Actually, it is not understand, how humans say, as though, who ever should think and talk on certain language. Maybe, somebody wants to explain his (her) opinion on favorite vocabulary.
I am in the work-room. I read the news in this morning. And in these five minutes I would want to say any.
First, in the parts of news-pages the interesting was that, what the policemen of England bitten the pure street-man and broken his automobile without any reasons. The address of that video I don`t want to show any-who.. Second, I thought that the humans should be careful and cleverer in the other situations. Just think, how it can change self, if you will begin to do something wisely.
Hmmm, it can be my help for my day life at the conferences of my classmates. Just I should be quiet and patient.
Chapter nineth.
Once upon in the night, at the early light of the sun, I thought about something, that could be reminding me about my last evening. But I forget. I didn`t bethink.
Sleeping in ever dream, seeing the past, can you believe to the freedom and conscience? Never you think about that? Even if you was sad? Amazing! It`s amazing! But if you will any pass in your friendship, but if you will get any mistake, what you will do after wall of broken stones?
Whatever have real and wonder sides, and you know about that. But you chose to sit in full darkness and to count the numbers of cold self behaves.
You hate the immortal and forever goodness, with by which the people did the fancy actions.
Are you can to give the presents at usual day or at Christmas? What was that? It must have been bad relationships, bad thoughts, accusing other people of lying, when you did it yourself.
Should you do better? Stop being evil! People will not help you, if you will stay in an empty place and will start saying bad words. It is not a defense. This is a bad thing.
"What you felled? What you thought? What you want to do? The questions can be different and other for this theme. Just you, just you can change the bad situation, and not I. I saw the bright light in your eyes, your smile on the mouths, and I ignored that, because its weren’t in the time. Do anything good. Do anything good not for yourself, but for others, for usual people..."
I said that for him. He leaved from my room, he gone from my floor. He gone from the city and from country. He heard or forgot it, I don`t know, but many his letters and massages from he, after our talking, made me to read all, what was at the coffee-table and at work-hold. I again surprised. He wrote about mountains and about rocks, at which he stood in previous day, in early mornings. This large text was the remainds of his adventures. He greeted me. As like it was as it, is beyond it will be better, than it was after.
I read few his letters. He was sick. He talks about his journeys at the yellowed paper. The time didn`t pure any-who. Climbing on the highest rocks, he liked admire the scenery that appeared before him as he climbed the steps. He added the photos, what created after by authorize changes. I enjoined the style of writing. I decided to answer to his much dreams for his favorite cafe "On the point of the top" in low lands of Australia.
I thought. What that so can be, if some people dislike, when somebody points them to their mistakes and tells them what to do. They just start to get angry and to swear.
You will can lose your free time, and will go with empty arms to pure place. Fees the soulful lights attend, you could be careful anywhere.
How I don’t want to change myself.
How little kindness I see of people faces,
I do to good my behave,
Looking up the rises,
So I want to wait for the decision,
So I like the black color.
Getting of the vision,
He done the follow.
Reminding other advises,
I go alone to early lights
What will be there, I don`t know,
of goodness all the nights.
Chapter tenth.
"They want to break the history of everyone, they want to kill the all saved people, they want to make others to feel the bad feelings. You, knowing that or unknowing that, you not want to do and don`t to something for your save, for your good life, you just sleep. You are in your dream, you hear something, but you dislike to do yourself better, you are charmed, you are unmoved. You still think, that maybe somebody to save you any-where and any-when, if you will be crashed after some awesome unreal change... Get up! Wake up!" - he said to me, when I dreamed in my single clean room at the third floor of little house, after tired weak of hard work.
He caught up me in fifth dream, he awoke me by cold and fresh water, and I awoke fast, as I could to do that. He told me about much brilliant stones, which were there, at his secret part of his noiseless place. His appearance was gray and had strange ill side. I didn`t understand his point of his arrive, but something tells me, what is that happens.
We gone from my part of the social behavior, and after some instructions, he put me in the car, on the third seat. We went. I took my things in advance, and now I kept them near me. The path went to a mysterious place where we had to live later. He stopped the car in front of the fence of a large, but invisible from a distance, stone warehouse. I went outside, I saw a girl.
- Her name is Elizabeth. Elizabeth, meet him, this is Michael.
- Hi, Michael. How are you?
- I`m normal. I’m good. And you?
- Brilliantly. What he said about me?
- Nothing! He told me about strange situations, and we ariived there. Now I don`t know the point of this new life.
- It`s so hard and so easy, what I dislocated out at all.
- Just be quite, they can know. You should be quiet. Nothing sound should go from this house!
We were stay. We are wait. We think about future, and keeping the metallical knifes, we ready to defend us. It`s so foolish.
Chapter eleventh.
"If you feel bad emotions, you can change self to good mood, but now it will remember for you your unsuccessful past time. I don`t know, how, but it is off"... - I imagined self better than somebody in my dreams.
Jack Waiton told my yesterday: "- You cycled by selfish and motionless. It`s so curiosity, when you awake at the midday and asleep at the eleven hour of evening almost every day, mind, how and why you lost useful five hours of your clear life, and who was in fault. What you feel after that? You are strange, and it happened with you against you, because you didn`t unashamed actions, and creating some new way, you passed over any almost mistaken real opportunities. You forget self and kept on false thoughts. Just it happens without my desires, it is and it not disappear. Anywho set me up, I resisted and argued (weakly) my truth and innocence. All remained in the same position of minus. My friend, Elizabeth, saved me, saying the headmaster, what was real circumstance, who had illogical results. Now I found understand exit from the hard question - we could attack they, but we need many arms (information about the places around place, blunted weapons and fateful courage for a while of defense)..."
I understood: I don't will get out of the problem before the decision happens. It put pressure on me with all absurdity, forced me to do unnecessary and untimely affairs, and without my consent and without my logical participation, it put pressure on me because other people had time to protect themselves and preferred to report neutral lifestyles. And I stayed, I was stopped, and without asking anything about my thoughts, they gave me unnecessary and false duties, after which I almost exhaustedly fell many times in idleness and regretted it. Only thanks to the help from Elizabeth Roide and the empathy of Jack Waiton, I found myself, and only then a week after the many sufferings from the illogicality of all the words and tasks given to me. And Patrick Earle - just invited by me to the hammock of Mr. Victor World.