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“First off, he assaulted me,” Artorius responded. “This can be verified by Centurion Vitruvius. Second, he was drunk out of his mind, like he usually was.”

“Ah, but how can we know he was drunk?” Pinarius said with a dismissive wave. “You killed him, leaving no way of anyone else witnessing his state of sobriety.”

“The room reeked of rotten wine,” Artorius answered.

“Yes, a jug was found shattered on the floor, with wine spilled everywhere,” Pinarius retorted quickly.

Artorius’ anger was rising by the second, though he knew that this was not the time to be losing his tongue.

“I think that would suffice to account for the smell, wouldn’t you say?”

“And yet he still drew his gladius and assaulted me!” the Optio seethed, his temper finally getting the best of him. He swallowed hard, knowing that he was playing right into Pinarius’ hands.

“A bit of a hothead, aren’t you?” he said smoothly. “You used your Optio’s staff of office to prevent your superior from exercising his legal right. You shoved your staff in his face and he felt threatened. If you had a sword and someone attacked you with a staff, don’t you think you would draw, too?” He turned away quickly, not allowing Artorius to respond.

“Legate Apronius,” Pinarius said, addressing the Governor General. “It seems pretty obvious what has transpired. We know the rest of the story by this Optio’s admission. The fact of the case is that Centurion Fulvius was killed by Optio Artorius. What other evidence do we need?” He raised his hands by his sides in emphasis.

“We still have other witnesses whose testimony may be relevant,” Apronius replied, bringing a bored sigh from Pinarius.

“Very well, if you wish.”

Centurion Vitruvius’ testimony went almost exactly the same as Artorius’ since he was the only other firsthand witness. Two legionaries testified about the abuses Fulvius had exacted on them, bringing rebukes from the prosecutor that the Centurion had done nothing illegal, and that he was within his rights to physically chastise his men as he saw fit. When Tesserarius Praxus brought up the use of bribes instituted by the Centurion, Pinarius again forcibly reminded the assembly that this was not an illegal practice either. The only man who spoke favorably for Fulvius was Lincinius, the Cohort Commander. Artorius glowered at the man, knowing he was only speaking up for Fulvius in order to save himself from the fallout from the slain Centurion’s friends. Finally, Apronius spoke up.

“I think it is time for the tribunal to recess and reach a decision,” he said solemnly. “The facts of the case are rather precise; however no verdict can be made hastily.” He then stood and left with the Tribunes and Master Centurion behind him.

“Calvinus, do you have anything you wish to say before the Tribunes render a verdict?” Apronius asked as the men all sat around the table.

“I do,” the Master Centurion replied, standing up from his chair. “The facts of this are that Optio Artorius did slay Centurion Fulvius; however, the circumstances leading up to it does not bode well for the Centurion. Fulvius had a spotty record at best…”

“Which Pinarius said is irrelevant to this case,” a Tribune interrupted. Calvinus shot him a blistering gaze but kept his voice calm.

“And is it Pinarius, a known friend of Fulvius and his patrons, who decides guilt or innocence here?” the Master Centurion retorted. “The way I understand it, it is you with the tribunician power who decide this case, not the prosecutor. I know that anything less than a full conviction will not be seen as…politically expedient.”

“Calvinus, what are you insinuating?” the Legion’s Chief Tribune asked, suddenly irritated. He was normally close with the Master Centurion, relying on him heavily as a mentor. He was, however, outraged at what Calvinus might be implying.

“I’m not one to insinuate,” he replied, “so I will just say it outright. Fulvius had friends within the Senate. They want revenge, and what do they care if it comes at the life of a mere Optio who was doing what he honestly believed was the right thing? After all, the lives of the plebian rankers mean nothing, they never have! So what’s one more sacrificed if it will help one of us keep favor with those in the Senate who would wish his demise?”

“Damn it, Calvinus!” Apronius snapped, slamming a fist on the table. The Master Centurion raised a hand apologetically.

“Forgive me, sir,” he replied. “I only state what each of you is thinking, or at least knows is the reality of situations such as this. I’m not saying whether you should convict or acquit Optio Artorius, all I wish is that it be done with justice rather than political expediency in mind. I ask that we do what is right for no other reason than it is the right thing to do.”

The Tribunes muttered a few things amongst themselves before Apronius asked each if they were ready to cast their votes. When all said that they were, a basket was passed around. Each man would write his vote on a slip of papyrus and place it in the basket. According to the law, only a majority vote of guilty was required. The Legate had forbidden the men from discussing their votes with anyone, so unless a unanimous verdict was reached, no one would know how each man had voted. As they headed back to the courtroom Calvinus stopped Apronius in the hallway.

“One last thing, regardless of whether or not Optio Artorius is convicted, the Third Cohort’s Second Century still needs a leader. One man has led them this entire time, and I think you know who he is.” Apronius paused and gazed at the floor. He then looked Calvinus in the eye and nodded. The Master Centurion hoped that Apronius had guessed his intentions. He also quickly prayed to any god or spirit that was in the vicinity and willing to listen that the Tribunes had made their decision based on justice rather than politics. He then went back into the office and grabbed a scroll from a box and scribbled a few lines onto it before returning to the courtroom.

The buzz of voices in the room immediately died as Apronius and the rest of the judicial delegation walked back into the room. Artorius was calm; resigning himself to whatever fate awaited him. He only hoped that if sentenced to strangulation that he would at least die with some semblance of dignity and not do something embarrassing like shit himself at the last.

“At this time, I will read the votes as cast by members of the tribunal!” Apronius’ voice boomed. He then took each paper out and read it to the assembly. “Guilty.”

A grumbling started amongst the legionaries present, who were quickly silenced by Master Centurion Calvinus, who slammed his fist onto the tribunal table.

Apronius then continued, “Guilty…not guilty…guilty…not guilty…not guilty.” The room was now abuzz with activity as all realized that the number of votes cast was equal.

“At ease!” shouted Calvinus, silencing the room once more. The Legate closed his eyes and raised his head up, as if seeking guidance from the divine. He then looked hard on Artorius and spoke.

“The tribunal has reached a deadlock,” he said. “Therefore, the responsibility of casting the verdict falls on me and me alone. Optio Artorius.” Apronius’ face was cold and distant. “On the charge of murder, this court finds you…not guilty.” A loud cheer erupted throughout the hall as Pinarius stood to protest, his face showing his sense of shock and betrayal.

“At fucking ease before I personally castrate every last one of you!” Calvinus roared. “That includes you, prosecutor! You will not interrupt this court or the Governor General while the verdict is read.” He then turned and nodded to Apronius, who continued.

“On the charge of assault on a superior officer this court finds you not guilty. It is the opinion of the court that you acted only in defense of yourself, as well as that of a fellow soldier. We find that the Centurion Fulvius was acting well beyond the limits of his authority and that this abuse almost led to the unnecessary death of a valuable legionary. It was your actions that saved the man’s life.” Artorius was dumbstruck in disbelief. “The charge of insubordination is dismissed due to a lack of viable witnesses. Therefore, Optio Artorius is to be released at once and allowed to return to his duties.”