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It was during a visit to the royal dungeons to torture one of these young women that the Queen remembered the soothsayer. The Queen had locked up the old woman in the dungeon months earlier for providing untrue and blasphemous information to the Queen. The soothsayer kept telling the Queen that she was not the rightful heir to the Queen and that there was another two whom the crown belonged. It turned out that the soothsayer had been right all along.

Today's entertainment was to be the sealing and marking of a girl. The Queen watched as the royal seamstress ran a needle and metal thread through a girl's labia over and over again. The girl shrieked in pain as her sex was sealed tightly. The girl would never have sex with a male again. Once the seamstress was finished, the Queen picked up the glowing branding iron from the coals nearby and pressed it to the beautiful outer swell of the girl's left breast, eliciting another ear piercing shriek as the hot metal seared into the tender flesh. The mark that remained after the iron was pulled away was an outline of the royal seal. The girl had been marked as the property of the crown. Then the Queen ordered that the soothsayer be delivered to her quarters.

"You may wear the crown but it is not yours.

"It rightfully belongs to another.

"She lives in the woods with seven tiny girls,

"Waiting to replace her stepmother."

"Aiiieeeee!!!" screeched the Queen and she stomped her feet and pulled at her hair. That was the same verse that the soothsayer had been reciting before she got locked away. But the soothsayer was right before. Could she be right now? That was hard to imagine. She had seen the princess die with her own eyes. But she could not afford to take chances. She would go back to the forest and finish the job this time.

Chapter 9


Snowy tensed as she heard the gravelly voice.

"Is anybody home?"

Snowy remained silent, hoping the old crone would go away. But she was to have no such luck this day. She heard the clippety clop of the old woman's heels moving across the kitchen floor and getting closer to her.

"Oh, lookie here," said the old woman as she entered the great room. "All wrapped up like a present for me."

Snowy was indeed wrapped up. She was bound in the square frame with her wrists and ankles wrapped in rope and stretched toward the four corners. A bright red corset was wrapped tightly around her middle, severely constricting her waist. And little red bows had been tied onto her nipples, behind the gold hoops that pierced them.

"Hello again, old crone," said Snowy. She was not supposed to let anyone in the house. She knew that she did not let anyone in this time but she would probably still be punished.

"You are so delectable, little one," said the Queen as she stepped closer. "I'm surprised the Queen hasn't collected you yet for her harem. She has been gathering up all the ripe young things like you."

"The Queen?" gasped Snowy. "She is collecting girls?"

"Only beautiful ones," said the Queen as she reached out and ran a cold finger down Snowy's cheek. "Ones like you. Although I doubt that any of them are as beautiful as you."

Snowy did not know what to say. She didn't think that this woman should be touching her but she was not really in any position to object.

The Queen ran her fingers back and forth along the soft rounded lower swells of each breast and used her thumbs to catch the ornate gold rings. She ran her fingers to them and then stroked and lifted the metal. "You have new jewelry, dear. It looks lovely on you."

She gripped the rings and pulled on them. Snowy's nipples extended further from her chest. The Queen pulled harder and the breasts were stretched into cones. Snowy hoped that the crone stopped pulling before the rings were torn out of her. She gasped as the pain increased.

"I came back for another taste, my lovely," said the Queen. "You told me I could whenever I was in the area. I hope you were not lying."

Snowy gasped again. It was not from the pain but at the thought that someone might consider her to be a liar. She never wanted to be thought of in that way. "Oh no, old crone. It was the truth."

She could have kicked herself as soon as the words were out of her mouth. She should not be letting this old woman suck on her nipples again. But now she had practically given her an invitation.

"Lovely," smiled the Queen. She released the rings, letting the breasts bounce back into shape. Then she untied the little red ribbons that circled each nipple.

"Let me just remove these rings and then I will enjoy my lunch." She found the latches on each of the rings and opened them, sliding them carefully out of the piercings. Then she leaned down to capture a nipple in her mouth but knocked the frame by accident. It swung slightly.

"Oooo, an adjustable frame. How delightful!" The Queen rotated the frame until Snowy was horizontal and facing upward. She slid a table beneath the girl's torso to support her but, with the way she was so tightly stretched, her body had hardly sagged at all even without the support. Then she sat down and began to feast on the left nipple.

As her lips and teeth and tongue played with the stiffening little bud, her fingers danced over and in Snowy's sex. Quickly, she brought the bound girl to an orgasm and then she switched sides. Again, she tormented the rubbery little nipple and plunged her fingers in and out of the girl. It did not take long for another orgasm to be stolen from the prisoner.

It was too bad that the Queen could not take this girl back to her harem. She would have loved torturing the ripe curves and swells. She would have loved sinking the heated brand into the succulent breast meat. She would have loved watching the rightful queen kneeling at her feet and licking her to orgasm. But that would be all too risky. Instead, she would have to end her life here.

By the time the fourth orgasm came around, Snowy's nipples were swollen and raw. Her clit burned and felt like somebody had taken sandpaper to it. She was panting hard and begging for mercy.

"I'm sorry, girl," said the Queen. "I must have gotten carried away. But I have just the thing for you." She reached into her bag and pulled out a bottle of water and an apple.

Snowy remembered the warnings from the Petites and shook her head quickly. "Oh no, I couldn't."

The Queen had anticipated this reaction and planned for it. She unscrewed the cap from the water bottle and took a sip out of it. "There? You see? It's fine. Now drink."

In fact, the water was fine. The Queen held the bottle to Snowy's lips and tilted it. Snowy drank gratefully.

The queen held up the apple and carved a slice from it. She popped it into her mouth and ate it. "See? The apple is fine too."

She carved a slice from the other side. It was the apple that had been poisoned, but only one half held the poison. The Queen ate from the untainted side but gave Snowy a poison-laced slice. Snowy let the old woman push the apple piece into her mouth. She took one bite and then lost consciousness. Within moments, her heart and breathing stopped. The Queen had finally succeeded. She turned the frame upright again and put the rings back in the glorious breasts. She would miss these magnificent wonders. She tied the little ribbons back on and then returned to the castle.

The Queen went directly to the soothsayer to confirm that she had killed Princess Caroline. The soothsayer spread out her tea leaves and studied them. Then she spoke.

"You wear the crown and it is yours.

"It rightfully belongs to you.

"Of other heirs, there are none.