The note.
Bulgaria and China have agreed upon creation of joint base on manufacture of electric buses and the research and design centre in Bulgaria. Bulgaria on results of 2019 has borrowed(occupied) 58 place among 73 of " the best countries of the world " in the general(common) rating of magazine U.S. News and World Report. The rating is made on the basis of nine parameters: development of business, popularity. In 2019. The general (common) size declared in industrial production of Bulgaria has reached (achieved) the investment 1.3 billion Lb. It on half-billion is more, than in 2018).
New state heating plant will 60 percents of the smoke gas.
The ministry of power has given state ТЭС Maritza East-2 green street for construction of innovational processing installation which will transform 60 % of emissions of carbon from manufacture of the electric power to metane. Metane will be used as combustible gas by manufacture of the electric power, professor Zheko Ganev has told from Is old Загора, whose company Elf Tech owns a know-how. The project can be completed approximately in one year then the coal factory can work long harmlessly.
In SDB it is possible to organize favourable million manufacture simple, but beautiful rings - identifiers with the chip (R-Fid a label) for payment of the cheap goods and services, that absolutely simply and is not enough costly.
It is more complex (difficult) to construct factories on assembly / manufacture wrist electronic passports and national smart-phone, on the basis of Chinese and other completing. But to start it is necessary, while others have not filled in this niche.
First it is necessary to buy lines on assembly and manufacture of simple elements, and then to proceed (pass) to more complex (difficult) production and mass million parties (sets) per one year, selling new electronics in the next and distant countries.To make millions units of new production always it is more favourable, than road exclusive. And qualification of workers here is always lower.
It is necessary to adjust own mass production of turbines, water and wind generators, the clever equipment for electric vehicles both heaters with processors and memory. It is necessary to create various manufactures for solar power, transformers, converters, controllers and accumulators. All this will lift electronic industry, manufacture of a software, will tighten mechanical engineering, metallurgy and other branches.
Manufacture, installation of equipment, adjustment and support of these objects will give hundred thousand new qualified workers of places with high payment, including freelance-foreigners and others telecommuters, at the first, most complex (difficult) stages revival .
And when at many people the additional earned money will appear, they will lift heads, the self-respect will appear, slavish ingratiation before foreigners, authorities and swindlers will disappear.This independent middle class which so are afraid authoritarians, will start to be put in purchase of new habitation, in purchase электромобилей, in qualitative formation (education), the and children. Gradual unloading of cities from overpopulation and crossing (moving) to harmless, bio-safe suburbs will begin. New settlements will demand construction of high-speed roads and other engineering infrastructure. So will start to revive SDB.
On cashless payment of all and new IT-banks many billions левов on creation of platform UNIFORM INF-PAYMENT SYSTEM OF THE COUNTRY (ЕИПСС), on development and manufacture of numerous new IT-devices will allow to liberate transition. And also on creation Industrial techno-parks and clusters, with modern high schools, schools and implementation of the Engineering-centers. Under aegis and at support of the ministries, administrations and kmet.
Lecture 5.
The agricultural production,
tourism and ecology.
« If authorities promote
To exclusive purchases
The foreign foodstuffs,
Which can be made
In the country,
Means, they betray the
agricultural producer
and people »!
The author
Ecological and historical-natural exclusiveness of Bulgaria should be used more intensively, trying to make its (her)attractive for inhabitants of northern Europe, the Russian Federation, China, India and tourists from other countries. Constantly increasing inflow of tourists on 1-2 million per one year. To involve with qualitative non-polluting natural meal, comfortable habitation, pure (clean) water and air, freedom, safety, ancient exotic, original national culture and cheerful entertainments.
Therefore intensively it is necessary to revive agriculture, well-known on flavouring qualities, the former vegetables, fruit, dairy and meat products. And also to expand manufacture of faults, mineral water, natural national clothes, footwear and souvenirs. What Bulgaria differs in the best party (side), from other countries. To do (make) on it good business, it is clever monetizing "national" in improvement of quality of life of the numerous population living in villages and small settlements.
Means,serious struggle against monopolists - global foreign suppliers and retail trade networkers, for a home market of the country is necessary.The border determining, where enemies of Bulgarian people, and where his(its) friends and not dolt people here runs.
It is necessary to define(determine), that IOSM -THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС -"SDB") is, first of all, the sovereign country for qualitative and free residing its(her) citizens, instead of "double-exit courtyard" for restrained "cults - dissidents", refugees" etc. ecological-ideological swindlers of different sense.
What new business can be organized on village.
It is necessary to create a national multilingual platform of remote trade where purchasers and sellers - peasants exposed production for foreign buyers. The foreigner on a site «the Goods from Bulgaria has gone, cheap and qualitative » (ID-rings, cheese, sour-milk products, a wine, socks, a sweater and other national souvenirs), has read responses, has noted the necessary goods, has specified the address of delivery, has paid and in some days the goods should be delivered.
10-30 million sales per one year, on $50 for purchase on the average, will provide idle time, but well paid work more than 100 thousand peasants. Some thousand packers and suppliers from cities (lorries, waggons, aircraft) too will be borrowed(occupied) with good work, switching IT on support of such trading platform.
And experts in manufacturing cheeses, fault, manual sweaters and woolen socks in Bulgaria always was much.The opportunity of fast sale of results of your individual exclusive work in many countries of the world, i.e. to billions people now has appeared. The goods mean will be bought, and money will be received by peasants. Development real enrichment of the poorest inhabitants of the country also went sat!