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Taking more time to let the pressure subside in his balls, he slipped a finger into the red lips of her steaming labia, and probed the velvet sleeve of Debbie's pussy for while, coming up as she squirmed to manipulate her clit; it was bigger than his mom's, he discovered, almost like a little prick standing out hard and trembling. Jerry teased it until the woman came furiously, her marvelously haired snatch bucking, as she cried out in intense pleasure.

When she had sagged back, he took out his finger and set the spongy bulb of his rested prick into those beguiling, bearded cunt lips and shoved. They opened to take him in, going elastic and spreading to encircle the heavy roundness of his distended cock. His meat filled her pussy, packed it from end to end, and Debbie wriggled upon it.

«It's always so big and hard,» she panted. «Oh, I can't believe that my pussy can take it all. Ahh, darling! You touch bottom with every stroke, and your cockhead feels like it's going to come out through my stomach. Oh — ahh — lay it into my cunt, you sweet boy; fuck me over and over, because I love you, because I adore that big, wonderful prick of yours.»

Rocking backward and forward into the furry basket of her crotch, Jerry hammered his shaft into her greedy snatch, building her to a softly shrieking climax. Debbie's cunt tried to eat up his prick, clamping and jerking upon it, and she clawed at his shoulders with hooked fingers as she came, and came again.

Jerry's heart was pounding and his balls were threatening to blow themselves apart. Swiftly, he yanked his slippery cock from the suction of her undulating pussy and crawled back up Debbie's nakedly heaving body. Catching her black hair in both hands, he lifted her face as he guided the greasy head of his hard shaft against her gasping mouth. The woman's red lips were soft, and he saw the flash of her white teeth before the swollen bulb of his prick covered them.

«Eat It now,» he hissed, sliding his glans far into her mouth and touching the tip of it against the silken goblet of her throat. «Gobble it on down, Mrs. Carter — suck on my cock and lick it, as you never did to your husband. I'm going to pump my come right on down your throat this time, Debbie; you're going to swallow it all, drink it down.»

Maybe Debbie struggled a little, or she might have simply been eager to get with it, but he held her head in position anyhow, and fed his meat back and forth into her mouth. Jerry fucked her mouth, packed it and stroked it, running his cockhead across her quivering tongue and over the roof of her mouth, but being careful not to choke the woman as he reached into her throat.

Like a steam line breaking, his prick suddenly jetted live hotness into Debbie Carter's mouth, a gush of bubbling thick semen that puffed out her cheeks and flooded her tongue. The rich cream hosed far back into her throat, and she had to swallow rapidly, so she could breathe around the deluge. Jerry felt a growing suction, a drawing pressure upon his knob as the woman sucked upon it, as his vital juices flowed down her throat and into her belly. She didn't flinch at her first inundation of come, but reveled in its release, her eyes closed in rapture and her full body arching.

Angela said softly, «Oh wow — she loves semen as much as I do; she's just never had a chance to swallow it before. See, Jerry — in a way, you got a cherry from her, did something to Debbie that no man ever did. But every time you put that immense cock into a woman, it makes her feels as if she's being fucked for the first time, anyhow.»

Holding it in the woman's mouth until she had drained the final droplet of his juice, Jerry then backed it from her greedy lips and lifted himself from off her body. He felt damned good, being able to turn on a pair of such lovely women as these two, and even if there was a slight nagging in the back of his head, a fear of discovery by Debbie's husband, he sublimated it. Hell, he thought, lying down upon his back between the two beautiful, warmly naked bodies, he would fuck Debbie and his mom even if he knew somebody would beat the shit out of him because of it.

He put a hand upon each of their palpitating cunts and cupped the hairy mounds lovingly, his center flngers lightly probing the greasy slits buried so deeply in different colored pubic hair. Snatches like these should never be allowed to go to waste, and as long as he could raise a hard, he would see to it that they didn't stay empty for long. And if his cock went soft for some unknown reason, he'd pack each delicious pussy with his tongue.

Besides, he thought, his mother and her best friend certainly had a thing for each other, and they would soon be fulfilling their desires in that direction. He would watch and join in, share them as they shared their bodies and their love.

Nothing else mattered.

Chapter 8

Next morning, Jerry dived into a heavy breakfast of bacon and eggs and buttered toast, topped by both milk and coffee and preceded by fruit juice and vitamin pills. Besides being hungry, he was taking no chances on losing any strength.

They had gotten Debbie Carter together last night, helping her to dress and to do something about her hair and makeup, so that she looked reasonably presentable when she went home to her husband and daughter. She hadn't really wanted to leave, hut they all knew it was best, and as she kissed them both goodnight, she'd promised to return as soon as she could.

Finishing the last of his coffee, Jerry stretched his legs and said, «Mom — what about Mr. Carter and Mary? I mean, if we want to keep Debbie with us for any length of time, we're running the chance of him walking in on us some day, just like she did.»

«I know,» his mother answered, «and I've been thinking about that. Since Lester isn't working this weekend it's probably as good a time as any, too. I guess the best thing for me to do is to seduce him, get him to lay me, so he can't make Debbie feel guilty about her own swinging. Still, some men cling to that old double sex standard, and he might not go for his wife fucking someone else, even if he is.»

«Maybe she can help work on him with you,» Jerry suggested. «If she talks to him, really talks to him, she might get him all turned on. I know talking with you about screwing does it to me.»

Angela snapped her fingers. «You may be right, darling. Our friend Lester could be made horny as hell, if Debbie brought it up to him, if his own wife sort of offered me to him as a new and exciting lay. It might put a lot more zip into their sex life, too. I don't think that Lester is actually a cold type; he's just in a rut, tired of the same old screwing, no matter how good it is.»

Carrying his dishes to the washer, Jerry put them away and said, «They never ate each other.»

«Blame the rut they're in, and all that early programming, and probably the fact that most married couples never really talk to each other, never bring their sexual secrets out into the open. Your father and I were lucky, right from the beginning, and now you'll never be hidebound by a bunch of propaganda that can only make you frustrated and unhappy.»

Jerry patted his mother's sleek ass and grinned. «No way for me to be frustrated now. I've had the best, and if I never get to fuck all the rest, I'll still be happy. How are you going to do it, mom — set him up, I mean?»

She kissed his cheek and he felt the mounded pressure of her proud breasts. «I'll call Debbie and clue her in, tell her to bring him over here. Maybe you shouldn't be around, though — not at first, anyway. After we've gotten Lester going, you can join the party.»

«Okay,» he said, stroking her hips as she stood softly against him. «But where are you going to lay him, living room or bedroom? I want to see and hear it all.»

Angela frowned. «The living room, I think. I'll feed him some brandied coffee and move him in there on the couch. If you get over in the corner behind your father's big chair, you'll be out of sight.» She kissed him again, this time upon the mouth, her tongue darting and honeyed. «I'll miss you, baby. Of course, I'm excited about screwing a different man, about trying a new prick, but I'll miss you, anyhow.»