Утверждено 25 июня 1484 г.
Оглашено в сотенном суде в Гилдхолле Бристоля 27 сентября 1485 г.
Законодательные памятники
An Act for preventing Dangers which may happen from Popish Recusants // Statutes of the Realm. 1628–1680. L., 1819. Vol. 5.
Bristol Charters, 1155–1373 / Ed. by N.D. Harding. Bristol, 1930.
Bristol Charters / Ed. by H.A. Croime. Bristol, 1946.
Bristol Charters, 1508–1899 / Ed. by Latham. Bristol, 1946.
Calendar of Charters, etc. of the City and Comity of Bristol / Ed. by J. Latimer. Bristol, 1909.
Rotuli Parliamentorum: ut et petitiones et placita in Parliamento, 1278–1503. L., 1832. Vol. I–III, V.
Rotuli Parliamentorum Angliae hactenus inediti, 1279–1373. L., 1935.
Statutes of the Realm, 1101–1713 / Ed. by A. Luders, T. Tomlins. L., 1810–1816. Vol. I–II.
Документальные источники
Calendar of the Close Rolls of Richard II. L., 1914. Vol. I.
Calendar of the Patent Rolls, Preserved in the Public Record Office. 1321–1324. L., 1891–1916.
Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts, Relating to the English Affairs, existing in the Archives of Venice and in the other Libraries of Northern Italy. L., 1864. Vol. I. 1202 — 1509.
Calendar of Letters from the Mayor and Corporation of the City of London. 1350 — 1370 / Ed. by R. Sharpe. L., 1885.
Calendar of the Bristol Apprentice Book. Bristol, 1949.
Calendar of the Close Rolls of the Reign of Edward II. L., 1892–1896. Vol. I–IV.
Calendar of the Patent Rolls, Preserved in the Public Record Office, of the Reign of Edward II. L., 1894–1904. Vol. I–V.
Calendar of the Patent Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office. Prepared Under the Superintendence of the Deputy Keeper of the Records. Henry VII. L., 1914. Vol. I. 1485–1494.
Cartulary of St. Mark’s Hospital Bristol / Ed. by C.D. Ross. Bristol, 1959.
Fuller E. A. The Tallage of 6 Edward II and the Bristol Rebellion // Transactions of Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society. 1894–1895. Vol. XIX.
Record Relating to the Society of Merchant Venturers of the City of Bristol / Ed. by McGrath. Bristol, 1952.
Ricart R. The Maire of Bristowe is Kalendar / Ed. by L.T. Smith. L., 1872.
The Act of Court of the Mercers Company. 1453–1527. Cambridge, 1936.
The Great Red Book of Bristol / Ed. by E.W.W. Veale. Bristol, 1931–1953. Vol. I–V.
The Great White Book of Bristol / Ed. by E. Ralph. Bristol, 1979.
The Little Red Book of Bristol / Ed. by F.B. Bickley. Bristol, 1900. Vol. 1–2.
The Overseas Trade of Bristol in the Later Middle Ages / Sel. and ed. E.M. Carus-Wilson. Bristol, 1937.
The Records of the Borough of Leister / Ed. M. Bateson. L., 1899. Vol. I–II.
The Record of the City of Norwich / Ed. W. Hudson, J.C. Tingey. Norwich, 1906–1910. Vol. I–II.
The Reign of Henry VII from Contemporary Sources / Ed. by F. Pollard. L., 1913.
The Staple Court Books of Bristol / Ed. by E.E. Rich. Bristol, 1934.
York Civic Records / Ed. by A. Raine. Wakefield, 1939–1978. Vol. I–IX.
Английская деревня XIII–XIV вв. и восстание Уота Тайлера. М.;Л., 1935. Купеческая хартия 1303 г. / Пер. Ю.В. Баранова // Средние века. М., 1992. Вып. 55. Регистры ремесел и торговли города Парижа / Пер. Л. И. Киселевой, под ред. и с предисл. А. Д. Люблинской // Средние века. М., 1957. Вып. X.
Нарративные источники
Adams W. Chronicle of Bristol / Ed. by F.F. Fox. Bristol, 1910.
Evelyn J. Sylva, or A Discourse of Forest Trees. L., 1664.
Evelyn J. The Diary of John Evelyn, esq., F.R.S. From 1641 to 1705–6. With Memoir. L., 1890. Evelyn J. The Diary of John Evelyn J Ed. by W. Bray. L., 1901. Vol. I–II;
Pepys S. The Diary of Samuel Pepys. A New and Complete Transcription Edited by R.
Lattam and W. Matthews. L., 1971. Vol. I–III.
Purchas S. Hakluytus Posthumus, or Purchas his Pilgrimes. Glasgow, 1905–1907. Vol. V XIX. Stow J. The Annales of England. L., 1601.
The Celes Letters, 1472–1488 / Ed. by A. Hanham. Oxford, 1975.
An Anthology of Eye-witnesses’ Accounts of Events in British History 1485–1688 / Comp, by C.R.N. Routh. Oxford, 1956.
Walsingham Th. Historia Anglicana / Ed. by H.T. Riley. L., 1863–1864. Vol. I–II.
Vita Edwardi Secundi monachi cuiusdam Malmesberiensis / Ed. by N. Denholm-Young. L., 1957.
Бэкон Ф. История правления короля Генриха VII / Пер. с англ.; общ. ред. М.А. Барга. М., 1990.
Диккенс Ч. Остролист // Он же. Собрание сочинений. М., 1960. Т. 19.