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No one had touched her like that, had forced her to take something up her… her asshole! The last time was when her mother gave her that awful enema when she had the flu. How she'd hated the sensation of warm liquid coursing up her ass, swelling her bowels and making her feel like taking a shit right then and there. And it was going to happen again only this time there wouldn't be her consoling mother by her side. No. There would only be Erika, Erika with that awful thing in her hand and the splintery wooden holes of the stock, through which her arms and legs had been locked in place.


"You've deserved this, you little slut. That's what you are, a little slut, a little bitch who keeps disobeying the rules set up by your elders."

"No, no, that isn't true," Allison protested, working her ass muscles down and out, trying to push the steely cold invader out, as if she were taking a shit. She didn't want that awful thing shoved up her ass! But Erika was determined, twisting the nozzle from side to side, shoving it in deeper.


Allison screamed again and again, snapping her head from side to side. Her long blonde hair splashed over her face, clinging to her dampened cheeks and lips while her wails grew more shrill… It was killing her! The awful pain, the tearing sensation of the steel nozzle sliding up her ass made the girl cry out again and again for mercy.

But there was no mercy in the keep of the manor. Only the dank smell of the place and Erika's presence greeted her cries. The headmistress was laughing now, thrusting that nozzle far up her asshole then standing back and admiring her handiwork.

"Perhaps a little further in," she said, twisting the hose to the right.

Allison felt her ass muscles, clenching instinctively around the cold invader, still trying to push it out. Erika was an awful, horrible woman!

"Now, for the final outfit."

Erika went to the wall. Tapping one finger thoughtfully against her chin, she examined the various harnesses. She pulled one from a peg and looked it over carefully. Smiling, she walked back to Allison. The blonde teen sat in horror, her eyes bulging as she studied the awful thing dangling from the headmistress' fingers.

"This will help ease your pain. At least, it will add to your pleasure."

Allison shook her head from side to side, again feeling she would awaken in her bed, the victim of some erotic, horrible dream. But this was reality. She felt the leather harness slip around her waist and Erika fastened the studs so tight she had a hard time catching her breath. The leather edges cut into her flesh as the older blonde slipped the smaller straps under her ass, back through her asscrack, then wrapped around the enema tube, securing the nozzle up the girl's violated asshole.

Allison threw her head back, feeling the sweep of her hair over her jutting shoulder blades. Surely Erika would announce that the torment was soon over. This was it – humiliation and torture. Nothing more would happen. Oh God, pray that it would be so!

There was the sound of scraping behind her. Twisting her head around, shaking several loose strands of hair from her eyes, the young teen saw Erika pushing a stool over toward her. For a moment Allison saw nothing particularly unusual in it. Then she realized there was something sticking up from the base!

"Wh… what is that?"

Allison could hardly speak. She peered over the chair where her blazer was still hanging, her eyes focusing in on the long pink plastic thing sticking up from the seat of the stool. It looked like a man's – thing?

She had seen plenty of pictures in all those books they had to read at school, and lots of times she and her friends had giggled about how big some guys were – or how big some of them thought they were. Most men, she guessed, were around six-inches. But Allison heard weird stores about some guys who were eight-inches, nine, even ten inches long! Ten inches! How could something that big and thick fit into her little cunt? Allison thought she would throw herself out the window before letting some guy stick his prick into her if he was that big!

"You see, Allison," Erika said, pushing the stool under the girl's ass. Allison cringed, tensing her thigh and ass muscles, trying to work her ass above that thing, that awful, horrible thing. "As you see, there's a dildo sticking up from the seat."


Erika stopped, arching an eyebrow and studying the girl more carefully. "Surely you've heard about… no, no, perhaps you haven't," she said thoughtfully. "It is possible a girl your age is still a virgin."

"I am!" the girl cried, tears streaking her face. A sick feeling started to gnaw at her belly. Allison had an idea of what was going to happen next and the thought terrified her.

"Well, that's something for the books. You're not as bad a girl as I thought, then, Allison. Perhaps the two of us will get along well. But I must still punish you for having those cigarettes. You know they're forbidden here at the manor, as well as liquor."

It was useless to protest her innocence. Erika would only become angrier and perhaps really hurt her. It was better to remain silent, keep her eyes modestly down, then wait for the time when she could escape from this awful place. Surely her mother, once hearing of what had happened, would never make her return.

Erika slid the stool directly under Allison's ass, moving it so the dildo was centered right over the girl's virgin pussy. Again the girl whined, jerking her ass up, desperately trying not to be impaled by that monstrous prick.

"Now, you're going to enjoy this very, very much," Erika said, her voice hypnotic.

The Teutonic blonde kept reassuring Allison, telling her not to worry, promising everything would be all right if only she obeyed.

Then something odd happened, something so strange Allison would never be able to explain it years later when she thought about it. Erika suddenly dropped one hand between the girl's leg and touched her, touched her right on her ripe cunt.

Allison jerked, her eyes widening. She had never thought about having another girl touch her. Even the thought of having guys touch her pussy frightened the teen. But this woman was caressing her pussy, actually stroking it with her fingers. The young blonde flinched, snapping her head back, wishing she could die.

"Now, isn't that nice? Doesn't that feel good?"

In spite of herself Allison felt her cunt reacting, actually warming and tightening to the gentle stroking motion. Erika was rubbing her knuckles against the soft, feathery blonde curls, touching the young teen's cuntlips gently, then withdrawing. Soon Allison found herself tightening her thigh muscles, moving back and forth against the stock, feeling her cuntlips sliding against one another with the subtle, rocking movement.

"Yes, that's it, Allison, that's it," Erika said, her voice raw, raspy.

There was a hot slickness there that was making Allison feel reined, wildly free. She jerked in her bonds, wishing she could touch herself, then wishing Miss Vennestroom would go away and leave her alone. But she wasn't sure, wasn't certain about how she was supposed to react when the older woman touched her cunt. It wasn't natural to let another woman touch her like that, making her hot cunt feel so wildly tight and itchy!

"For a virgin you learn quickly, Allison," Erika remarked.

"Please, please, don't do this to me. I… I don't know what's happening."

But Erika ignored the girl's desperate pleas. Allison watched as she felt the woman's hand moving the leather strap to one side, exposing her wet, tight little cunt. That awful dildo was there just below her, sticking straight up, threatening to pierce her pussy.