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“Someone took scary pills,” Lindsay whispered.

As if hearing her, the burner fixed a wide-eyed, crazy-ass stare on Lindsay. His lips were moving, but he was too far away for Lindsay to hear what he said. In fact, she got the impression he wasn’t really talking, just moving his lips in silent prayer. He lifted his hands toward her, palms out as if to stop an attacker. Deep cuts on his palms, still bleeding, formed the shape of crosses.

“They’re real!” the boy suddenly shouted. “God protect us. They’re real.”

Lindsay jumped with fright and backed away. Even though she knew the kid was tripping hard and ugly, his cry terrified her. She didn’t need this level of crazy in her life. So she ran off, his shouts following her through the crowd.

Once she was too far down the walk to hear the burner’s shouts, Lindsay relaxed. She stopped walking and looked around at the shops and the crowd.

A little boy holding a dripping ice-cream cone stubbed his toe on the walkway in front of her and tumbled forward. Lindsay gasped and reached low, totally out of reflex. She caught the boy before he hit the boardwalk, but his ice-cream cone flew through the railing and into the sand. He looked around, confused for a moment, and then started to cry.

“Hey,” Lindsay said, feeling bad for the kid. “Hey, it’s okay. We’ll get you another one.”

The teary-eyed boy looked at her like she had a bug on her face. Then he started crying again.

Oh great, Lindsay thought. What am I supposed to do now?

“Are your parents here?” she asked.

Just then a shrill female voice rose up over Lindsay’s shoulder. “Randy!”

She turned to see a girl stomping over the boards toward her. The girl had long platinum blond hair, perfectly flat and straight, hanging long enough to drape over the brightly colored bikini top she wore. Her skin was almond brown, and so uniform in color, Lindsay imagined she had the tan sprayed on recently.

“I’m sorry,” the girl said, reaching down to grab the little boy’s hand. “He’s such a total pain.” She turned to the boy and said “Randy. Don’t go running off. Gah, it’s like I’ve told you a billion times.”

“Ice cream,” the little boy said.

“It fell in the sand,” Lindsay explained to the girl.

“Figures. That’s like the third time this week.”

“Is he your brother?”

“Sadly,” the girl replied. She shook her head and waved a finger at him. She did it so dramatically Lindsay knew she wasn’t really mad. “I’m Ev, and this is Randy.”

“I’m Lindsay.”

“Cool. Who are you here with?”


“Noooooo,” Ev cried, so loudly a bunch of tourists turned to look. She broke up laughing and made an exaggerated expression of shock. “That’s like the worst. I mean, my parents are here…someplace…but I’m totally avoiding them. Unfortunately, my freedom comes with a price: Randy.”

“Ice cream,” the boy whimpered.

“Yeah,” Ev said. “We’ll get you another ice cream, but you have to sit down and eat it this time.”

Ev grabbed her brother’s hand and gave him a playful yank. “Where you headed?” she asked Lindsay.

“Just hanging out.”

“Well, come hang with us. We’re in the Hot Dog back there. Smoothies are on me.”

Lindsay only needed a second to say “Sure.” Ev seemed like fun. Maybe a little wired, but still cool.

The Hot Dog was a gleaming tile and chrome café with a long neon sign in the shape of a hot dog behind the bar. Other neon tubes were shaped like waves and surfboards. The tiles were salmon pink and the tables matched.

Lindsay followed Ev and Randy into the cool interior. All of the tables were crammed with families, couples, and groups of friends. Ev raised her hand, waved to someone in the back of the room, and shouted “Got him!” She seemed totally oblivious of the fact that the room was full of strangers.

At the back, two small tables had been pushed together, and three girls waved excitedly. Every one of the girls had straight platinum hair, a bikini top, white shorts, and a perfect tan. It was like they’d been to a cloning clinic or something.

“My entourage,” Ev said to Lindsay. “It’s so weird.”

Lindsay smiled, not sure what to make of the strange group of girls.

After shoving Randy into the booth, Ev pulled back a chair and sat down. She introduced Lindsay to her friends. They all had fractured names: Char, Mel, and Tee.

Char, the girl on Lindsay’s far left, had round cheeks and plump lips and wore a little too much makeup. Next to her sat Mel. Though the prettiest of Ev’s entourage, Mel’s outfit looked the most tragic. Her bikini top was old, the color faded, and her shorts were frayed at the legs. Her bleach job wasn’t terribly fresh either, as dark roots nearly half an inch long ran from her scalp. The last girl, Tee, was small boned with green eyes that made her look like a cat. Though all of the girls smiled, their eyes were clouded with suspicion. Lindsay could tell that Char liked her least of all.

Lindsay felt uncomfortable, but Ev said, “So Lindsay here saved Randy’s life.”

The girls gasped.

“Totally true,” Ev continued. “The little creep about fell off the boardwalk and snapped his neck. Then Supergirl showed up and saved him. She rocks. Be nice.”

Before Lindsay knew what was happening, the girls were leaving their seats and swarming her, hugging her. “My god, you could’ve been killed,” one, maybe Mel, whispered. Lindsay nearly laughed at all the overblown drama, but she decided to play it cool.

It turned out that Ev was something of a local celebrity. Or at least she used to be a local who would soon be a celebrity. Knowing from a very young age that Redlands Beach and its surrounding areas were not for her, Ev pursued her dreams. Last year she’d asked her parents to let her go to New York to stay with a cousin, so she could break into modeling and acting. Already she’d done a number of ads for national magazines and was offered a small part in an independent film.

“I’m just like hanging with the old school until I have to start shooting,” Ev explained. “We’ve hung out since we were like four or something. Once I started getting work, my girls here got all Single White Female on me. Have you seen that movie? No? It’s awesome. But anyway, it’s just a goof. Mel is already letting hers grow out.”

Lindsay didn’t know what to say. She found herself suddenly intimidated by Ev. A model? An actress? Kate was never going to believe this.

“What about you?” Ev asked. “You’re like here with your parents. Are you on a leash or can you cut loose?”

“I’m here, aren’t I?” Lindsay replied. “I cut the leash a long time ago.”

“Exssssssssssellent,” Ev said, rubbing her hands together.

“Totally.” “Awesome.” “Cool.” Ev’s entourage chimed in.

“So,” Ev said. “Here’s the schedule. We’ll be on the beach at like ten A.M. every morning, because morning sun isn’t as harsh on the skin. Around lunch, we hang here or over at the Java Pit, so we can plan our world domination. Afternoons, we totally relax, right? Mannies. Peddies. Facials. Whatever. At night we do the bonfire thing. I’m only in for the next four days, so join the carnival before it leaves town. Know what I’m saying?”

“Sure,” Lindsay said, excited to know she wouldn’t be totally dependent on her parents for entertainment.

And there’s always Mark.

She wanted to see him again. Something about him touched her. Maybe it was the fact that he seemed trapped, and she wanted to help. Maybe it was just his bod. She didn’t know, but she hoped their first conversation wouldn’t be the last.

“Add another name to the VIP list,” Ev said, wrapping an arm around Lindsay’s shoulders. “Girl’s got a full-access pass.”