7. Pleven - 122 149
8. Добрич - 100 379
9. Sliven - 100 695
10. Shumen - 89 054
Resort complexes
к. Албена - sea
к. Боровец - mountain
к. Gold sand (болг.: Златни пясъци) - sea
к. Пампорово - mountain
к. Sacred Konstantin and Elena (having been. "Friendship", болг.: Св.св. Konstantin and Elena) - sea
к. A solar coast (болг. Слънчев бряг) - sea
By results of переписи 2011 - 51,3 % of the woman and 48,7 % of the man. In cities, 72,5 % live in villages - 27,5 %.
Nationalities the basic - болгары-84,8 %, турки-9, цыгане-5 %
According to the constitution, Bulgaria is the secular state.
The table of the basic parameters
In BG - 1 at one o'clock, in the advanced countries of EU more than 10 ö at one o'clock, also have left (abandoned) Bulgaria in searches of the best incomes more than 1.5 million чел, for 15 years in the eurounion. Pension 160 euros, (12 тр). The low level of incomes lowers(omits) people on a low standard of living, dependence from подачек authorities Fire wood it is heated - therefore gas 2 times more dearly (expensively) than to Europe (6 times than in Russia)
2019 Bulgaria. A working patch on 887.53 лв = 453 euros. For the enterprises statistics displays, that wages 400-650 euros. And ето the enterprise as in RF.
City of Gotse Делчев to be on border from Greece. Is not present good commun. The salary very small - the minimal wages in Bulgaria - 560 лв (285 euros). In Sofia people receive 4500 euros. Workers in Sofia with the salary is more than 5000 euros. Basically гос служашие and програмисты. Sofia city - Шефер bus transport in Sofia receives 1.5 million 1760 Lv (900 euros). From Germany - yes we live in comparison not so well. It is new comparison with Ukraine - we in chocolate.
40 % болгар have declared, that are pleased with a level of democracy in Bulgaria, and 55 % are not pleased, 5 % interrogated do not have opinion.
Minister of Finance of Bulgaria, among the main problems has noted demographic crisis, low incomes of the most part of the population, and also serious power dependence. But as he said, in 10 years all a problem will be solved.
Almost 16 % of citizens of Bulgaria or about 960 000 person are more senior than 16 years - have problems with health and it prevents them to live high-grade life.
Thus, more than 210 000 from them have really serious problems with health.
Bulgarian домохозяйств аspend 19,1 % for a meal and soft drinks, on the average on the European union of 12,1 %. 1 place in BG charges on the house - heating, illumination and an other overhead charge which make 19,9 %., transport of 17 % - on the third place. In three countries of EU where on a meal it is even more, In Romania - 27,8 %, in Lithuania - 20,9 %, and in Estonia - 19,6 %.
The majority of citizens of Bulgaria in the winter period is heated with the dwellings with the help of an electricity. About 30 % interrogated rely on the conditioner for heating the houses. Various with an electric heater warm houses about 11 % болгар. Traditional steam - heat dwellings of 27 % of our compatriots. Fire wood and coal use at heating 14 % of respondents.
85 % of inhabitants of Bulgaria counts corruption by the widespread phenomenon in the country, show the data of the Euro barometer. In EU - 63 % of citizens.
The future thermal power station at a corner not радужно, especially when the Euro commission accepts the plan about „ Green Europe “. So to "Benbane" and "Козлодуй" become two important platforms not only for deversification, and and for our power balance of the following of 10 years.
Managing the Bulgarian national bank (БНБ) - growth of gross national product in 20 г-3.5 %
In October 19 г in Bulgaria function 1 960 hotels capacity more than 10 person with 68.4 thousand numbers on 142.7 thousand places. In comparison with October, 2018 the quantity(amount) of functioning hotels has decreased on 2.5 %, and quantity(amount) of places in them - on 6.4 %, show the data of National institute of statistics. And incomes have increased by 4 %.
For first nine months 2019 direct foreign investments in economy of Bulgaria have made 714.5 million euro or 1.2 % of gross national product. In the third quarter of this year of gross national product of Bulgaria has made 31 764 million Левов under the current prices or 16 241 million Euro, or 2 323 euros per capita. In comparison with the third quarter 2018 of gross national product of the country has grown on 3.7 %,
The European commission - at the lowest incomes and salaries in EU Bulgaria on the first place in the Union on a share of private(individual) charges on public health services - approximately 47 % from all charges on public health services in the country. Charges on public health services in Bulgaria still low in comparison with other countries of EU, but last 15 years are constantly increased, basically due to consumers. Though the size of charges on public health services in Bulgaria since 2005 was doubled, charges on public health services per capita (1 300 euros) remain on the fourth place among the lowest in EU. On the average charges on public health services in EU make 9.8 % of gross national product, and in Bulgaria - 8.1 %. Private(individual) charges of consumers remain the highest in EU where on the average these charges make 15.8 %, and in Bulgaria - 46.6 %.
Approximately 14 % of the population of the country does not participate in system of obligatory medical insurance, and regional disproportions concerning the medical staff are so high, that do(make) public health services inaccessible to some social groups, show the data of the report.
In the report also it is specified, that average life expectancy болгар is increased, but still remains to the lowest among the countries of the Euro union.
Average з/п= 3000 Lv (120 тр) and is higher than the programmer, than on the average on the country. According to their calculations, work in Bulgaria in sector of the software has more a high level of life, than the programmer in the Great Britain and about the same level, as at programmers in Germany. According to the analysis in 2018, workplaces for programmers in Bulgaria has increased almost on 2 400 or 9 %. Forecasts for 2019 are, that growth will make almost on 10 %, and the total of employees on places will be exceeded by 33 000 person. Last years the sector prospers, the Bulgarian industry of the software is attractive to foreign investors as incomes of export of intellectual products reach(achieve) 2,5 billion dollars in 2018, agrees given to association. Forecasts БАСКОМ for the five years' period assume, that incomes 10,3 billion левов per one year or 7,6 % of gross national product achieves, and the quantity(amount) of workers in this sector will be exceeded by 60 000 person.
For 4 years foreign investments in IT have increased five times, and the revolution of sector has made 3,2 billion dollars in 2018. The edition emphasizes also the contribution to this wave opening in April, 2019 of the own technological centre in Sofia with 110 employees.
Tourism in Bulgaria makes an essential share of gross national product of the country. The majority of tourists visit(attend) a resort either years(summer), or winter according to a season. The prospect of development of tourism in Bulgaria iridescent, the country has both cultural and natural sights. In 2015 newspaper Daily Mail has named resorts of Bulgaria the most inexpensive in Europe. The grocery basket on key Bulgarian resorts on the order is cheaper, than similar on resorts of Italy, Spain and Turkey [57]. Besides in Bulgaria only two not tourist month - October and November. The Black Sea March is already sure spring with blossoming trees, in June вовсю bathe in the Black sea - till September. The mountain-skiing season begins in December and lasts till February.