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“Annabelle,” I greeted her.

“Hi,” she said breathily.

“Vinegar?” I asked.

Her mouth moved but nothing came out. She watched me like a scared cat that just ran into a vicious dog. Did I frighten her? “Huh?”

I smiled at her to try and ease her discomfort. “You said you’re SOL with the vinegar.”

She shook her head. “Oh, right. Yeah, Donna wanted vinegar to see if she could rub out a stain on Keegan’s mom’s dress.”

These women and their little tricks. “Does someone need me to run to the store and get some?”

Tilting her head to the side, I don’t think she was anticipating that answer. “No, I’m sure they will find something else that will work. But thank you.”

We stood there unmoving for a few more beats until one of the girls stepped in between us and took some items out of Annabelle’s hand. “Alrighty, well, I’ll be seeing you girls in a bit.” I looked at Keegan. “And you, look absolutely stunning. My brother is a lucky man.”

She beamed at me. “Thank you. And tell your brother I’m going to kick his ass for making me cry . . . but I love him.”

I saluted. “Will do.”

I would have said something to Annabelle before leaving, but she had effectively turned away from me and struck up conversation with someone else. Oh yes, this girl definitely fascinated me.

Holy hell in a handbasket, I was not expecting to run into Turner at that very moment. I knew I’d be seeing him at some point today, but not then, and not when I’d been running around like a chicken with her head cut off. Pretty sure I was sweaty too.


“Okay, ladies, it’s time to line up. Everyone is seated,” Donna said from the door.

Keegan shook her hands out, and took her bouquet of white peonies and pink lilies, and marched toward the door like a girl on a mission.

When we were all in our places, Keegan made sure to say something to us all. “Words can’t express what you girls mean to me. That you all have chosen to take part in a day that I know I’ll never forget. I’m beyond grateful, and I love each and every one of you.”

“Stop it, or I’m going to cry,” Macie said. “I love you, but I’m going to be pissed if you turn me into a sap before the vows are even said.”

The two best friends embraced and they said something quietly to each other that only they could hear. Macie was Keegan’s rock for several years before I’d met them, and their bond was special. I loved that about them.

Pachelbel’s Canon started playing loud enough for us to hear, and Donna and Rowan were escorted in to be seated. Next the bridesmaids were brought in, forming a line, but spacing us out every ten or so feet. As I got closer to the front of the church, I glanced at Camden who stood completely still, with his hands clasped in front of him, and he was anxiously waiting on his bride. There wasn’t a single person in this room that was going to distract him from the moment she stepped foot inside. Next to Camden was a very dashing looking Turner, whom was dressed in a classic black and white tuxedo. The whole theme to this wedding was classic, but rustic country. It was the best of both the bride and the groom. I did everything I could to keep my eyes off of Turner as I passed and stepped into my spot in front. It didn’t help that I could feel his eyes on me though. I really wish he’d stop watching me.

When Sarah, the flower girl, came down the aisle, the music shifted to “Here Comes the Bride” and every person in the church rose. The doors in the back opened, and Keegan stood in her white dress, looking every bit the blushing bride. She had chosen to walk by herself because of her own family situation, but it didn’t seem to phase her in the least. Her eyes were locked on Camden and one of the most beautiful moments I’ve ever witnessed passed between them. I hated weddings. I really did. If we could skip all the ceremonial stuff, and everything else leading up to it, it would be perfect. Because this right here was the only part that made me go soft. When the groom sees the bride. The look on his face is pure love. The look on her face is full of pride and adoration. This was where you knew they loved each other and this would be something that would last a lifetime. As Keegan made her way up the aisle, I kept my emotions in check, and smiled as I partook in their happiness.

If only it would have stayed that way. Unfortunately I made the colossal mistake of turning toward Camden to watch his face and I saw Turner just over his shoulder. In this light, his blue eyes looked like the Caribbean ocean. They were unique and beautiful. That same pull from the club captured me, and held me. His perfectly angular jaw, and lips that were shaped similar to a heart. He looked every bit the business man, but I knew hidden under all of that was a man that would push me to the edge. He scared me. He made me curious. I didn’t want to be curious. Turner didn’t belong in my bubble of safety. He was the opposite of safe. He was someone that would turn me upside down like a snow globe and shake me ‘til I couldn’t see past the flurries in front of me.

Look away Annabelle. I scolded myself.

“May I have the rings?” the pastor asked.

Turner was the one that cut the invisible line between us. He reached into his coat pocket and placed the ring on the pastor’s palm. Macie did the same.

The whole ceremony went by quicker than I’d expected it too. Neither Camden or Keegan were super religious, so they’d chosen to cut out a lot of the stuff you’d find in a more traditional wedding. They exchanged the rings, said vows they’d written for each other, kissed and then that was it.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Camden Brooks.”

There was some cheering and whooping in the audience. I was ready to get out of there and get some fresh air. I was certain the damn air conditioning was broken. The happy couple strode out of the church hand in hand while the rest of us filed out in couples. Thankfully, Macie was paired with Turner, and I walked with Dodger. He was eyeing her up and down as we made our way to the foyer where we’d greet everyone. I knew they used to be a couple, but I didn’t know how long they’d been together or how serious it’d been.

“It’s a good ass, isn’t it?” I spoke out randomly.

He looked down at me. “Excuse me?”

“Well, I just noticed you checking out Macie, so I was making a remark about how great her ass was.” I wasn’t one to try and embarrass people but I got the impression, he was the type that could take it.

He smirked, seeming shocked by my straightforwardness. I could see why the girls were so attracted to him—baby blue eyes, and that quirky crooked smile would melt the socks off of anyone. “Busted. Yeah, it’s a mighty fine ass.”

I giggled. At least it lightened the mood both he and I seemed to be in. “Sorry, just giving you a hard time.”

He nudged me with his elbow that I was holding on to. “Eh, no worries.”

We both stopped as soon as we got into the foyer and met up with Camden, Keegan, Turner, and Macie. Turner was glaring at his brother, his eyes shooting to where I was still holding on.

“Uh oh.” He leaned down to whisper in my ear, “Might want to release me soon or I may have to roll around and throw a few punches with my big brother over there. Somebody looks jealous.”