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Head spinning, Jerry clung to his mom, rocking tenderly now in the basket of her silken crotch. She held to his emptying balls and kissed his cheek, his bitten throat, his ear; her free hand caressed the length of his back as her limber legs slid slowly apart and straightened themselves upon the bed. The points of her breasts burned into the sweaty skin of his chest, and he sighed in the completeness of his gratification.

It might have been a century before Jerry lifted his face from the scented angle of her throat and shoulder; it might have been only minutes. Things came into focus around him, especially the intent faces of Lester and Debbie Carter only a few feet away. Smiling drowsily for them, he eased his softening prick from the rubbery grasp of his mother's unbelievable pussy, then lifted his weight from her beautiful body. Rolling over onto his back, he tried to catch up with his heartbeat.

«That was some kind of wild fucking,» Debbie breathed. «Every time I see that gigantic young cock pumping away like that, I get half scared and half turned on. You two people screw so marvelously together; it's horny poetry and pornographic music, blended with a kind of incestuous symphony. Wonderful, just wonderful!»

«Yeah,» Lester said. «I'm even getting myself another hard-on.»

It was an opening for Angela, and she was alert enough to take it. «I guess it's because we are what we are — mother and son. You can have the same kind of deeply moving sex, Lester. You have a gorgeous little daughter.»

The man sat erect. «Hey now — wait a second — «

Debbie nudged her husband. «We've already talked some about it, dear. If I'm willing to see our daughter screwed, willing to have my husband get into that girlish little box, what kind of argument can you put up? I know damned well you want to lay our Mary, and you can't deny it.»

«But she's only a kid, and — «

«Being honest about it,» Debbie said, «she's probably already screwing around with boys, anyhow.»

Lester frowned. «You think so? She's kind of young for that.»

«It bugs you,» Debbie continued, «because you're jealous of some kid her own age getting into her. Yes, I think she's swinging a bit; kids are different now, Les. Look at Jerry.»

«Yeah,» the man muttered, «and look at that huge cock of his. Do you think he could get that much meat into Mary's little snatch? And that's what all of you have in mind, I know — for her to join our balling.»

«Only if she wants to,» Angela said «And you do have to think of her reaction, if she finds out that her mother and father are making it with the neighbors. As for Jerry fucking her, yes; she can take his big prick. Even if she's a virgin, she can. Women are built that way, their cunts are adaptable. I'll admit that it could be rough on her, if Mary is still a cherry, and I think she should start out with a smaller cock

— like yours, Lester. Or my husband's.»

«Damnit,» Lester said, «how do we find out if she's a cherry?»

The man's objections were eroding, Jerry knew. Of course, he wanted to fuck his daughter, now that he had been turned on to real and honest sex, and he was just trying to figure out how to go about it. Lester was embarrassed, too, Jerry figured, edgy about seducing his kid; all his previous programming hadn't worn off.

«I can find out,» Angela volunteered. «Mary and I have always had a pretty, good rapport. Or maybe Jerry would be the logical one.»

«I'm confused about it all,» Lester said. «Angela, suppose she won't tell you? Suppose she backs away from the whole idea?»

Angela shook her head. «Somehow, I don't think she will be shocked. Look at you and Debbie; all it took for you both was some honesty, some letting go. And Mary is your own flesh and blood; your genes are in her, and they're passionate genes. Why don't I go over to your house and see, when she comes home?»

«Why not?» Debbie asked. «And I'll stay here with my two horny lovers.»

Jerry watched his mother swing her slender legs off the bed, and eyed the suggestive ripplings of her sculptured ass as she walked sway- hipped into the bathroom. He had a faint suspicion that she might make a pass at Mary herself, and figured that would be a good way to get the girl under control. Funny thing, he thought; he and Mary had been to the flicks a few times, and he'd kissed her a few times, but neither of them had made another move — maybe because she had been waiting for him to start something, and because he had been too inexperienced to try, besides being all wrapped up in the erotic dream of getting into his mother's forbidden pussy.

She was small and sweet and he felt big next to her. If she was really hot as they hoped, he and Mary Carter might make a good fucking couple. And it was time he got a crack at a young cunt, to see if it was any different from the juicy, experienced ones of older women.

Lying back upon the bed, Debbie said, «Both of you, and just me. This is going to be wild, darlings. I'm very excited, and Les — don't worry. Angela will work it all out just fine, I'm sure.»

Angela wasn't long in the shower and came out looking fresh, her eyes glowing with that special, sensuous look. She gazed down at them naked on her bed, and murmured, «Have fun; I'll see you later.»

After she left, Debbie looked at her husband, then to Jerry. «Well? Has anybody got any ideas?»

The guy's cock had softened, Jerry saw; Lester was still fretting about his daughter, but Jerry didn't have that problem. He wasn't even worried about his father's return now; Mack would understand, and would be grateful for the new cunts lined up for him. The only puzzle was Mary Carter and how she would react, and that would soon be solved. In the meantime, here was this luscious, full-bodied woman stretched naked and desirable before him, ready for anything that two lustful men might want to do with her.

He said gently, «Take hold of your husband's cock, Debbie. He'll get with it in a minute or two.»

Then he curled himself down at the foot of the bed, where he could start kissing the woman's trim feet. Working slowly and tantalizingly up over her ankles, then her calves, he was licking hotly behind her knees when she began to writhe uncontrollably. Jerry drew his hot, wet tongue over her silken kneecaps, and moved inch by teasing inch along the tender insides of her ripe thighs, inexorably nearing his target, the palpitating, heavily bushed mound of her cunt.

«Your wife really has a beautiful pussy,» he breathed. «It's so hairy and soft. There's a perfume rising from it, all musky and exciting.»

From the corner of his eye, he could see Debbie's hand, see her delving the points of her fingers into and around the stem of her husband's limp shaft. That kind of teasing pressure would soon make the prick gorge itself, he knew, and looked back into the deeply furred vulva waiting for him.

Jerry went into it hungrily, remembering that his mom had eaten it just a little while ago, knowing that Angela's tongue had run riot inside its velvet depths. Debbie's luxurious, wiry hair caressed his face as he jammed his mouth onto her pussy lips to force the swollen length of his tongue between them.

Rolling her shaggy crotch against his chin and nose, Debbie responded swiftly, the polished rose-ivory of her belly flexing as she felt the burrowing of his tongue and the avid suction he was applying to her vagina.

«Ummm,» she said. «Your mother really taught you how to eat a woman's pussy, darling. Ahh! When you tickle my clit like that, I want to pull your entire head up inside my cunt.»

Probing and corkscrewing his tongue, Jerry drilled it into her clitoral hood, lapped it over her quivering clit, and drew the vibrant little erection into his teeth. Her flowing juices filled his mouth, and he allowed them to slide hotly down his throat. He stroked her surging ass, and wondered if her daughter's pussy would be as richly oiled, or if younger chicks didn't have as much fluid.