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66 LAW Light Anti-tank Weapon System, a disposable 66mm anti-tank rocket

9-milly nickname for the 9mm Browning thirteen-shot pistol; can also refer to 9mm ammunition

ABR advanced battle reaction

Adoo Dhofaris who espoused the Communist cause; (general) enemy

Armalite alternative name for the M16 assault rifle

Askar armed tribesman

basha waterproof shelter made from a poncho; can also mean barrack room, house, bed etc.

BATT British Army Training Team, the SAS unit training the Sultan’s loyal forces in Oman

Batt House BATT headquarters

BET behavioural exposure therapy

BHM British Military Hospital

Bradbury Lines SAS barracks until 1999, in Redhill, Hereford. Later renamed Stirling Lines

buckshee free; a freebie

bukit hill, mountain (from the Malay)

Carl Gustav 84mm anti-armour recoilless rifle

casevac casualty evacuation, removal of injured to aid post or hospital

CBF Commander British Forces

CES complete equipment schedule

CO Commanding Officer

Cobra Whitehall’s domestic emergency situation room

CPO command-post orderly

crap-hat failure; member of the regular Army

cross-grain march over hills direct from summit to summit

CRW counter-revolutionary warfare

CT Communist terrorist

cyalume stick light-stick attached to clothing or lifejacket, activated by squeezing; visible from up to a mile away

D11 Metropolitan Police elite firearms team

DF direction-found

DG Dhofar Gendarmerie

dickers in Northern Ireland, youths who note security forces’ movements

DPM Disruptive-Pattern Material camouflage

dragon light hand-held searchlight

DZ dropping zone

EU Emergency Unit

Figure 11 man-shaped target on firing range

Firqat, FKW Firqat Khalid bin Waalid, company of Dhofaris loyal to the Sultan

frag fire at (from fragmentation granade)

FST field surgical theatre

full battle order fully armed

Gemini large rubber dinghy

GOC General Officer Commanding

GPMG General-Purpose Machine Gun, belt-fed 7.62mm machine gun

green slime nickname for Intelligence Corps (from their distinctive green berets)

Guryunov Soviet 7.62mm medium machine gun

hangi Fijian feast

Head Shed nickname for senior officers

hexamine stove lightweight stove burning blocks of solid fuel

ISFE instantaneous safety fuse electric

Jenson’s Violet purple-coloured medication

Kremlin nickname for intelligence section at Regimental headquarters

L42 sniper rifle, based on the Lee Enfield. The standard British Army sniper rifle until the 1990s

LFT liver-function test

LMG light machine gun

LSL landing ship logistics

LZ landing zone

M202 66mm multi-shot portable flame weapon, firing incendiary rockets

M79 grenade launcher

mag magnetic north

majnoon ‘mad one’ (from the Arabic)

maroon machine nickname for the Parachute Regiment (from their maroon berets)

MFC mortar fire controller

mixed-fruit mortar fire pattern, two HE shells to one white

pudding phosphorous

MO medical officer

mod plod MoD policeman

MT motor transport

OC officer commanding

O group orders group

OGs olive-green Army clothing

pig an RUC armoured car

PIRA Provisional IRA

POST Post-Operational Stress Trauma

PTSD Pos-Traumatic Stress Disorder

QM Quartermaster

QRF quick-reaction force

RAOC Royal Army Ordnance Corps

RCL 75mm recoilless anti-armour weapon

RE Royal Engineers

re-entrant valley running into side of a hill

REME Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

REMFs rear-echelon motherfuckers

RF Reconnaissance Force

Rigid Raider fast assault boat

RPD Soviet 7.62mm light machine gun

RSM Regimental Sergeant Major

RTU Returned to Unit (of origin)

Rupert officer

Sabre Squadron SAS combat squadron. There are four, A, B, D and G

SAF Sultan’s Armed Forces (of Oman)

sangar protective wall built of stone or sandbags

sarbe small radio used for ground-to-air communication

scran food

SF (general) sustained fire

SF (Ireland) security forces

shake-out preparation for combat

shamag cloth worn on head as protection from sun

sit rep situation report

SLR 7.62mm self-loading rifle

souk Middle Eastern market

SP superintendent

spider sleeping quarters, so called because it has eight ‘legs’ – dormitory areas – off one central section

Sports and Social SAS barracks

SSM Squadron Sergeant Major

stag period of watch

Startrek air strike

sustained-fire heavier-barrelled GPMG, mounted on a tripod

(SF) kit and equipped with a dial sight, enabling it to fire at night on preset targets

tout informer

trig point summit of hill

vet rep vertical replenishment (by helicopter)

wads sandwiches

Wali governor of province (Oman)

wet rep weather report

XM203 M16 assault rifle equipped with underslung 40mm grenade-launcher


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