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“And you are not happy about that?”

“I don’t know. It all happened so quickly.”

“And your stepmother …”

“She is rather … different. As a matter of fact she came as my governess.”

“I see. And your father fell in love with her. I expect he was lonely after your mother died.”

“I don’t know. There are some people one doesn’t understand very well. Whereas this morning I hadn’t met you and now I feel I know quite a lot about you … much more than I do about Zillah Grey.”

“Zillah Grey?”

“She is the governess … my stepmother now.”

He said: “I suppose it all happened so quickly that you are not used to it yet. I think it can be quite a shock when a parent remarries … particularly if you have been close to the one who has departed.”

“Yes, that is so. You see, if my old governess were there …”

“The one who left. Why did she go?”

I stammered: “She … er … she just had to.”

“I see … her family or something, I suppose …”

I was silent and he went on: “Well, it is not as though you are a child. You’ll make your own life.”

“They are going to be away for three weeks,” I said. “One of them has already gone.”

“I expect it will work out all right. These things usually do.”

“Do they?”

“Yes, if you let them.”

“That’s a comforting philosophy. I’m glad we talked.”

“Yes, so am I.”

“Do you have a lot of spare time?”

“For a week or so, yes. It’s a break now. I could go home, but it’s cheaper to stay here. I’m just exploring … making notes, you see … and writing it all up in the evenings.”

“What an interesting life you must have.”

“It has its moments.” He smiled and added, “Like today.” He turned to me suddenly. “You’ve got an interest in the city … exploring the wynds, seeing parts you have never seen before. I’m doing the same. Is it possible … ?”

I looked at him eagerly, questioningly.

“Well,” he went on, “if you have no objection … and when it fits in with your arrangements … I don’t see why we shouldn’t do a little exploring together.”

“Oh,” I cried, “I should love that.”

“Well then. It’s settled. When is your best time?”

“This, I think.”

“Of course, there are some places to which I should hesitate to take you.”

“It would be better for two to go to those places than one.”

“Well, for all those that are not safe there are dozens that are.”

“Let’s go to those places together.”

“It’s a promise.”

“Where shall we meet?”

“Here on this seat.”

“Tomorrow morning?”

“Ten o’clock. Is that too early?”

“That would suit me very well.”

“Well, that’s settled.”

I thought it better if he did not escort me right to the house. It would be difficult to explain who he was if I were seen by the Kirkwells or any of the servants and, of course, they would start to speculate.

It had been a pleasant morning, the most enjoyable for a long time. I wondered what my father would think if he knew I had talked with a stranger and, moreover, arranged to meet him the following day.

I simply do not care, I told myself.

GETTING TO KNOW JAMIE—we had become Jamie and Davina to each other very quickly—was a wonderful and stimulating experience. The morning after our first meeting we met again and it became a custom.

There was so much to talk about. He had made me see the manse and his younger brother Alex, who was going into the ministry, his father and mother, the aunts and cousins all living close by, the family reunions. It seemed a very jolly life, quite different from mine.

And then there was Edinburgh which came to mean something special to me, probably because of Jamie.

He loved every stone of the place, and memories of those days when we explored the place together will always be with me. I lived through them with an intensity, for I knew they could not last. When my father returned with Zillah there would be enquiries. They could hardly be shocked because I had strayed a little from conventional behaviour. I felt that if this were suggested I should not be able to restrain my anger and I might let him know that I was aware that he had not always kept rigorously to the paths of virtue. But then, of course, I was not facing him.

I shall never forget the banner floating over the castle … the wonderful view we had of the Pentland Hills when the air was clear. I shall always remember strolling along the Royal Mile from the castle to Holyrood House. The cathedral, the house where John Knox had lived. How I hated that man! I could grow angry to think of his thundering abuse at the Queen. Was he such a good man? I wondered. What secret vice had he? I was suspicious of all men who boasted of their virtues. Jamie was amused by the way in which I fulminated against John Knox.

Jamie was entranced by the past. He knew so much more about it than I did. It was wonderful to have my eyes opened by such an exciting companion.

He made me see Bonnie Dundee with his dragoons riding behind him; Queen Mary fresh from the splendour of the French court coming to dour Scotland; those Covenanters who had died there in the Grass Market for what they believed; he told me stories of the fabulous thief Deacon Brodie and Burke and Hare, the body snatchers.

Then my father, with Zillah, returned from Italy. They looked sleek and satisfied. They were affable to everyone. Zillah was excited in a rather childlike way, but I felt in my heart that there was really nothing childlike about her. My father was indulgent, as besotted by her as ever.

She had brought presents for everyone: a blouse from Paris for Mrs. Kirkwell, for they had stopped there on the way home, a statuette for Mr. Kirkwell and embroidered handkerchiefs for the others. They were all delighted and I thought, she certainly knows how to please people.

For me there were clothes. “My dear, dear Davina, I know your size and exactly what suits you. I spent hours choosing, didn’t I, dear?”

My father nodded with an expression of mock exasperation which made her laugh.

“We’re going to try them on at once,” she announced. “I can’t wait.”

And there we were in my room while she fitted the dress on me, the coat, the skirt, the blouses—one frilly, the other plainish but stylish. She stood back admiring.

“They do something for you, Davina. They really do. You’re quite good-looking, you know.”

I said: “It was good of you to remember everyone. The servants are delighted.”

She grimaced. “A little bit of bribery. I sensed disapproval before.” She laughed and the pretence dropped from her. “Governess marries the master of the house! I mean to say … a little bit of a disturbance in the servants’ quarters, eh?”

I found myself laughing with her.

Perhaps, I thought, it is going to be all right after all.

I was right when I thought the gifts from Paris would have a good effect. The servants were almost reconciled now.

I heard Mrs. Kirkwell remark: “Like a pair of turtledoves, they are. Well, there’s no harm in that and she’s not the interfering sort.”

My thoughts were, of course, with Jamie. It was difficult now to slip out of the house without saying where I was going. We had to get messages to each other which was not easy.

I was always afraid that a note from him might come to me at an awkward moment, when my father was present. Fate was perverse and it could happen. I could imagine Kirkwell coming in with it on one of the silver salvers. “A young man left this for you, Miss Davina.” A young man! Suspicions would be aroused. It was easier for me to drop a note into Jamie’s lodgings.