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“Mike,” Jack put his beer down, “will you excuse us for a moment? I need to have a private word with Abby and Sam.”

Mike smiled knowingly as Jack stood. “I’ll keep the table warm.”

Sam’s entire body went on red alert at the thought of cornering Abby. He’d been crazy to find out what she was wearing under that skirt. “What’s the plan, Jack?”

“Follow my lead,” Jack said with a predatory look.

Sam had been following Jack’s lead for years. He wasn’t about to stop now.

* * *

“What is this place?” Abby tried to contain the excitement of being alone with Jack and Sam. Jack used a key to open a door at the top of the stairs. The Barn had, at one point, been an actual barn, Jack had explained over dinner. When they renovated it to make it a bar, they created a second floor for offices and storage.

“Sam sometimes gets plastered.” Jack escorted Abby through the door into the room. “I had the contractors build this room specifically for those times.”

It was a small room but well kept. There was a small bed and a dresser. Several bottles of water and aspirin were on a bedside table. “Are you telling me Sam has a drunk room?”

“Hell, no.” Sam’s smile was wicked. “The bar is my drunk room. This is my passing out room.”

“It’s a drive from the bar to our house, and I was worried Sam might decide to take the more direct route right through our land.” Jack turned on the light by the bed. “I couldn’t take the chance he might plow through our fences or hit the herd.”

“I don’t always make the best choices when I’ve had a few,” Sam admitted with a negligent shrug.

“Come here.” Jack sat down on the bed. He indicated his lap, and Abby felt her body getting soft and warm.

This was the part of the evening where Abby had sworn to herself she would explain that she needed to slow things down…like to a stop. She would be polite, but she needed to end things. It was for their own good. So why was she coming up with a million excuses to put it off?

Earlier, she’d told herself that they had gone to the trouble of changing their plans, so she should enjoy dinner with them. Then she thought it wouldn’t hurt to dance with Sam. Then Christa had shown up. Now she was wondering if she shouldn’t just chuck the whole idea of leaving them. The truth was she didn’t want to. She wanted all of this to be real. Abby found herself settling onto Jack’s lap. His hands went around her waist, and she felt safe.

“I need you to tell me why you didn’t mention that someone had vandalized your car, sweetheart.” Jack’s tone was firm. Abby’s head came off his shoulder. How had he found out about that?

“Abby didn’t know about it,” Sam protested. “She was driving your car, Jack.”

Abby flushed because she knew the truth.

“Abby went by earlier in the day.” Jack looked down at her. “That’s how she got that dent in the truck. It was from Mike’s trailer.”

Abby looked down at her hands. “I am sorry about that. I know I should have gone on and taken my car anyway, but I was embarrassed, and I didn’t have time to get four new tires. They slashed those tires good.”

Jack tilted her head up, so she was forced to look him in the eyes. “What you should have done was call me. What you should have done was been mad as hell and told me what was going on. She didn’t call out for you tonight, did she, Sam?”

Sam’s face was grim. “No, she didn’t. If she hadn’t fallen, I expect Luther would have hustled her out the door without me knowing about it. I was talking to Lucas.”

“You should have shouted out the minute you even thought that son of a bitch was going to lay a hand on you,” Jack explained sternly. “I never want to have to hear about you being hurt or humiliated from someone else again. I want to hear it from you because I want to be the first person you call when you need help. It’s me or Sam. There’s no going it alone.”

Abby sighed. It looked like they were going to push her into the discussion after all. “I don’t think you should get involved in this.”

“Wrong answer, sweetheart,” Sam said.

Jack’s eyes narrowed. “Not get involved?”

Abby swallowed. He looked really pissed. “Just in that part, Jack. It’s nothing that should worry you. I can handle it.” Jack’s face was turning a slightly pink color, and his right eyebrow started to twitch. “Are you all right? I think you might be having a reaction to the stress, or is that a nervous tick?”

Sam started laughing, and Abby sent him a dirty look. “Don’t you laugh. Stress is a serious problem.”

“And I need some stress relief, Abigail.” Jack’s hands tightened around her waist. “Can you think of anything that might relieve my stress?”

“Exercise.” Abby used her best nurse voice. “It’s absolutely the best thing for stress.”

“Excellent.” Jack neatly flipped her over his knee.

“Do you practice that move?” Abby found herself staring at the floor for the second time today. He was really good at it.

“It looks like I will be getting a lot of practice in the near future.” Jack pulled the skirt of her dress up, exposing the fact that she had been completely truthful about her lack of undergarments.

Abby felt cool air hit her backside and couldn’t help it. Her heart started to race. She had always thought she might be sexually submissive, but these men were proving it to her.

“Abigail,” Jack’s voice was a dark seduction, “I want to make a few things very plain. I want to settle some things between us so there is absolutely no misunderstanding. Do you understand the type of sexual relationship I want with you? That Sam and I want with you?”

It took everything she had not to laugh at him. She was laid out over his knee with her bare ass in the air. He couldn’t be less subtle if he tried. “Yes, Jack, you want to top me.”

“It is not something I want to play at.” Jack’s hands caressed her buttocks. Abby heard him sigh. “I’m in charge in the bedroom. If I hurt you, I want to know because that is not my intention, but I want to experiment. I want to push your limits. I want you to trust us with your pleasure.”

“I trust you.” Abby meant it. All thoughts of leaving them were gone now. She had to find out where this was going. She owed it to herself to see if this was really what she wanted. Adam had been very dominant. It was what had attracted her to him in the first place, she recognized now. They might not have understood the correct terminology, but they had been headed toward it. Her relationship with Ben had been completely different. She had subjugated her own needs because she wanted to protect her heart. Ben had been what she needed then, but Jack and Sam…she needed them now more than she’d ever needed anything in her life. She was ready to discover who she was as a woman.

“We’ll take good care of you, baby.” Sam’s voice had gone husky.

A hard hand came down on her ass, the pain a shocking burn that bloomed across her skin and then turned to a sweet heat that sank deep inside her. Abby moaned and waited for Jack to continue.

“That was for not telling me someone vandalized your car.” Jack’s hand came down strongly on her other cheek.

Abby cried out and clutched at Jack’s leg. Her pussy was getting ridiculously wet. She hoped, no prayed, that he didn’t walk out on her like he had before. She wanted both of them. She wanted Jack to fuck her hard while she sucked Sam’s cock.

“That was for not telling Sam that some asshole was threatening you,” Jack said sternly.

Her bottom was hot and sensitive, and she wriggled against his lap, trying to get some relief from the desperate ache lodged in her pussy.

Another sharp slap.

“Stop moving,” Jack ordered, and she stilled. She was rewarded with Jack’s fingers slowing pushing into her exposed pussy. “When I am disciplining you, you will remain still. If you need it, I’ll tie you down.” His fingers slid into her wetness as his thumb slipped over her clitoris, and she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out. “Outside of our sex life, I won’t completely dominate you. I will protect you and take care of you, but I won’t expect you to not be you. I won’t order for you in a restaurant or tell you who to be friends with. I want you to have all the things you want. But when we’re alone, I want you naked and submissive. I don’t think you’ll mind, sweetheart. Sam and I will treat you like a princess.”