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Where freedom and the law are uniform for all citizens,and the private property and business are really inviolable, as well as habitation. Where "signature" of the physical person to not change (biometrics etc.), documents to not forge (block chain), video-fixing to not edit (lawyer) and to not lose, where many other digital services of qualitative life of people operate also.

In IOSM-THE INF-OPEN SOCIETY OF DIRECT NATIONAL SELF-MANAGEMENT (ИОО ПНС) «Smart-digital Bulgaria » citizens in cities and settlements should learn by agreement to solve - as him(it) safely to live among themselves what to pay taxes to build business, to create public services what to use cultural and ecological traditions. Under what laws to exist, in what first of all to put investments as where to erect, where and than to trade how to supervise imperous executors, quality of the goods, services and many other things.

Not the ground and authority for officials and oligarchyа,and the ground and authority for people living on it(her), on the knowledge, experience and traditions of humanism. Discussing and agreeing in a mode an on line of conferences, creating groups of interests, choosing leaders for preparation of precise decisions and voting with smart-phone (multistage). Obviously, on bio-numbered or pseudo-anonymous but that it was visible as you and others have voted on a site of municipial electoral committee that have not tightened up to you.

3/4 or 2/3 voices have typed(collected), at 90 % voting, (from those who is registered in this territory)and let imperous officials execute these decisions of weights. Everywhere realizing a constitutional law - «people also is the Supreme authority »! Reforming old systems state administration sresidual neo-feudalismа, created «for administrative - power operation of the population » watered-financial elites.

Creating from below upwards systems of better services removed (remote) public services, work, formation (education) and trade. Doing (making) easier, simple and safe life of the majority of citizens in the new global - technological digital world.

In it there is a main difference of new digital national self-management (digital hyper democracy) from any other. Even, if the majority was mistaken with the decision or opponents have proved more effective, is short and re-vote. Smart-phone always beside, think, analyze and vote. Gradually people will get used to solve urgent questions more responsibly (crucially), become « obvious citizens », able to find compromises.

At will of destiny him(it) only amplified(strengthened) majority in3/4 or 2/3 voices, instead of usual ½ from 30 % voted was necessary to live in one country, in one city or the settlement, therefore, will not give to usurp authority stronger selfish to leaders that prospers till now in Bulgaria.

              Self-management, from below upwards.

The purpose of the state-

Protection of freedom of citizens.

Philosopher Baruh Spinoza.

Ideas decentralized crowd-managements as was earlier in « patrimonial and breeding caves », again leave on the foreground in searches of the best decisions, but already in other scale and at other technological level. It does not contradict parliamentary democracy, and only will force deputies both other power structures and agencies «to fulfil the bread » more effectively, according to the Constitution, pre-election pledges and the authorized plans.

Cities, kmet-local administrations it is necessary to do (make) management of territories completely open, transparent and accountable for the citizens registered there. I.e. on a site of administration, except for plans (detailed, under clauses(articles) of expenses) for one year and executions (performances) (by the month, with responsible(crucial)), should be a platform of discussions (on line), the control and Reputation estimations of each official - executor of works,each Citizen, are more senior than 14 years. Participation simple and convenient for citizens in self-management also consists in it. 

And the system of votings / discussions should be uniform on all country - for the centre, for area and for kmet. To be accompanied and administered by the private(individual) business which has gained competition. And to belong to independent  Electoral committee of the country, with opportunities national (parties (sets) НКВД) and prosecutorial the control.

Initiative groups of inhabitants of a community shouldhave the right to bring and change local acts and decisions for discussions and votings. To develop them, together with administration, finding sources financing and leading up formulations that the automatic control of execution(performance) was possible (probable).

Discussions db deanonymous, on bio numbers or full name, text or in a mode of video  conferences, with a regulation of quantity(amount) likes, performances (statements) and remarks (комментов), for day, week, month. Local, living in territory kmet, it is more preferences, than nonresident and from other areas. It is not enough, to the registered foreign EU - tourists. An opportunity of full access to discussions to citizens of EU it should be defined(determined) on network сходе inhabitants kmet. 

Under the similar circuit elections and discharge of any responsible (crucial) officials should be carried out(spent), switching chapters of city, kmet, areas and the countries. By results of, not waiting the end of term of board. There should be Elections to legislative and judicial authority, chapters of police branches, public prosecutors, judges and other imperous persons. 

To the inhabitants who have typed (collected) many (a lot of,much) minuses at discussions – (bаn)-discharge for one week or is more, that there were no squabbles, trolling and hype. Foreigners outside of the admission.Digital National democracy, it not street anarchy, and the weighed, quiet network discussion of ripened problems of territory and development (manufacture) of conciliatory proposals by responsible (crucial) inhabitants of this territory.

                             Part 3-2

                Smart-votings and referenda.

Today's working Systems of Electronic voting and referend, including an opportunity of the removed voting with smartp-hone, any more do not satisfy to inquiries of citizens. In the Eurounion it is necessary to create uniform system the EXPERT of electronic multistage voting. Where the juggling of voices admins-moderators, roundabouts, hacker breaking, losses from DOS attacks and another not legitimacy would be impossible turn. Even the most advanced open system of " on paper-electronic" votings (X-Road) in Estonia where the set of times is possible to vote, but is taken into account the last, is not deprived lacks. Though to start it is necessary from it (her), improving under specificity of Bulgaria.

But of it most of all many also are afraid present pro-government " neo-feudal lords "and their numerous lackeys an environment - legal, power (force) and information. Are afraid wide national net work community netocracy, that legitimacy «belief in governors » will allow to transfer (translate) in logic and the control on the facts of execution (performance) of promises and change of quality of life of people in territory responsible (crucial) to this official. And their life national Reputation prosecution.