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Lightly brushing his lips across hers, Jack’s hands went firmly to her waist. “I am properly placated for your very rude exit from our bed this morning.” Quicker than she could think, Abby found herself flipped over and turned across Jack’s knee. “But there is still the matter of one stolen and damaged truck,” Jack announced in that voice Abby was beginning to realize meant business. One big hand caressed her bottom as the other held her down.

“Now, Jack.” Abby tried really hard not to laugh because that might upset him further. She had no real fear of him at all. He would never hurt her, and frankly, she was a little curious. The last few years had been one long, dry spell, and she’d filled in the dreary space with an astonishing amount of erotica. Jack might think she was intimidated, but in truth, she was already getting hot. Sucking him off had made her wet and ready. His hand getting ready to spank her did nothing to change that fact.

“I am sorry about the truck. I have depth perception issues.”

He flipped the little pink skirt of her uniform up to her waist, uncovering the little bikini panties she wore.

“These won’t do.” With a strong jerk, he pulled the panties off her hips, and they tangled around her knees, leaving the twin globes of her ass exposed. Abby wiggled a little as his hand cupped her mound. She heard him chuckle. “Now what do we have here? You’re already wet, Abby. I guess I don’t have to worry about scaring you off. I am more than willing to let you drive my truck whenever you like, darlin’.” Jack teased her with his long fingers. She started to moan. She wasn’t trying to get away. She was trying to tempt him inside. “I am even willing to deal with your depth perception issues. But you have to deal with the discipline I will hand out for every ding you put on that fine piece of machinery.”

His hand pulled away from her, but only for a moment. Then it came down with a hard thwack to her ass.

Abby barely stopped herself from screaming. The spanking stung briefly, and then she felt the heat deep in her pussy. She moaned as he brought his hand down again.

Abby could feel Jack getting hard again.

“You like this, Abby? I like it, too. Your cheeks are a pretty pink. I love that color.”

“Do it again.” She thrust her butt up. She wondered what it would feel like if he spanked her pussy.

“Maybe later, sweetheart,” Jack said with a chuckle. He leaned over and kissed her ass, one kiss on each cheek. He reached down and pulled her panties off, then set her on her feet.

“What are you doing, Jack?” Abby felt her entire body flush with sexual arousal.

He shoved her white panties into his jeans pocket. “I think I’ll take these with me. I like the idea of being able to push your skirt up and having my way with you.”

“I like it, too, Jack.” Abby was getting a little suspicious that her punishment wasn’t over. She was willing to deal with a sexy spanking, but leaving her unsatisfied was going to piss her off. “Let’s do it now.”

Jack patted his stomach. “Oh, darlin’, I can’t. I was denied my breakfast this morning. I had to spend the whole morning worried sick about you, so I just don’t have the energy.”

“You asshole,” Abby spat as Jack made for the door. “I want my panties back.”

Jack pulled them out and waved them as he walked through the door. “Prize of war, baby, prize of war.” He shut the door, and Abby thought briefly about walking out after him and announcing loudly to everyone in the café that Jack Barnes was a terrible tease.

She promised herself she would get some revenge on that man. Right after she’d taken care of herself. Bastard. She was so hot she couldn’t think straight, and he was probably sitting out there laughing about it.

“Abby, sweetheart?” Sam’s voice was soft as he opened the door and looked her over before closing it and locking it behind him. He stood there with his angelic face, and it was all Abby could do not to jump him. He looked delicious in a white western shirt and tight blue jeans. “What did that mean old Jack do to you?”

Abby felt herself pouting but couldn’t quite stop it. Sam’s hands reached out for her, and the look on his face was sweetly lascivious. Jack might deny her, but Sam sure as hell wasn’t going to.

“He yelled at me.” Abby heard the hitch in her breath. She was close to getting emotional. It had been that kind of morning. She had been able to put her car out of her mind, but now it seemed to be crashing in on her. She needed some affection. She should never have left this morning. She should have stayed in the comfort of that big bed, safe in between them. “He yelled at me, and he spanked me, and he stole my panties.”

Sam looked like he trying hard not to laugh. “Was that the worst thing he did?”

She shook her head.

“What was the worst thing?”

“He didn’t even fuck me,” Abby said on a low wail.

Sam pulled her into his arms. “I’m so sorry that mean old Jack did that. He can be downright ruthless sometimes. To be truthful, though, you did steal his truck.”

“And I tried to make up for it.” Abby nuzzled his chest and let her arms wind around him. “I gave him a blow job and everything.”

 “Well, I’ll just have to step up and take care of you, Abigail. I can’t let Jack get away with something as bad as that.”

Abby went up on her toes and pressed her lips to his. “No, we can’t let him get away with it.” A thought made her pause. “Sam, we should stop. I don’t want to make Jack mad. I don’t want to come between the two of you.”

Sam grinned as he looked down at her. “Who do you think high-fived me on my way in here? He didn’t have any plans to leave you unsatisfied, baby.”

Abby sighed, and her hands went to his zipper. “I knew there was a reason I liked him.”

He leaned down and kissed her passionately, his tongue forcing its way in to play with hers. Abby hopped up on the desk, thankful Christa was such a neat freak. There was next to nothing on the top. She let her knees fall apart, and Sam immediately invaded. He shoved his pants down to his knees, and his fingers foraged between her legs. He slipped a finger between the slick folds of her pussy, rubbing up and down and circling her swollen clitoris.

“Damn, baby,” Sam breathed against her mouth. “Jack did a number on you. You are soaking wet. Did you like your spanking?”

Abby bit her lip and pressed up against Sam’s teasing hand. She needed more. She needed his cock. “I did. Please, Sam.”

Sam’s blue eyes were dark as he looked at Abby. Abby watched as he quickly sheathed his big cock in a condom. “Please, what? What do you want me to do to you?”

She knew what she wanted, and she wasn’t afraid to ask for it. “Fuck me, Sam. Fuck me now, and fuck me hard.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Sam slammed into her pussy.

He felt so right inside her. Abby held herself wide for him. He pushed and pushed until he was tightly seated. He didn’t need to go easy. Jack had her wet and ready for some rough play.

Abby moaned and clutched Sam’s shoulders as he pounded into her. Her hands slid down his back to tighten on his perfect ass. It clenched and released under her hands, and she fought to pull him in deeper.

“It’s feels so good, Sam.” Abby’s head fell back. Sam’s hands found her still sensitive ass, using her rear to hold her tight for his fucking. Her cheeks still tingled, reminding her of everything Jack had done to her, and the image made her even hotter. He was sitting out there in the dining room, and he knew exactly what they were doing.

Sam fucked into her pussy like a man on a mission. He pressed into her and rolled his hips so he could slam against her clit with each thrust. Abby pushed back against him, fighting for her orgasm with everything she had. Sam’s finger slipped between her cheeks, and he circled her tight anus.