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Toward the front was a shadowed area into which he couldn’t see clearly. He straightened, eased around and alongside the crate with his Navy at the ready. No sounds, no movement.. until a brief lurch and shudder as the locomotive nosed into an uphill curve and the engineer used his air. Then something slid into view in the shadowy corner.

A leg. A man’s leg, bent and twisted.

Quincannon muttered an oath and closed the gap by another half dozen paces. He could see the rest of the man’s body then — a sixtyish gent in a trainman’s uniform, lying crumpled, his cap off and a dark blotch staining his gray hair. Quincannon went to one knee beside him, found a thin wrist, and pressed it for a pulse. The beat was there, faint and irregular.

“Mr. Bridges! Be quick!”

The conductor came running inside. When he saw the unconscious crewman he jerked to a halt; a moaning sound vibrated in his throat. “My God, Old Dan! Is he—?”

“No. Wounded but still alive.”


“Struck with something heavy. A gun butt, like as not.”

“Gaunt, damn his eyes.”

“He was after something in here. Take a quick look around, Mr. Bridges. Tell me if you notice anything missing or out of place.” -

“What about Dan? One of the drawing-room passengers is a doctor.”

“Fetch him. But look here first.”

Bridges took a quick turn through the car. “Nothing missing or misplaced, as far as I can tell. Dan’s the only one who’ll know for sure.”

“Are you carrying weapons of any kind? Boxed rifles, handguns? Or dynamite or black powder?”

“No, no, nothing like that”

When Bridges had gone for the doctor Quincannon pillowed the baggage master’s head on one of the smaller bags. He touched a ribbon of blood on the man’s cheek, found it nearly dry. The assault hadn’t taken place within the past hour, after Gaunt’s disappearance from the lavatory. It had happened earlier, during his fifteen-minute absence outside Needles — the very first thing he’d done, evidently, after recognizing Quincannon.

That made the breaching of the baggage car a major part of his escape plan. But what could the purpose be, if nothing here was missing or disturbed?

The doctor was young, brusque, and efficient. Quincannon and Bridges left Old Dan in his care and hurried forward. Gaunt wasn’t hiding in the tender; and neither the taciturn engineer nor the sweat-soaked fireman had been bothered by anyone or seen anyone since Needles.

That took care of the entire train, front to back. And where the bloody hell was Evan Gaunt?

Quincannon was beside himself as he led the way back down-train. As he and Bridges passed through the forward day coach, the locomotive’s whistle sounded a series of short toots.

“Oh, Lordy,” the conductor said. “That’s the first signal for Barstow.”

“How long before we slow for the yards?”

“Ten minutes.”

“Hell and damn!”

They found Sabina waiting at the rear of the second coach. She shook her head as they approached: her backtracking had also proven fruitless.

The three of them held a huddled conference. Quincannon’s latest piece of bad news put ridges in the smoothness of Sabina’s forehead, her only outward reaction. “You’re certain nothing was taken from the baggage car, Mr. Bridges?”

“Not absolutely, no. Every item in the car would have to be examined and then checked against the baggage manifest.”

“If Gaunt did steal something,” Quincannon said, “he was some careful not to call attention to the fact, in case the baggage master regained consciousness or was found before he could make good his escape.”

“Which could mean,” Sabina said, “that whatever it was would’ve been apparent to us at a cursory search.”

“Either that, or where it was taken from would’ve been apparent.”

Something seemed to be nibbling at her mind; her expression had turned speculative. “I wonder...”

“What do you wonder?”

The locomotive’s whistle sounded again. There was a rocking and the loud thump of couplings as the engineer began the first slackening of their speed. Bridges said, “Five minutes to Barstow. If Gaunt is still on board—”

“He is.”

“— do you think he’ll try to get off here?”

“No doubt of it. Wherever he’s hiding, he can’t hope to avoid being found in a concentrated search. And he knows we’ll mount one in Barstow, with the entire train crew and the authorities.”

“What do you advise we do?”

“First, tell your porters not to allow anyone off at the station until you give the signal. And when passengers do disembark, they’re to do so single file at one exit only. That will prevent Gaunt from slipping off in a crowd.”

“The exit between this car and the next behind?”

“Good. Meet me there when you’re done.”

Bridges hurried away.

Quincannon asked Sabina, “Will you wait with me or take another pass through the cars?”

“Neither,” she said. “I noticed something earlier that I thought must be a coincidence. Now I’m not so sure it is.”

“Explain that.”

“There’s no time now. You’ll be the first to know if I’m right.”

“Sabina...” But she had already turned her back and was purposefully heading forward.

He took himself out onto the platform between the coaches. The Limited had slowed to half speed; once more its whistle cut shrilly through the hot desert stillness. He stood holding onto the handbar on the station side, leaning out to where he could look both ways along the cars — a precaution in the event Gaunt tried to jump and run in the yards. But he was thinking that this was another exercise in futility. Gaunt’s scheme was surely too clever for such a predictable ending.

Bridges reappeared and stood watch on the offside as the Limited entered the railyards. On Quincannon’s side the dun-colored buildings of Barstow swam into view ahead. Thirty years ago, at the close of the Civil War, the town — one of the last stops on the old Mormon Trail between Salt Lake City and San Bernardino — had been a teeming, brawling shipping point for supplies to and high-grade silver ore from the mines in Calico and other camps in the nearby hills. Now, with Calico a near-ghost town and most of the mines shut down, Barstow was a far tamer and less populated settlement. In its lawless days, Evan Gaunt could have found immediate aid and comfort for a price, and for another price, safe passage out of town and state; in the new Barstow he stood little enough chance — and none at all unless he was somehow able to get clear of the Desert Limited and into a hidey-hole.

A diversion of some sort? That was one possible gambit. Quincannon warned himself to remain alert for anything — anything at all out of the ordinary.

Sabina was on his mind, too. Where the devil had she gone in such a hurry. What sort of coincidence—

Brake shoes squealed on the sun-heated rails as the Limited neared the station platform. Less than a score of men and women waited in the shade of a roof overhang; the knot of four solemn-faced gents standing apart at the near end was bound to be Sheriff Hoover and his deputies.

Quincannon swiveled his head again. Steam and smoke hazed the air, but he could see clearly enough: No one was making an effort to leave the train on this side. Nor on the offside, else Bridges would have cut loose with a shout.

The engineer slid the cars to a rattling stop alongside the platform Quincannon jumped down with Bridges close behind him, as the four lawmen ran over through a cloud of steam to meet them Sheriff Hoover was burly and sported a tobacco-stained mustache; on the lapel of his dusty frock coat was a five-pointed star, and in the holster at his belt was a heavy Colt Dragoon. His three deputies were also well-armed.