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"Please, I'm fine," the girl said in a tight whisper, barely able to speak.

"Yes, Jack, I have a girl here who, ughhh, well, has to be examined."

There was a long pause.

"Yes, right. Of course, I'll have her sent down to your office. Oh, and the nurse will be there too? Good, splendid. I'll look in after a bit. Fine, thank you," Erika said, putting the receiver back in the cradle.

"Please, Miss…"

"I'll take you down there myself, Allison. No need in bothering any of the girls during their study time. You'll be back in your room shortly," she said, her eyes flashing that same horrible look she'd given the girl four days earlier before leading her to the keep.

Allison moved like a zombie, wishing she had the courage to bolt. But then thoughts of her mother who had sacrificed so much for this school filtered back into her mind. No, she would endure this far a little while longer. Perhaps this doctor was someone she could confide in, someone who could help her. Perhaps that incident in the keep was an isolated one. Her mind raced as she moved through the darkened corridors, her arms hanging limply at her sides with Erika behind her.

"Here it is," Erika said, stopping by a door at one deserted end of the school. She tapped lightly on the frosted window that had "Infirmary" written at the top. There was a rattling sound and the door opened. A tall, black-haired young man stood in the doorway. Something in his smile, in his gaze, made Allison shrink back against Erika.

"Now, no need to be afraid. Doctor, this is Allison. You'll examine her? I'll be back to retrieve the girl shortly," Erika said formally, turning and walking briskly away.

"Come on in," Jack said, stepping back and waving a hand inside.

Allison had no choice. Besides, she thought, there would be a nurse here, someone to keep the doctor in check.

"Hello!" said another man all dressed in white.

A nurse? Allison's heart sank.

"This is Ed, my assistant. Now, I understand you've been giving Erika some trouble," he said, folding his arms over his broad chest while still smiling down at the frightened girl.

"Yes, no… I mean, I mean I don't know. Things just happen sort of and, and tonight there was kind of a fight and," she said confusedly, feeling threatened by the two men.

"Sit over there," Jack said, indicating a tall stool in one corner.

She moved quickly, thinking she could see a strange hunger in the doctor's stare.

"We'll see if there are any injuries from the fight," jack said, examining her quickly and determining she was fine.

"May I go now?" she asked, sliding off the padded stool.

"Of course not! Apparently you don't understand why Erika brought you here. You're a problem, and have to be dealt with or you'll upset the norm of the school," Jack said, his breathing quickening.

Allison felt herself growing faint. It was the keep all over again only this time she had two men to contend with. Her hands moved up instinctively to her thunderous tits as she swallowed hard.

"No, no, you're both crazy," she whispered, feeling her scalp crawl.

"Well see," Jack said, motioning to his assistant to lock the door.

Allison started to but Jack was faster, wrapping one hand tightly around her waist while moving the other over her opening mouth. The palm of his hand pressed so tightly against her lips it felt as if he were about to cut her mouth on her teeth. Her head was suddenly twisted and shoved against the wall.


"Screaming's not going to do you any good," Jack said breathlessly, backing her up against the examining table. "No one's here. It's just like the keep."

The doctor moved one hand down to his crotch and unzipped his trousers. Allison heard the jingling and knew what was happening. She struggled again and twice tried to bite him. But Jack kept his palm shoved hard against her mouth, paralyzing her temporarily.

"Besides, you're going to like this kind of punishment. All the girls do – in the end," Jack said, glancing over at Ed and chuckling.

"Right, little girl. And if you're lucky you'll get it at both ends too," Ed added, rubbing his bulging crotch.

Doctors? They were crazy! Charlatans, sadists working for Erika, who was worse than any of them. This wasn't a school. It was a well-kept brothel run by perverts for their own pleasure!


Jack was wrestling with the blonde teen, her head being bent back. Oh God, God, don't let it happen, please, don't let it happen, she thought to herself. But even as she prayed Allison knew it would do no good. It was going to happen. She had spared her cherry for nothing. She was going to lose it to Jack's cock.

She could feel his body pressing hotly against hers, could feel something terribly hard and hot pressing against her thighs through his trousers. It was his prick! Erika had brought her here purposely for a "lesson". That lesson was going to be a hard, brutal fuck!

"Nooo!" She was screaming again, having torn her lace away from his hand briefly.

"The girl doesn't know she doesn't stand much of a chance here if she fights back," Jack said.

Something was brushing against her crotch. A chill rushed up and down her spine. Allison knew it was his cock and she felt it rubbing up and down, pressing against her left thigh.

"Come on, baby, take a good look at my prick. It's gonna be stuck up your cunt in a while, so you might as well have a good shot at it," Jack said, pushing her away from him several inches.

He twisted his fingers through her hair, tugging hard on it, causing a good deal of pain in her scalp. As he pulled on the roots the girl thought they were going to be torn out. Allison choked and gagged, desperately trying to pull away.

"Good thing we decided to stay a little late and got Erika's call," Ed said, rubbing his crotch.

"Yeah, it's gonna feel good emptyin' my balls. Christ, they're so damned full!"

Allison tried screaming again but Jack's hand clamped back on her mouth even harder. For a moment she thought she would certainly pass out. She would die unless she did what these monsters told her to do.

"Good, that's better," Jack said, feeling her relax against him. "Now it's not going to hurt that much. And who knows," he added, arching his eyebrows, "you might even like it if you relax."


Never, never would she enjoy something like this! The blonde felt anger course through her as she continued to shiver. It was useless to choke out a scream. She might actually anger these men and then God only knows what they would do to her!

"Better," Jack repeated, murmuring into her ear. He was slobbering all over her neck, his hands roaming freely over body.

"You get her ready, man. Then I wanna get a piece of the action," Ed said, his breath becoming short and rapid as he watched the doctor.

Allison trembled mightily. She felt a kind of damp stickiness forming between her tight side and his belly as he pressed himself firmly against her body. The sweat seemed to seep through his opened shirt and onto her blouse. Though the hand stayed on her mouth it relaxed a little. The other was still wrapped around her hair, keeping her close against the wall.

Then he began moving her back, back to the table. It was wide enough for two people, even three, and the padded edges were raised slightly. In a moment the girl found herself on the soft surface, her skirt hiked around her waist, her panties being tugged down her thighs. She tried to fight back, squirming wildly on the table, but Jack was too heavy, too forceful. He grabbed her hair and yanked up several times, snapping her head up from the table.

The girl groaned through his fingers, begging him to stop. He eased up on her long blonde hair, warning her he would snatch her bald if she tried to fight him again. With a moan of defeat Allison reined once more, her belly flat against the table top.