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'I've no right to talk to you like this,' apologised the other with a deferential smile. 'Forget that I ever said anything.'

'I want to hear what prompted your question.'

'I was being nosey.'

'There's something behind your interest. What is it?'

Emily licked her lips before speaking. 'It's just that you've been a little strange today, Miss Abigail.'

'Have I — in what way?'

'Your mind seems to wander off somewhere. I've spoken to you a couple of times and you never even heard me.'

'That's because I was thinking about those wounded soldiers we saw. They keep coming back at me. I can see all that blood and smell that revolting stench again.'

'We should have turned our backs on it all.'

'No,' said Abigail. 'I was meant to see it.'

'No woman should ever look at things like that.'

'Many of them have no choice,' Abigail reminded her. 'Think of the wives whose husbands have been maimed or blinded in battle. Those women will have to gaze at those war wounds for the rest of their lives. I feel for them.'

'They're so brave and loving.'

Emily wanted to ask something else but she felt it would be too intrusive. Since they were both in their night attire now, it was time to turn in. Abigail got into her camp bed but Emily had to sleep on a blanket laid out on the ground. When they had both pulled their respective sheets over them, Abigail blew out the candles and plunged the tent into darkness. She then said her prayers and offered up a whole series of heartfelt supplications. When she opened her eyes again, she could sense Emily's unspoken question hanging in the air.

'Yes,' she said quietly. 'It did affect me, Emily. It affected me very deeply. Seeing all those terrible injuries and understanding what happens on a battlefield has made me look at Captain Rawson in a very different way.' There was a long pause. 'Good night, Emily.'

'God bless you, Miss Abigail.'

Edward Marston

Soldier of Fortune

Years of service in the army had habituated Daniel Rawson to an early start. Though the next day was set aside for rest, he was awake before dawn and dressed before most of the camp had even stirred. Since his face was still tender, he delayed shaving until later. The weather was fine for a change and he was encouraged to take a stroll in the morning air. Mindful of what had happened when he strayed to the edge of the camp at a previous site, he contented himself with walking in the area designated for his battalion.

Tents were conjured out of the half-dark and the occasional soldier could be seen, putting a kettle of water on the fire or slipping off to the latrines. Birds were heralding dawn with full-throated song. Daniel did not begrudge his men their additional sleep. It had been well-earned. Even those who had escaped injury during the storming of the hill and the capture of the town had been exhausted by their efforts. In Daniel's opinion, soldiers who had collected minor wounds deserved an even longer rest. When they had recovered, every one of them would be needed.

He had always liked the atmosphere of an army camp. It was his natural habitat. He relished the idea of a large body of men gathered together for a common purpose that was based on a compound of bravery, patriotism and sheer physical endeavour. While the troops were at rest, there was nevertheless a sense of latent power in the camp, weapons laid aside but within easy reach of the sleeping soldiers. He could hear banter from inside a few of the tents and a lone voice was actually singing a welcome to the new day. But, in general, there was a tranquil air to the camp.

It soon changed. Daniel went around the angle of a tent to be met by unexpected danger. A figure jumped out to accost him. Arms spread wide, the man was in a menacing crouch, ready to spring. Daniel reacted with lightning speed, grappling with him as his attacker lunged forward then flinging him violently to the ground. It was only then that he realised the man was a friend of his.

'That's enough,' said Henry Welbeck, hands up high in mock surrender. 'I give in, Dan. Help me up, you big bully.'

'What were you doing?' asked Daniel, hauling him to his feet. 'I thought you'd try to kill me.'

'I've got more sense than to try that. No, all I wanted to do was to make sure you were on guard. You've had two attempts on your life already. I proved that you're ready for a third one.'

'You're getting slow, Henry. There was a time when you'd have thrown me to the ground.'

'I was only pretending to attack you.'

'Well, it felt real enough at the time.'

'It was meant to, Dan,' said Welbeck, dusting off his coat. 'I'm glad that nobody else is about or I could be reported for striking an officer. Mind you, one or two of the buggers need striking.'

Daniel chuckled. 'I can't disagree with that.'

'What are you doing up at this hour, anyway?'

'I might ask the same of you, Henry.'

'I always like to get up well before the men. It breeds respect.'

'My excuse is simple — I fancied a stroll.'

'Remember what happened the last time you did that?'

'I had no company with me on this occasion,' said Daniel.

Welbeck smirked. 'Has the lass turned you down, then?'

'If you must know, Miss Piper is going back to England.'

'Good news at last!'

'I think she found army life a little too raw for her taste.'

'Women are poison,' said Welbeck roundly, 'and the worst of it is that the poison comes in such appealing little bottles. No wonder men are led off the straight and narrow path.' He held Daniel's gaze. 'How do you feel about the lady going?'

'I'm relieved, Henry. If I'm honest, I'm delighted that she's made this decision. Miss Piper and her maid will have safe conduct all the way home. As long as she was here, I'd be worrying about her.'

'Lusting after her, more like!'

'That's one way of looking at it,' said Daniel with a laugh.

'It's the only way. Save your strength for fighting the Frenchies.'

'I will, Henry.'

'And those bloody Bavarians.'

'There was a time when we hoped they'd be on our side.'

'Well, they weren't on our side at the Schellenberg!'

Daniel rolled his eyes. 'I noticed that.'

'So — what do we do next?'

'We await orders.'

'What kind of orders, Dan?'

'Your guess is as good as mine.'

'You're on speaking terms with Corporal John,' said Welbeck. 'You must have some inkling of what the old fox has in mind.'

'We'll cross the Danube, that's all I know. Having fought so hard to secure the crossing, I'm sure we'll make full use of it.' They walked on together. Daniel nudged him with an elbow. 'And don't you dare jump out of me like that again,' he warned with a companionable grin, 'or you'll get a lot more than you bargained for, Sergeant Welbeck.'

Edward Marston

Soldier of Fortune

He had talked his way past the pickets with ease. Deliberately choosing to enter the camp through its Dutch section, Charles Catto had made his way towards the area where the British battalions had set up their tents. There was still just enough light for him to discern the different colours of the uniforms.' The standard uniform was the one that he was wearing — a long red coat turned back at the lapels and cuffs to show the facings of the regimental hue. They were dark blue for the guards and royal regiments. Others were distinguished by yellow, green, white or buff. Having fought against — and occasionally served with — British regiments, Catto recognised their facings at once. He also knew that the Royal Horse Guards wore blue uniforms, as did the artillery units. It paid to know the colour of an enemy.

On that first evening, he had contented himself with finding his way around the camp and looking for the safest way to leave it. Making sure that he never went near the regiment he had joined earlier, he had slept in a large tent that was stocked with supplies captured from the enemy after the battle. Catto had risen early to eat the food he had brought with him. Daylight brought the whole place alive and there was a continuous hubbub. He walked towards the area reserved for the baggage wagons and camp followers, taking a clearer look at the disposition of the army as he did so. If he was able to pass on accurate details of the enemy to General Salignac, he would be praised and rewarded. His mission took on an extra dimension.