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"I'm not going to get in the middle of his argument," Eva said hastily. "Whatever I say I'll either wind up with my husband divorcing me, or my host tossing me out."

Max eyed his former lover over the rim of his glass and compared her with his blonde wife. Eva was a beauty. Her creamy pale skin offset her straight jet-black hair. It was as thick and glossy as any shampoo model could ask for, though she modeled only sporadically now. It framed a graceful oval face and slender neck.

Max wondered if she wore a bra these days. Back when he had known her, she hadn't needed to, and he doubted, somehow, that she did now.

"Maybe what we need is another opinion," Bob said.

"How would we get one?" Kim asked, settling on the floor at Max's right.

"Well, Eva could testify as to who's the bettor man," Bob noted. "But she won't, because she's chicklet."

"Smart," Eva countered quickly, brushing her hair back off her shoulder.

"Chicken," Bob repeated. "Now if I were to have a little time with Kim, she could confirm my superiority over her husband."

When the laughter died down, Max smiled. "And just what makes you think I would loan you my wife?"

"Oh you're chicken, too, huh?" Bob joked. "Afraid to put it to the test?"

Eva appeared to be getting uncomfortable with her husband's talk. "Is that a slave anklet you're wearing?" she asked Kim.

"Uh-huh. I'm Max's slave." She looked up at him devotedly.

"Well, so much for Women's Lib," Bob snorted.

"Women's Lib is fine for some women," Kim said firmly. "But it's not for me."

"I'm not too wild about it myself," Eva noted. "I like being coddled and ordered about a bit."

"Take one hell of a lot of taming to make you a slave, though," Bob noted.

"How about refills on the drinks, baby," Max said.

"Yes, Master," Kim answered obediently. Max could see Bob and Eva thought that Kim was just kidding as she got up and took the tray of empty glasses to the kitchen.

"You've never tried to tame me," Eva pointed out.

"So, what am I supposed to do, tie you up and beat you?" Bob asked sarcastically.

"It's not a bad idea," Max said, his insides sizzling.

"You're kidding," Bob challenged.

"No, he isn't," Kim answered, coming back with fresh drinks.

"Let me see that slave anklet of yours," Eva requested as Kim served her.

"Just a minute," Kim answered, finishing handing out the drinks. "Can I show it to her?" she asked Max.

"Sure, baby," he agreed, intrigued by the light appeared in Eva's eyes at the talk of the beating. He recalled she had always the rough side.

"Max welded it on," Kim said. "He made it himself. See the weld, there?"

"How'd he do it without burning you?" Eva asked, fascinated.

"Wrapped her ankle with asbestos," Max answered.

"Lemme see that," Bob said.

"May I, honey?" Kim requested.

Max nodded, and she propped her foot on the arm of Bob's chair. She was wearing tight shorts that revealed a vast amount of her graceful legs. Bob fingered the anklet, studied it meticulously.

Then his hand strayed up Kim's calf, stroked the silken length of her leg as he eased her foot off the arm of the chair and into his lap. Kim shot Max a frightened glance. A gentle frown from him kept her from withdrawing her leg from Bob's touch.

Max felt his gut roar with lust as he watched his wife being fondled.

"Nice job," Bob commented at last, easing Kim's foot off his lap. There was a noticeable bulge in his trousers. Max wasn't sure Eva could see her husband's state of lust from her angle.

"Took you long enough to decide that," Eva noted with a trace of irritation. "Were you commenting on the anklet, or on Kim's shave?"

Bob avoided his wife's glare. "Is she really your slave?" he asked Max.

"She is," Max answered finally.

"You're really serious, aren't you?" Eva observed.

"Very," Max answered, meeting her flashing dark eyes boldly.

"Prove it," Bob challenged.

"Dinner's ready," Kim announced from the kitchen, breaking the growing tension.

"Maybe I will later," Max said, leading the way to the dining room. "Get the wine out, baby. That new burgundy I got the other day."

"Yes, Max," Kim agreed eagerly.

"And make sure you keep the glasses full during supper," he whispered to her as she handed him the bottle.

"Yes, Max," she agreed.

The topic of Kim's slavery wasn't mentioned during the meal, but Max did see Eva studying Kim carefully. Max was sure Eva was noting how Kim was obeying his every order without question. He could feel Eva's interest growing.

When they were relaxing in the living room after supper, nursing gasses of sherry, Eva brought up the subject of slavery again. It was, Max mused, like a moth being attracted to a flame.

"How does this slave thing work?" Eva asked, the faint hint of a quaver in her voice. "I mean, you don't usually call him Master or anything."

"Sometimes I do," Kim answered quickly. "When I want to. I don't have to, unless he orders it."

"You have to do anything he orders you to?" Eva asked, turning her glass around and around in her slender, graceful fingers.

"Anything," Kim answered. "Anytime, anywhere."

"Anything?" Bob asked.

"Anything at all," Max said boldly.

"Prove it," Bob challenged.

Max felt his heart hammering. He shot a quick glance at Eva. The beautiful brunette's lips were glistening. Her eyes were hot with anticipation.

"What would you like me to order her to do?" Max asked, astonished at how calm his voice sounded.

Kim was sitting rigidly on the floor by his side. He was gently stroking her pale blonde curls. The tension in the living room was thick.

When Bob didn't answer, Max took charge. "Go get the album, Kim," he ordered softly.

Kim shot him one quick, frightened glance, and then obeyed, as they both knew she would. He could sense her anticipation as she got the heavy book out of the desk.

"Take it to Bob, and then go get into the sarong sort of thing." He was talking about a terrycloth wrap-around that she wore after a bath.

"My God," Bob said, gaping at the first page of the album. It had the first photo Max had taken – the one of Kim spread out on the bed, his cum still thick in her cunt.

"Are you going to hog that thing, or can I see it, too?" Eva asked.

Bob managed to haul himself out of the chair and move over to where Eva sat on the couch. It was strange, Max thought, that he hadn't noticed how distant Bob had been remaining from his wife until just then. With the whole sofa available, Bob had deliberately taken a chair across the room from Eva.

"God!" Eva hissed when she saw the photo.

"You sure you want us to see this?" Bob asked, looking up without turning the page.

Max nodded, then shifted because of the hard-on in his pants. He had never dreamed that having another man look at pictures of Kim would turn him on this way. He could see Eva's tits hardening against her blouse as she stared at the picture. No bra, Max thought.

Kim came back. Bob shot her a quick, hot glance, then jerked his eyes back to the album. He turned the page with a shaking hand. Max knew he was looking at the pictures of Kim racked out on the coffee table.

Bob shook his head. "You look… you look like you're enjoying it," he commented to Kim.

Kim nodded. She was sitting on her folded legs beside Max. "I do," she said softly.

"Look," Eva noted, pointing at one picture. "That's cum, there, on her… on her pussy."

They turned the page, and their gasps could be heard across the room. The pages showed Kim, nude and bound. In every picture her cunt was prominently visible.

"You like being tied up like that?" Eva asked in a hushed tone.

Max felt Kim shiver under his hand. "I love it," she said honestly. "I was terribly uptight about sex, until Max got so frustrated he fled me up. And, well, once I'm tied up, I'm helpless. So I can let myself go, and tell myself it isn't my fault, because I'm totally helpless."