nosed prick a little deeper, making the girl flex her crotch muscles tightly together in another attempt to force out his cock. It was impossible to shove out his fat prick. In fact, Allison realized the doctor was making headway, her pussy walls were growing hotter and slicker, making it easier for him to slip his cock in.

"Ohhh… God! God!"

She was crying out, twisting her body, finding she was pressing her face once more against Ed's thigh. There was another shove and another sensation of her body coming apart between her legs. She sucked in a deep breath and held it as she felt his fat cock stretching her, making the sore, itchy tissues stretch even more!

Jack drew back, let out a groan, then shoved in. The sudden move made the girl tense, push out her ass and scream.

"Christ! Isn't she ever gonna loosen up?" Ed wondered.

"Yeah, soon. These virgins don't break in easy," Jack said, laughing softly while drawing his cock back.

It was such a strange feeling having the doctor's cock sliding out of her pussy. She felt her cuntal walls shrinking back together behind his retreating cockhead and rubbing against one another as Jack's prick slid further and further out. How his cock eased back, letting her feel the extent of her soreness inside. Allison fanned out her fingers, gripping the padded edges of the table, resting one side of her face against its cool surface. How good it was to have that big cock out of her.

And then, without warning, he was back in, zooming his cock in like a torpedo! Her face reddened and her cheeks puffed out as the girl let out another gasp. This time the big stud managed to bury most of his cock in her cunt. He held it there, wrapping his fingers around her hip bones, moving his thighs around and around in a circular motion. It was as if he were stirring her insides around with a giant spoon. Gradually the girl could feel her cunt stretching, accommodating his fat prick.


Now he started a slow, rhythmic pounding. In and out, in and out, again and again he fucked her, still keeping up that rotating motion. Allison felt herself responding to the sensation of being fucked. She was rocking her hips in an opposite circular motion, increasing the wet friction against her clit.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!"

There was nothing she could do to stop the men from violating her. It was just as it had been with Erika. She was trapped, completely helpless. Half-crushed into the table, Allison had to accept the brutal attack op her pussy and let the awful rape continue.

It was too late, anyway. The men had already done their damage. Jack had torn away her pussy, ripped her innocence from her. She might as well lay there and enjoy the rest of the fuck. Closing her eyes, the girl did her best to close her mind to what was happening.