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The President stood as they entered and waved them to the couch and two chairs.

“Worldwide, more than 4,700 people have been arrested for their connection to the Phoenix Organization and acts of treason and terrorism,” the President said. “I am very pleased with how so many countries came together and helped each other work out a solution to this crisis. We know a number of top Organization members escaped, but we have dealt a serious blow to their plans and the people who worked for them. We will track the rest of them down.

“I am grateful for what the four of you have accomplished. Not only have you saved the world from an Extinction Level Event, you have delivered a piece of amazing technology to us, along with the academics involved in its design and materials development. Those people have agreed to full cooperation with us in making that level of technology the standard for our armed forces in the future. Your country’s thanks and gratitude are simply not enough.”

“Please stand,” General Davies said firmly. The four of them stood. General Davies held four black presentation boxes in his hands.

“FBI Special Agent Jake Hunter,” the President said. “I hereby award you with the Presidential Freedom Medal, this country’s highest award for bravery in the national interest of a proud country.” The President placed the ribbon around Jake’s neck, gently lowering the medal to his chest.

The President moved in front of Honi, taking another presentation box from General Davies. “NSA Agent Honika Badger,” the President said, as he continued the presentation ritual. Major Stafford came next, followed by Secret Service Agent Ken Bartholomew.

The President shook hands with each of them before continuing. “Please keep in mind the people of this great nation are not ready for the level of knowledge or the details of what happened. All of it must remain classified.

“The four of you make an exceptional team and I would like to have you available for special projects in the future. You are free to return to your own agencies until you are needed. Thank you again for your service and your dedication.”

No one spoke until they had climbed into the back of General Davies limo. Jake looked down at the medal hanging on his chest. “Wow.”

“Yeah,” Honi said. “This was fun — at least we get to do it again at some point.”

“It was exciting,” Stafford said.

“And interesting,” Ken added.

Honi smiled. “It sure beats sitting at a desk in the NSA building.” The rest of them nodded.

“Your security clearances will remain in place,” General Davies said. “As will your ID cards and access. You will be on call at all times, so please check in with me if you have to leave the D.C. area.”

* * *

Jake woke the next morning on his boat and stretched. The sun was shining; the air was warm with a light and variable breeze, at least according to the news and weather report. He showered, dressed, ate breakfast and headed to Alexandria, Virginia.

He met Honi in the lobby of the NSA building. They stood together, looking out of the windows at the beautiful weather, the light blue sky and the occasional puffy cloud that slowly drifted by.

“Looks like it’s going to be a good day,” Honi said.

Jake visually took in the people moving about; living their lives, doing their work, all blissfully unaware of how close they had come to not being alive at all.

“Yeah,” he said. “It’s a good day.”

Thank you for reading Solar Weapon

I currently have two other books available, TSUNAMI STORM and METEOR STORM.

If you have not read them yet, I think you might enjoy them as well.


63,000 years ago, an ancient civilization existed far advanced over our own, but it was destroyed by a natural cataclysm. Now that same cataclysm is about to strike our modern world…

When Carl stumbles upon an unknown robot’s head, he manages, with some effort, to get it working. From the robot, Carl learns that it was created by an ancient civilization 63,000 years ago in northern India. The robot reports though, that the culture was destroyed by a meteor storm that killed all, but a thousand people planet wide.

When Carl learns that Earth is entering the same place in the galaxy where the meteor field exists, he warns people on TV, but finds himself ridiculed and ignored. To protect the world, Carl works to find out more about the ancient civilization and how to prevent a repeat of history.

To do this, Carl travels to a secret cave where the ancient technology is stored and here Carl meets a fully functioning robot from the ancient civilization. Now Carl must do everything in his power to preserve as many lives and as much of the current civilization as possible to avoid full scale destruction…


The US has launched secret weapons of mass destruction on other countries. And awaits what might be cataclysmic retaliation…

China is devastated by an 8.0M earthquake that leaves 70,000 people dead with hundreds of thousands injured and untold property destroyed. The Chinese government soon learns that it was no natural disaster, but rather an orchestrated attack by the American government using their High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) weapon. China ceases foreign relations with America and creates their own version of the weapon in retaliation. They plan to attack the US by sending a submarine with mini nuke mines to create a massive rupture of the Cascadian Subduction Zone.

But what neither China nor the US knows is that the attack on China was an unauthorized assault perpetrated by a US Navy Vice Admiral. Because of his arrogance and pride, more innocent people may have to pay with their lives.

One of the many coastal towns in peril is Dolphin Beach, Oregon. The new mayor, Willa McBride, tries to protect her townspeople while her sister, the Senator Elizabeth Bechtel, tries to uncover who engineered the attack on China. What is unclear is whether the Senator’s goal is aimed toward the greater good or for her own political gain.

To protect the US coast, the government sends out the submarine USS Massachusetts to locate and destroy the Chinese sub. Now it seems the only protection for the American coast is one US submarine and its heroic crew against a truly catastrophic event…


The author of a book isn’t the only person involved in its creation. The author simply stands in the center of a circle of people, all of whom contribute to the final result.

My first thank you goes to my wife, Miriam G. Carroll, who discusses each page of the story with me, reviews every word, and sits patiently for hundreds of hours as I slowly type away at the computer to create what you hold in your hand.

My next thank you goes to Katie Reed for all of her help and valuable suggestions, and then to Rebecca Berus, my publicist. Without her help and guidance you would never have heard of me or my books. My thanks also to Natasha Brown for the amazing cover design.

I also want to thank Joseph P Farrell for his research presented in his book, “Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations — The Secret Space Program, Celestial Psyops and Hidden Conflicts” published by Adventures Unlimited Press, ISBN 978-1-935487-83-8, © 2012, for the inspiration for this story, and finally, my grateful appreciation to you, for reading this book.

Thank you, I hope you enjoy the story.

D F Capps

Thank you again,

D F Capps