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"Watch, Allison, watch closely, concentrate on the flame, and then think of what it will do," Erika said in a low voice.

The girl's eyes focused in on the matches, her heart pounding as Erika drew them quickly across the bottom of the book. Two bright orange flashes of light exploded, quickly dimming into flickering red flames and then slowly burning down toward the headmistress' fingers.

"The fire is very warm, Allison, very, very warm. Just think of what it could do to your flesh if it touched it," the woman said, her fingers shaking.

"Don't burn me, Miss Vennestroom. Please, don't hurt me with, with that!"

Allison could feel the warmth of the flames against her face and the smell of sulfur made her nose twitch. Looking into Erika's tawny eyes she saw there was no recourse to pity the woman was bound and determined to torture her with the fire. Allison mustered all her courage, holding her breath and bracing herself as Erika lowered, the flame to her throat, her tits, and finally her belly.

"It will keep you warm, this fire," Erika said, backing down.

Allison lowered her eyes. Her lips began moving, a low moan coming from her throat. Her eyes opened, the pupils dilating with terror. Hesitancy and bewilderment spread through her mind. There was nothing she could say or do that would prevent the headmistress from branding her with the flames. Her face paled while her knees shook with terror. In vain Allison pulled her hands against the manacles, chafing her wrists against the cold metal as Erika lowered the burning matches to her cunt.

"Do you feel the heat now, Allison?"

The girl pressed her lips tightly together, her teeth grinding while a pulse of terror leaped at her throat. Her head shook as the girl felt the burning heat curl into her pussy. Yes, she could feel the heat and it was making her tremble. Her fingers became fists, her thigh and belly muscles tightening.

"Yes, you feel it. I can see that," Erika said, turning briefly and smiling up at the two men watching her. "Observe this, gentlemen. It's something that should interest you – a woman in heat while being tortured. Strange, and then again not so strange."

Erika began humming an old song while passing the flame from side to side. Allison could hear her pussyhairs burning, crackling black and curling down under the flames. Oh God, Erika was going to singe her clit, going to burn her cunthole with the matches.

"No, please… oh don't… not that… save that… please, for all that's holy… please don't do this to me."

"But you want it done, don't you, Allison? There's one part of you that wants it done, right?" Erika asked.

"No, no!"

"Well," Erika sighed, arching her eyebrows, "I'm going to have to show you then." With that she moved the match to the muscle directly below the girl's clit.


The pain was excruciating. She screamed, her legs jerking forward, then snapping together, trying to close no the flame and put it out. She felt her clit stiffening, filling with arousal. Erika smiled, glanced up at the trembling girl, then moved the flames back to her clit.


Had she cum? Allison didn't know. There was such a combination of feelings now she couldn't tell one from the other. All she knew was that the feelings that had rippled through her body that terrible moment were all good. Erika was right. She enjoyed this degradation loved having her face shoved in the dirt.

"Yes, I can see you're beginning to understand just what a little slut you are. Still, I can see doubt in your eyes," Erika said.

She began undressing, unzipping her form-fitting white dress and shedding it quickly. In a moment she was completely naked, wearing nothing but her spiked high-heeled shoes. Both Jack and Ed studied the firm-titted woman, their cocks tenting up the fronts of their trousers.

"Don't get any ideas, gentlemen. I want you to help me with this."

Allison watched as the three moved to another part of the room. When Erika came back she was holding another kind of dildo. Another fuck? Oh God, what else was new?

"Now, I'm going to fuck you – but fuck you the way no man has ever fucked you. And you'll feel just how wonderful it is."

It was so bizarre watching Erika attach the smooth black leather strap around her hips, positioning the dildo directly over her cunt. Had Allison been somewhat more observant she would have noticed two wires trailing from the end of the long thick prick. Jack and Ed were attaching them to a transformer kept out of the girl's view.

"Now," Erika told her, "you'll feel something completely different, something you'll never forget, no matter how hard you try."

The tall, blonde headmistress stepped up to Allison, grabbing her by the shoulders and pressing up. In a moment the girl could feel the point of tile dildo pressing up into her seething cunt. It worked deeper and deeper, shoving aside the sensitive tissues that were already sore from the constant fucking and tension.

Allison felt the thick dildo slide right in, filling her body quickly. It's hard exterior felt much like a cock. Erika was apparently very careful about the instruments she used in the keep, making sure they were all highly erotic. For a moment the teen wondered what made this dildo any different from the one she had used on herself earlier. The answer came a moment later. At a signal Jack attached the second wire to the transformer. Sparks began shooting through her cunt. Allison screamed, terrified for a moment that she was being electrocuted.


Then she realized Erika was shouting too, the electricity coursing through her body as well. Both women twitched and jerked, their bodies stimulated by tile low but still-powerful current. Allison thought she could hear her teeth rattling.

"No, no, no!"

Her body jerked forward, then slammed hard against the brick wall behind her. She writhed frantically, feeling as if her arms and thighs were ready to be torn from her body while the electricity kept sparking through her. It was only after a few minutes of his insane wiggling that the girl realized the electricity wasn't cooking her pussy. The current was only high enough to send wild prickles reverberating through her cunt. It was shocking, but at the same time nondestructive and even thrilling.


Erika was stroking into her, thrusting fast and hard, letting the electricity touch all her nerve-endings. The girl shuddered, gasping for air as charge after charge of current made her want to scream again.

"Oh yes, yes, you love it, love it as much as I do," Erika whispered, her hands pinching the girl's thighs. "No, no!"

She was lying through her teeth. Never before had Allison felt such sensations! It was as if someone had taken her up an elevator to the top of the Empire State Building and then cut the cable! Oh God, God, when would it end? How much more of this could she take?



The chains rattled as Allison twitched and jerked like a crazy woman. Erika kept fucking her with the electric dildo, pistoning her pussy harder and faster. The sensation was incredibly shocking, but also thrilling.

"You enjoy these kind of things! Admit it, admit it and you'll have a much better stay here at the manor," Erika gasped.

"Oh no, no," Allison cried, trying to keep her mouth away from the headmistress.

"Perhaps we need more current," The tall blonde woman said, turning around and giving Jack a signal. The young doctor smiled, twisted a dial on the transformer.

"No, no!"

Erika smiled, her face contorting for a moment while a ripple of incredible sensation rushed through her tightening pussy.

"You would love it. In a way it's very degrading," Erika moaned, her head snapping back as she shoved the big pink prick into Allison's cunt and watched the girl twist from side to side in a vain attempt to get away. Impossible! There was no getting away from that awful dildo trenching out her cunt.