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В конце XIII века все более вырисовывалась система территориального господства бранденбургских маркграфов. Их владения превращались в крупнейшее территориальное княжество Германии.

The conclusion

The stem of the Lutich's economical activity was the agriculture and the cattle-breeding. Hunting and fishing were as important so subsidiary crafts. The Lutich had the developed trade with the significant specialization of its separate branches. The high level of development got a local and transit trade. The Lutiches had the early urban centre in the process of setting. But the level of the development of the productive forces was lower than the Obodrites had. The German feudalists' and clergy's pressure provo ked the rebelhon in 983 year, that leaded to the organization of the Lutich's union. The creation of the Lutich's union was dictated by the necessity of the Northern Lutich union tribes for the defence from an outer attack. The central organ («platitum») was the head of the union, its was in Retr; the nobility of ratars («priores») defined its politics. The sacral shelter of the central power helped in the organization of the military campaign, that was leaded with the slogan of a recovery of the paganism, and in the exploitation of the community by means of taxes that were received in Retr.

The Lutiches played an important role in the political history of the Central Europe. The Lutiches skilfully used the contradiction between the conflicting parties and leaded the independent foreign policy that was directed at the balancing of the both belligerents during the Polsk-German wars of the first third of the XI century. They tried to fulfil this aim by the way of the instigation of Henry the Second to take part in the military activities against the Poles, in the rupture of the diplomatic relations and in the observance neutrality in the separate military campaigns.

The Lutich's union was the unreliable political formation. That prove the facts of Lutiches' share in the different military campaigns. The usurpation of the power by the nobility of ratars, that were the guide of a politic of the sacerdotal corporation of Retr, discharge Svarogich saved by the way of the overtribal deity to the prejudice of other tribal Gods inevitably had leaded to the civil wars in connection with the change of the arrangement of power between union's tribes. The factor of the outer aggression played a double role in the Lutich union's fate. On the one hand, it promoted the conservation of the separate archaic elements in a public and a political organization of the Lutiches, keeping a process of the class organization and a development of the monarchical form of the arrangement, but, on the other hand only this factor promoted preservation of independence and completeness of the Lutich's imion.

The significant trait of Lutich's tribes development was that they were in the different political formations with the different forms organizations of political power synchronously: in the Lutich's union and in the principality of the Gavolans. That factor had not promoted the development of the Lutiches self-consciousness.

The downfall of the Lutich's union was the determinant factor for the subjection their lands by the German feudalists. The German feudalists' aggression entered into the new phase of development at the begining of the XII century. The main danger for the Polabs was not periodical campaign of the emperors and the margraves, but the purposeful actions of the German feudal Siords (especially, the Saxon feudalists) were extended their possession in account of the Slav lands. The expansion in the Slav lands was ideologically covered by the slogans an usage the pagans in Christianity.

The Gavolan principality was one of the most developed at an economical point of the Polab regions. The prince Pribslav-Henry (the chronicler Henry of Antverpen officiously called him as the king) was in the narrow relations with the margrave Albreht the Bear, that helped to occupy the Gavolan principality by this German feudal Siord. The critical analysis of the origins and attentive examination of the following events showed that the Askanias had not any legal rights on the Pribslav-Henry's heritage. The dependence of Branibor from Askanias absolutely was an usurpation. Its usurpation was a result of the realization carefully systematized diplomatic action. That action was realized by margrave of the Northern Mark, his name was Albreht the Bear with the Bihman, the Margdeburg archbishop, in 1157 year.

The Askanias inherited a territorial administrative division on a separate cantons from the Gavolan principality. The heads of the cantons were their fogts and the system of a fortifications, that had a name «burgvards», a long time figured on a military-administrative organization of the margravate. A lot of defended and thickly populated places became the cities during the Askanias power. The Askanias inherited a system of lands and river communications which helped to develop home and foreign trade. The church organization that was formed in the main lines in the Gavolan principality was kept. On the whole Brandenburgii margravate was a friable union of lands with a different level of an economical development that had a connection between themselves only of the general politic domination of the margraves Askanias in the XII — begining of the XIII century. The practice of the domestic allotments made it more ustable.

The supremacy over the Mark's territory, the concentration a count jurisdiction in their hands allowed Askanias to collect the supreme rights and regalias in their hands in a short time, in particular there was the imposition of a population by a direct and an indirect taxes. The first margraves had a monetary regalias, a mill and a water banns, a customs right. The greater part of these regalias subjected an alienation as a monetary need of the margraves in the XIII century.

The initiative of a colonization of the Brandenburgh lands belonged to the margraves. Extremely important term in the Askania's dominional policy was an increase their possession of the conquered Slav lands, its colonization, in particular, the energetic locator activity. The colonization leaded by the Askania's predecessors in some regions (Ukkermark, Lebus). On the whole Dutch colonization on mark was not so great like Helmond showed it. But we can see the strong affluence of the Dutch colonists on the separate regions of a margravates. It was provoked by the natural conditions of the given regions of the mark and by another factors. However the process of colonization diversely passed in the different regions of the margravates, and on the whole it went out from the margravate's control, because the margravates payed general attention to a foundation of the new towns.

The urban policy of the margraves studied a purpose of a treasury's enriching on account of the taxing of citizens by direct and indirect taxes. The Margraves were obliged to allow an economical privileges and limited self-goverment to the citizens in the conditions of the universal economical raising of the cities. The Askanias industriously concured in rise of the new urban centres, but they hadn't any lasting program of the towns' building.

The margraves consolidated their power and built a territorial domination in Brandenburgh by the help of such expedients: the concentration land property and colonization of the Slav lands by the German colonists, an establishment of a feudal supremacy our secular feudalists, introduction ministeral management in the margrave's domains and in towns; and the local church fixed their supremacy. The division of the margrave essentially made worse Askania's position in a dependence of the local episcopacies and monasteries in the middle of the XIII century. But they didn't cede their position, continued to propagate a church fogts, limited an episcopalian jurisdiction, obtained a rich church (fife) fief, introducted a princely taxes in the church possessions and eveę appropriated a significant part of a tithe. The princely patronated above monasteries preserved, compulsory exchange of an episcopalian land domains practised.