It may perhaps be argued, that this measure would aid the enemy. If such reasoning were just, it would apply equally to Holland, and all the other belligerent powers, to whose countries British goods are constantly shipt in neutral vessels. But the fact is, that it would weaken the enemy by increasing the resources of Great Britain for carrying on the war. It would ease the warehouses of the merchants and of the manufactures of the masses of commercial property, with which they are overloaded, and by extensive sales they would be enabled to continue their enterprize — but it would do more, while it gave a favorable turn to the exchange with the continent, it would enable Great Britain and Ireland, through the medium of Hamburgh, to obtain the raw silk and other light productions from Italy so indispensibly necessary to our manufactures, while it would open a source for the supply of various other raw materials from Germany and other parts of Europe, no less indispensible.
The blockade of the Elbe cannot in the smallest degree injure Prussia. It only can injure unoffending Hamburgh and Great Britain. But Prussia might be considerably distressed, if in addition to the river Ems, the blockade were extended to Stettin, and still more to Colberg and Rugenwalde, by which Prussia would at once be deprived of the exportation of her linens, and all other manufacturing materials, and such a measure might perhaps compel that power, to withdraw her restrictions with respect to British ships navigating upon the Elbe as such a measure would produce the utmost distress and ruin to the numerous linen manufactures of Prussian Pomerania.
But in fact the only injury Great Britain could sustain, provided the Elbe were opened by the removal of the blockade under the existing circumstances, would be the exclusion of British ships for a time from the trade, which is a mere nothing and can never be put in competition with the incalculable advantages, which will result from this measure — especially when it is considered that at all times, and particularly during war, a vast proportion of this trade has been carried on in neutral bottoms.
By raising the blockade of the Elbe, it is highly probable, that in spite of every difficulty opposed by the French government, the exportation from Great Britain will resume its former vigour, but if the apparently unnecessary system is adopted, of forcing the trade, through the circuitous route of the Danish port of Toningen, it will not only be greatly crippled and reduced, and subject to much plunder as well as an immense expence in the transit of ponderous articles, such as sugar, through Holstein by land carriage, but such a mode of conveyance will attract infinitely more notice than if the vessels proceeded in a direct course with their cargoes to Hamburgh.
For these and other reasons, which could be offered shewing the immense benefits which will result to Great Britain and Ireland, from preserving a free intercourse with Hamburg it is humbly hoped, that His Majesty’s government on a full consideration of these advantages will be pleased to withdraw the recent order for blockading the Elbe, and in the first instance at least permit the experiment of a free intercourse with Hamburgh to be made in neutral vessels, since for the reasons already offered there is almost a moral certainty, that it will not be disturbed in the smallest degree by the powers at war with Great Britain.
17-th april 1806.
Copy of a letter to Lord Auckland inclosing the memorial saying Observations.
James Street Westminster 17-th april 1806.
My Lord,
The incalculable importance of the inclosed observations I am convinced will plead my apology for pressing the subject matter of them upon that very early attention, which the present distressed state of our trade the attention of His Majesty’s government as early as possible, with a view if possible, to an order being sent by the mail of to morrow, to suspend or rather to countermand the blockade of the Elbe.
I have been for nearly two years the accredited agent of the Republic of Hamburgh, and have bestowed much labour, with a view to obtain a knowledge of the nature and extent of the trade, and its importance to this country.
But in these delicate and difficult times it is not safe for the Senate to disclose many important facts, elucidating the advantages this country derives from the commercial intercourse with that city, or what steps its merchants have adopted, to promote a circulation of British goods all over Europe: nor can I in my public capacity, as their deputy or agent venture, to bring the case under the review of government in the shape of a memorial, to be presented in the usual official form to the Minister for foreign affairs, lest the publicity of such a document now, or at any time hereafter from the unfortunate state of Europe, might prove fatal to the liberties of Hamburgh, in the preservation of which this country is so much interested.
I have therefore presumed to bring the case forward under the title of Observations, which can be transmitted to no person with greater proprieté than your Lordship, since it can not pass to His Majesty’s councils through a channel more appropriate, or better calculated to command that very early attention, which the present distressed state of our trade and the importance of the case imperiously solicits.
I have the honor to be etc.
Нац. арх.
AF. IV — 1060, pièce n° 27.
Genève, le 10 Novembre 1806.
Permettez-nous d’appuyer de nos prières la petition qui vous a été présentée par le commerce de Lyon, et qui sera confirmée sans doute par les adresses de toutes le villes commerçante de France. Nous nous recommandons à la protection de Votre Majesté, les villes commerçantes du Nord et de l’Allemagne; nous la supplions de leur épargner autant qu’il sera possible les calamités qui sont une suite trop ordinaire de la guerre, et d’alléger pour elles le poid des contributions.
Ce fut une consolation pour nous, au moment où éclate une nouvelle guerre, de voir Votre Majesté déclarer qu’un des ses motifs pour prendre les armes, c’était la protection que pour la propriété même du commerce et de l’industrie de France, elle devait accorder aux villes Anséatiques. En effet, Sire, le commerce est un lien d’amitié entre les peuples, un lien qu’une guerre, même longue et acharnée ne rompt pas entièrement. Mais la paix et la confiance avaient resserré ce lien entre les ville de France et celles d’Allemagne; des relations multipliées et de la plus haute importance existaient entre Hambourg, Lubeck, Bremen, Leipzig, et toutes les villes de commerce de France, aucune faillite ne pourrait éclater dans aucune de ces villes, sans causer au commerce Français, et à celui de notre ville en particulier, une perte proportionnée à son importance, une perte qui retomberait immédiatement sur les manufactures. Aucune grande calamité ne peut atteindre ces villes, sans que des faillites nombreuses en soient la suite. La mauvaise foi profite alors des malheurs publics, le payement des dettes les plus sacrées est suspendu ou refusé, la méfiance arrête toute espèce de transactions, les contrecoups des pertes qu’éprouve la ville la plus éloignée de l’Allemagne, sont ressentis d’une extrémité à l’autre de la France, et occasionnent au Commerce Français, par les faillites nombreuses qui en sont la conséquence dans toute l’Europe, une perte égale ou peut-être supérieure à celle qui aura éprouvé les villes étrangères.
Tandis que le commerce Français serait appellé à souffrir de toutes les souffrances de tous les commerçants de l’Europe, les manufactures françaises sont plus particulièrement intéressées à la conservation de l’antique propriété d’une ville d’Allemagne, qui était le marché général, le marché presque unique de tout le Nord et le Levant de l’Europe. Les foires de Leipzig étaient le débouché le plus important des manufactures françaises destinées à une consommation étrangère, et la suppression du Commerce de cette ville, en détruisant toute exportation, ruinerait presque tous les ateliers de France, et réduirait les ouvriers à manquer de pain. De beaucoup la plus grande partie de l’horlogerie et de la bijouterie de notre ville était vendue à Leipzig, toutes nos exportations pour l’Allemagne, le Danemarc, la Suède, la Hongrie, la Pologne, la Russie, et la Turquie avaient cette destination. Mais les foires de Leipzig seraient abandonnées par tous les étrangers qui venaient y acheter les marchandises françaises, s’ils ne trouvaient plus dans cette ville la sûreté pour leurs propriétés dont ils jouissaient auparavent. Les fabricants Français les abandonneraient à leur tour, si les marchands de Leipzig autrefois leurs dépositaires, étaient ruinés par des contributions ou des saisies, de manière à ce qu’ils n’eussent plus de garantie à donner pour leurs propriétés à ces fabricants.