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We have, however, changed dashes and dialogue marks to our standard format for ease of understanding.

* * *

This book is a work of fiction.

All people, places, events, T-rexs, Triceratops, and situations are the product of the author’s imagination.

Any resemblance to persons or dinosaurs living or dead is purely coincidental.

SNAFU: Survival of the Fittest

Edited by Geoff Brown & Amanda J Spedding

Cohesion Press

Bendigo, Australia


SNAFU: Survival of the Fittest

Geoff Brown and Amanda J Spedding (eds)

ebook(ASIN) - B00Y3X86OC

Print - 978-0-9943029-3-9

Anthology © Cohesion Press 2015

Stories © Individual Authors 2015

Interior Art by Montgomory Borror 2015

Cover Art by Dean Samed/Conzpiracy Dean 2015

Internal Layout by Cohesion Editing and Proofreading

Proofreading by Sarah Bentvelzen

Set in Palatino Linotype

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

Enquiries should be made to the publisher.

Cohesion Press


