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"I think Allison has learned a good deal while staying with us, haven't you dear?"

The girl brushed her long blonde hair from her face and smiled half-crazily up at Erika. Yes, she had, she really had.

"Time to get dressed. And we'll talk about Patty Harrington," Erika said, stretching out one hand to the young teen.

Several days later Erika stood in the reception room, her hands folded calmly behind her as the girls chatted and laughed through the corridors. Several women were inside sipping tea, talking softly while three girls served them cookies. They were the mothers of the newly admitted girls, Allison's being one of them.

"More cookies, Mother?"

"You know, she has changed so much – and definitely for the better," the woman said, slipping an oatmeal cookie from the china plate and smiling back at her daughter. "I just knew this was the right place for her."

"Yes, Allison has fit in here – far better than I thought she would have. She's been a great help to me and the others."

Allison smiled, feeling a thrill rush through her body. Patty wouldn't bother her any more. None of the girls would, especially knowing that she was Erika's favorite. No one would say anything, but everyone knew. She smiled sweetly again at her mother, then moved around to the other women.

Yes, she was fitting in nicely here. Perhaps in the years to come, after college she would come back and help Erika run the manor. That would be nice. And then in time it would be hers. Her smile broadened as she felt a shockwave ripple through her cunt – all hers.

"Have another cookie, Mother," Allison said, glancing at Erika and wondering what pleasures tonight would hold.