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Chuck Selwyn

Sleep-In For Daddy

Chapter 1

Jerry trembled in the closet, quivering with anticipation, because he had been waiting for this moment ever since his father announced he had to catch a plane this evening. His old man always came into the bedroom with his mother, for a goodbye piece of ass before going off on another one of his long road trips, and this time, Jerry was ahead of them, determined to actually see what the fucking was all about, instead of just pressing his ear to the wall and only listening to them screw.

As he crouched in the darkness, wearing only his old bathrobe, he was glad his mother's clothes hung here, where he could get an open view of the bed. His dad's closet was across the room, and the old man would be digging stuff out of it, anyway, soon as he finished taking a quick shower. The pair of suitcases were already packed for the old man's trip, but Mack Winston always pawed around in the closet to see if he'd forgotten anything.

So that made Jerry safe here, among his mother's things, smelling the musky perfume that clung to dresses and slacks, and pressing his cheek against one of her slick-feeling dressing gowns. That was almost like touching her skin, almost like touching her nude body, and his prick throbbed in his hand as he squeezed down on it. His crotch ached; his belly was drawn tight and his balls felt swollen to twice their normal size. The cockhead pulsed in his fingers, but he held off from massaging it. Plenty of times, he had jacked off while hearing the sexy noises of his mom and dad making it, but now he was going to wait awhile.

Sure, he was scared. Jerry had no clear idea of what would happen to him if he got caught hiding in their room while they screwed, but he suspected that he would get his ass blistered. But that wouldn't be as bad as the embarrassment of both of them just knowing he was there, sneaking around to get a peep at what really happened when a man put his meat to a woman's pussy. And it wasn't as if he was just a little kid, getting too curious; he was fifteen years old, and damned near grown up. They'd never forgive him for being so dirty, and he might even have to split, leave home and take to thumb-tripping and never come back.

But he had to see it. Damn it, he just had to. If his mom was one of those fat and dumpy mothers, or all grey and wrinkled, the strain on him wouldn't have been so strong. As it was, he couldn't sleep, for thinking about what was hidden beneath her skirt, and the shape of her sleek ass in tight pants drove him right out of his head. Her tits — ah, her tits; Jerry stroked his aching prick and smiled at the vivid imagery of his mothers fine, full breasts bouncing when she walked, at the golden globes that pushed so excitingly against a thin gown. Angela Winston never wore a bra; he had often noticed the outline of her nipples, and once in awhile, gotten a peek down her dress to where the dusky golden valley separated the luscious mounds.

Jerry went taut when he heard the click of the bedroom door, and hoped neither of them would notice the closet door standing open just the slightest crack. Then his mother walked into the room, moving with that particular swaying of the hips that made all men look at her when she walked.

He caught his breath when he saw that the front of her pale blue robe was already hanging open, and as her sculptured thighs moved whispering against each other, Jerry could see the intriguing quick flashes of her golden pubic hair. His pulses raced and an artery fluttered in his throat; dry-mouthed, he stared at his mother as she strode lithely to the bed, where she tamed and gracefully dropped the robe from her shoulders.

Jerry was barely conscious of his father coming across the room; he was stunned by the sight of his mom standing there so wonderfully, so beautifully, naked. Her entire body seemed to glow, to have been lovingly polished by the softest of cloths, the lovely flesh glistening with health and burnished by a special inner heat of desire. He stared at the lifted, rounded modeling of her superb breasts, the lush hills of creamy-golden skin so wonderfully filled, the erectile tips of her pink nipples.

His mother's belly was just barely rounded, and the sleek hips were flared beguilingly, her skin flawless. And there — there — was the pouting mound of her fantastic pussy, that forbidden, secret heaping of rich bronze curls that cloaked the shaping of her most private part. Entranced, hardly daring to breathe, Jerry gazed hungrily at the perfection of his mom's gorgeous snatch, seeing how it was snugged between the symmetry of her thighs, how the light played among the gleaming thatch that hid the suggestion of her cunt lips. She was beautiful and sensuous; she was enthralling and naked — and she was about to be fucked.

Jerry clamped hard upon his distended cock as he watched his dad peel out of his robe and move toward his mother, who held out her smooth arms. Mack Winston went into the loving circle, his prick out stiff and erect to nuzzle against the warmth of his wife's belly. Her magnificent breasts flattened against the dark hair of his chest as she lifted her crotch and swung the heated mattress of her crotch against his pelvis.

Jerry's breath got caught in his throat as he saw his old man slide hands down his mother's back to cup the twin hills of her provocative ass. Drawing the tall, slender body to him, Mack held it close, rubbing his cockhead up and down her satin belly. They drifted together to the bed, sinking down upon it and lying side by side as they caressed each other.

In the closet, Jerry fought to keep from jacking off when he saw his mothers slim fingers curling adoringly around the stiffness of his father's cock, when he saw the man's fingers probing gently into the golden nest of her pubic hair and cupping that exquisite pussy. How did it feel, Jerry wondered? Was it hot and juicy against the palm, and did it tremble wetly there, moving with a life of its own?

He was glad when they rolled over, when his mom spread the marvelous shaping of her thighs and lifted her knees, for then he could see the deep pink lips that peeped so cunningly from the matting of her cunt hair. But the view was too quick, cut off far too soon, when his father crawled in between the long, veed legs.

Daring to push open the closet door another inch, Jerry put his eye to the crack and watched his old man position himself, saw him bend down the glistening head of his cock and aim it into the woolly pile of golden pubic curls.

His father had a pretty small shaft, he thought; it wasn't nearly as long nor as thick as his own tool, but his mom seemed to be very happy with it. She wiggled eagerly as the distended glans prodded into her mound, and rolled her trim ass bewitchingly as the blunt tip began to push through the mossy hair and nudge into the humid magic of her pussy lips.

It was happening then, really happening — the cockhead sliding up into the beautiful pussy, burying its flanged knob into the secret depths as Angela wriggled blissfully to get it settled into the silken lining of her torrid vagina. Inch by inch, the hard meat glided on inside the gripping of that elegant cunt until it slipped completely from sight, and Mack's hairy balls had nudged themselves into the cleft of her uptilted ass.

«Oh, darling,» Angela purred, «it's so good to feel your nice, stiff prick in my pussy again. I really love you to fuck me, and it never gets old, no matter how often we screw. Ooh, Mack, Mack — lay that wonderful meat up into my cunt.»

Jerry shuddered; this was the kind of sexy talk he had heard them use, when he listened at the wall, and the words coming out of his mother's mouth made his own cockhead dance with eagerness. He watched his father's small prick begin to glide in and out of the hot clenching of that special pussy, and saw Angela arching her back lifting her hips so she could take the surging meat deeper into her juicy cunt. Now Jerry could hear the small, wet noises his mom's snatch made as it sucked upon his dad's pistoning cock, and thought it must be the most exciting sound in the world.