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Small Town Siren

 Texas Sirens - 1

Sophie Oak

For Rich

Chapter One

Sam Fleetwood stared at the box of books, and everything inside him stilled.

Well, he admitted, not everything. His cock grew to what felt like an impossible length, but once it had reached its limitation, even that stilled in shocked awe at the bounty that sat before him. Sam knew that if his dick had a face, it would probably have the same shocked expression on it as the one attached to his head.

After a moment of looking at the books on the top, he managed to find the strength to see what was beneath.

“Holy shit,” he breathed quietly, since he didn’t particularly want anyone to know he was out in the garage pawing through Abby Moore’s belongings. He was supposed to be out here grabbing a couple of beers from the fridge. But damn, he’d wasted weeks of his time.

Sam thought about the moment he’d seen Abigail Moore. He’d heard stories of her wild teen days and knew that there were still members of the small town who considered her a siren leading young men to sin. Even before she’d announced she was coming back, the locals had talked about her. She was legendary. Sam had been very curious about her. He’d sighed as the redhead had bounced out of her old sedan and rushed into Christa Wade’s arms. That hot honey could lead him into sin any time she wanted. His first reaction had been complete, unadulterated lust. Abby was thirty-seven now, but he had a hard time imagining that she’d been sexier as a teenager.

She had a gorgeous hourglass figure made for fucking. Her breasts, barely encased by a tight T-shirt that day, were big and round and bounced like they were real. Sam’s hands had itched to cup them and rub his thumbs across the nipples. Her hips were womanly, and though she was petite, there was nothing delicate about her. She’d been made to please a man in bed, and Sam didn’t see why that man couldn’t be him. He’d known right then and there that he was going to find a way into that fine woman’s bed as soon as possible.

All of that might have been perfectly acceptable if he hadn’t screwed everything up by falling madly in love with her. Once his initial lust had passed, he’d forced himself to knock on Christa Wade’s door. His intention that day had been to invite the café owner and her husband out to his ranch for dinner on Saturday. He’d become friends with Christa’s husband, Mike, over the last few years and he did business with Christa’s Café. It was supposed to be a quick thing. Get in, give her the invite, and get back to the ranch. He’d found himself sitting in Christa’s living room for three hours talking to Abby Moore about everything under the sun. He’d learned about her job and her precious daughter and found himself talking about the ranch. It was easy to talk to Abby. She seemed interested in what he thought of things. When he’d walked out the door, he’d been firmly in Cupid’s hold, and that changed everything.

If this was love, then he had to think about Jack. He might be able to screw a woman on his own, but if it became serious with Abby, he would never be able to do that without Jack. He’d made the decision to keep his hands off Abigail Moore until he could bring Jack into the picture.

Thus had begun the roughest four weeks of Sam Fleetwood’s life, and considering his childhood, that was saying something. He was firmly in love and caught between a rock and a really, really hard place. Sam managed to arrange several meetings between the two.  They had all had dinner at Christa’s Café every Wednesday night after Abby’s shift ended.  Sam had been able to wrangle an invitation to the Wades’ traditional Saturday football watching, and he’d complained until Jack went with him. Jack could be a bit of a loner.  Sam knew it was up to him to get Jack off the ranch from time to time.  Abby Moore was worth fighting Jack’s anti-social tendencies over.

Sam just hadn’t figured he’d be fighting so hard. Jack had admitted that she was beautiful and loving and sweet, but he’d been burned too many times before. Despite Sam’s best arguments, Jack wasn’t even willing to approach her about the possibility of dating them because Jack just assumed she would be shocked and appalled at the thought of a relationship with two men. Sam knew the argument well.  It was all right for a night or two, but most women weren’t willing to risk community outrage by dating both of them. Jack had been sure Abby wouldn’t even consider a sexual relationship with them.

Sam grinned as he looked down at the box of books.  Jack was going to have to rethink everything once Sam got him out here to look at what Abby considered great literature. Sam shook his head at the ridiculous covers on the books. These were women’s books? Everyone was naked.

What had Abigail done? Sam asked himself. Had she typed ménage into the search engine at Amazon and bought everything that came up?

He couldn’t help himself. He read the back cover of one and then another and another. Most were about one woman and two men. It was perfectly reasonable in Sam’s mind. Despite the salacious covers, they seemed to be about love, and one woman and two men constituted a romance in Sam’s world. Then he got to the really wild stuff.

“What the hell is she thinking?” Sam asked out loud as he read the back cover of a book about a woman servicing five men. Five? Where did one woman put five cocks? Sam felt a strange sense of outrage flush through his system. He was a reasonably tolerant man. Hell, he had shared women with his best friend since they were seventeen and the woman across the street introduced them to sex, but now he felt like a prude. The thought of Abby playing around with five damn men annoyed the hell out of him. He could feel his face setting in a stubborn line as he repacked the box. His honey was just going to have to be satisfied with the two cocks she was going to get. He wasn’t getting into anything wild, like sharing his wife with some stranger. It was him and Jack, and that would just have to be enough for his dirty little Abby.

Sam smiled as he got the beers he’d been sent out here for. A light joy overtook him as he realized Abby wasn’t going to be shocked by what they wanted from her. Hell, it was her fantasy. If she’d been in a relationship like it before, then she would know what was coming. He wasn’t sure why it hadn’t worked out before, but he knew one thing for sure. He and Jack wouldn’t screw this up. It was the most important thing in their lives. She was the one, and that box of smutty books proved it.

Sam popped the cap off his beer and took a long, satisfying swig. He loved her, and it felt good. It was going to feel even better when she loved them back. And there was no doubt in his mind that would happen.

They were two damn lovable guys, he thought with a grin and headed back in to start the seduction of a lifetime.

* * *

Jack Barnes tried to concentrate on the big screen. He shifted on the sofa, aware that his eyes kept moving to the woman curled up on the recliner across the living room. He was sitting in the Wade house surrounded by their friends.  He knew he’d been introduced to the five or six other guests the Wades had invited, but Jack couldn’t keep his mind off one. Abigail Barnes was just spending the night with Christa and Mike Wade, though evidence of her was spread through the house. She was staying with her mother in a small trailer on the edge of town. From what Jack understood, Abby was in a state of transition. She was looking for a place to settle down.

“Find what you needed?” Christa asked Sam as he walked back into the living room. Jack and the rest of the group sat watching the Longhorns play. There were chairs and bar stools huddled around the big screen. Jack and Sam had staked out the couch early. Mike and Christa cuddled on a love seat. There was a secretive smile on Christa Wade’s face. Jack took in the sight of his best friend. Sam practically skipped back in the room. Jack grew very wary. Sam had been in a shit mood for weeks over Abby Moore. Now he looked like a kid given the toy he’d wanted for Christmas. He really hoped Abby hadn’t done something to give Sam hope. The last thing he needed was Sam with a broken heart. He’d wander around the ranch like a kicked puppy for months.