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Abby’s voice was shaky. “I think you were right about my vibrator. It was definitely too small.”

“Hush, baby, I’ll go slow. You’ll see that we fit together just fine.” Jack didn’t let up.

Sam moved in beside her. His hands began smoothing back her hair. “It’s all right, baby. You’re so beautiful. I wanted you the minute I saw you. I took one look and said I am gonna make that woman mine.”

Abby relaxed as Sam talked to her, and his hands caressed her breasts. Jack’s patience was paying off as he managed to thrust in to the base of his cock. Jack held himself still over her, waiting for her to adjust. After a moment, she moaned. Her fingers dug into his shoulders. It was an insistent plea.

“It feels good, Jack.” Her eyes were half closed, and a dreamy smile came to her lips.

“That’s right,” Sam said happily. “Give yourself to us. We’ll make you feel so good, Abby.”

Abby’s hot pussy was a vise around his cock. Jack needed to move. “Wrap your legs around me.”

Abby wrapped her legs around his waist as he started to thrust and twist his hips. He sought the perfect angle to make her fly.

“Oh, Jack,” Abby cried out. Jack looked into her eyes. She was close. It was a good thing, too, because his balls were starting to draw up. He nodded to Sam to let him know he was close. Sam’s talented fingers tugged on her nipples. Abby’s head fell back as she came. Jack picked up the pace, content he’d taken care of her and could seek his own release. Jack spread her legs apart, hooking her knees over his elbows, leaving her completely exposed. He thrust forward, and he could feel his tight balls against her ass. He pulled back and thrust again. His body tensed, and he exploded inside her. He continued to thrust until he emptied himself, then fell forward into her arms. His chest heaved like he’d just run a race. He breathed in her smell.

Jack’s hands wrapped around her waist, hugging her as he laid his head on her chest. She felt perfect in his arms. He kissed her breast reverently. Jack felt one of Abby’s hands tangle in his hair. He saw she was doing the same to Sam, and he was perfectly satisfied that they hadn’t scared her off. She’d liked everything they had done to her so far. After a moment’s sweet rest, Jack rolled off her, and she protested the loss of his warmth.

The minute Jack got up to dispose of the condom, Sam was on top of her. Jack laughed at the speed with which his partner took over. He was on top of her before she knew what was happening.

“My turn.” Sam had the smile of an eager puppy.

“I’m in trouble.” Abby laughed as her arms wound around Sam’s waist.

Weren’t they all? Jack asked himself.

Chapter Four

Sam’s head came up as he heard the door slam. He sat up in bed and looked for Abigail.

“Damn it.” He rolled out of the big bed, and his hands went for his jeans. “She’s running, Jack.”

He poked his partner’s back. Jack was asleep on his stomach and didn’t look too concerned that Abby was making a break for it.

Sam looked down at the bed they’d shared with the glorious redhead. He looked at the clock. It was just past seven. It was way too early to be up on a Sunday.

“I’m going after her,” Sam said loudly. Jack stirred at the sound. Jack waved him off and pulled a pillow over his head to drown out the noise. “What is she thinking? We’re miles from town.” Sam knew he was mostly talking to himself. He zipped up his jeans and reached for a shirt. He came up with Jack’s, but that didn’t matter. He pulled it on. Where were his boots? He couldn’t go running after her barefoot. The driveway wasn’t paved. “That highway is dangerous. There’s no place for her to walk. She could get run over, damn it.”

“She isn’t walking,” Jack grumbled.

Sam heard the distinct sound of a car door slamming and then Jack’s big black truck purred to life. Sam sat down on the bed as the truck screamed out of the driveway.

Jack’s head came up as he heard the truck’s gears strip. “I swear if she wrecks my truck, I am gonna paddle her bottom raw.” He smiled a little.

Sam didn’t get Jack’s calm demeanor. He was panicked, but Jack just yawned and settled back down, pulling the quilt over his body. Sam suddenly felt very worried. He’d been sure Jack had been as crazy in love with Abby as he was. Last night had been the best sex of his life, but what if it hadn’t been the same for Jack? Sam had spent the last five weeks of his life chasing after Abigail every free minute he had. He thought after last night that the relationship was settled.  It looked like he was wrong.

“What the hell are you panicking over?”Jack’s eyes were sleepy.

Sam looked at Jack. “I’m not panicking,” he lied.

Jack rolled his eyes and yawned. “I can feel it from here, Sam, and it’s disturbing my sleep. Don’t worry about Abby. She’ll be back in this bed tonight. She might run, but she won’t get very far. She’s got a shift at the café starting at nine.”

“How do you know that?”

Jack stretched. “I stole the schedule from Christa’s office,” he said with a satisfied grin.

It was a reasonable thing to do in Sam’s mind. He sat down on the bed, still surprised at Abby’s exit. He had expected to cuddle and make love again and have breakfast with her. “Why did she leave without waking us up?”

Jack sat up, his back against the headboard. “Because she’s scared. We were a little overwhelming last night.”

“You don’t think we hurt her?”

“No. She’s scared because she feels for us,” Jack said. “To tell you the truth, I’m happy she ran. I’d be worried if she’d gotten up and fixed breakfast and acted nonchalant. She’s a forever kind of girl, and this morning she’s worried she had a crazy one night stand.”

Sam’s eyebrows came together in perfect consternation. “But we told her how we feel about her.”

“And no man ever lied to a woman like Abby to get what he wanted.” Jack yawned. “She’s no untried girl. Abby’s been through a lot. She doesn’t trust us yet, but she will. Right now, she’s coming up with a whole bunch of reasons to not see us again. We just have to get rid of those reasons, and then she won’t have anywhere to go except straight back to us. I’ll get her for us, Sam. You do your good cop routine, and I’ll be the big, bad boy. No woman can resist it. Have I ever let you down before?”

Sam released his worry. He would trust in his partner. He had ever since the day when he was fifteen and had been placed in group care. Jack Barnes had quietly threatened the other boys in the house with egregious bodily harm if one of them touched the young, terrified Sam Fleetwood. Sam had just lost his mom and dad, and he’d stuck by Jack ever since. Jack was bigger and tougher than anyone he’d met before or since.

“Not once, Jack,” Sam said with a grateful smile.

Jack’s years in foster care had given him street smarts that Sam hadn’t possessed. He knew what could have happened to him if Jack hadn’t been there. He knew because most of it had happened to Jack.

“It’s gonna be all right,” Jack promised. “Now get some more sleep. Chasing that woman is going to be damn tiring work.”

Sam laid back down with a smile on his face because Jack was in charge. He didn’t have anything to worry about.

* * *

Abby answered her cell phone without bothering to look at the number. It was a mistake she made because she was so flustered she wasn’t thinking straight.

“You get out of town, you whore!”

Abby sighed and clicked the phone shut again as she maneuvered Jack’s enormous black truck onto the street across from Christa’s house. The thing drove like a tank. Those phone calls were becoming more and more frequent. She would have to change her number soon.