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The clerks then quickly passed around a series of parchments to each legion commander. The scroll handed to Sempronius and Artorius read:

Legio II, Augusta in Argentorate, Germania3 — Replaced by Legio VIII, Augusta

Legio IX, Hispania in Vindobona, Pannonia4 — Replaced by Legio X, Gemina

Legio XIV, Gemina in Carnuntum, Pannonia5 — Replaced by auxiliaries

Legio XX, Valeria in Cologne, Germania — Not replaced, Legio I, Germanica to remain in place

“Logistics stores of rations and construction equipment have been staged in Cologne,” Plautius continued. He then looked to Sempronius for confirmation.

“Yes, sir,” the chief tribune replied. “We have sufficient pre-cut lumber to build at least two full-sized wooden forts. Extra grain siloes have also been built just outside the fortress with several farms for growing vegetables and raising livestock acquired. I estimate that we currently have enough raw food stores to feed four legions for approximately six months; half that if we factor in the auxiliaries.”

“We’re building a large supply depot here as well,” Plautius added. “While we can certainly forage once we land in Britannia, the emperor wants to keep this to a minimum. Taking from those we intend to rule does not win us allies for Rome. And while a certain amount of plunder from those we forcibly subjugate is expected, our long term goal is to pacify the people, not turn them against us. After we’re established, it will take the strength of both diplomacy, as well as the sword to conquer Britannia.”

Scribes next handed each group a rudimentary map showing the southeast coastline of the isle. Their current location in Belgica was also marked. Three large arrows pointed towards various points on the coast, with subsequent markings showing a rough approach each group was to take towards a river that ran into the sea to the north.

“We will land in the Kingdom of the Cantiaci,” Plautius said. “They are closest to our lands, and we can establish a foothold and initial base of operations there with supply lines running across the channel to the continent. The Atrebates, whose king the emperor has promised to restore to power, are located to the west of Cantiaci. They were conquered about three years ago by a powerful kingdom known as the Catuvellauni. They, and their allies, will be our most significant threats.”

“What of the Cantiaci?” Geta asked. “Will they offer resistance?”

“I have the reassurance from a deputation sent by their king, Eppillus, that they will not,” Plautius replied. “Their lands are small and the number of warriors insubstantial. I suspect they will welcome us, as they live in fear of the Catuvellauni. Plus, Eppillus is the brother of King Verica of Atrebates. Our first test of diplomacy will be how we treat the Cantiaci. If we show temperance, then others will see the good will of Rome. If subjugate them with an iron fist, it will only unite the other tribes against us. We want to keep hostile and undecided peoples divided as much as possible.”

“That does not mean that our landing will go unopposed,” Vespasian noted. “The Catuvellauni and their allies will march right through the Cantiaci lands. Eppillus does not have the strength to oppose either them or us, and so he will simply have to wait and try to make amends with whoever the victors are.”

“We also cannot land our entire invasion force at a single point,” Plautius said, drawing their attention back to the maps. “Therefore we will launch three divisions simultaneously. I will accompany the Ninth and Fourteenth Legions to the north. The Twentieth will land to the south of us, with the main corps of cavalry. The Second will be on the far left and will have the largest contingent of auxiliaries in support, scouting and covering the left flank of the army.”

“What of the Atrebates’ king?” Vespasian asked. “Our approach will run just parallel to their lands. Do you wish him to accompany me?”

“No,” Plautius replied. “He will be with me, as I will be first to encounter King Eppillus, who will announce the return of the Atrebates king to them. Once we land we will merge into two battle groups. Sabinus will command the right wing, Vespasian the left. Each legion will have a certain amount of autonomy, as long as they continue to advance while meeting my intent. Our main objective for the first phase of the invasion is this river here.” He then pointed to a spot on the map which showed two large bays on the east coast, each leading into a river. Plautius pointed to the smaller one to the south.

“This is the River Medway. The terrain of this land is heavily forested and hostile. Geta, your North African troops have the least amount of experience in these conditions, which is why I’m pairing you with Sabinus and the Ninth. Our cavalry and auxiliaries will be crucial in rooting out bands of raiders who, no doubt, will try and wear us down with hit-and-run tactics. However, by the time we reach this point, we hopefully will have goaded our enemies into facing us in open battle. Britannic warriors are very prideful, and the longer we remain in their lands, the greater the blow to their esteem and perceived valor amongst the people. While prudence may dictate holding onto initial gains and then engaging individual tribes one by one, after they’ve gone home for the harvest, I intend to run a highly aggressive campaign. If we brazenly engage a large coalition in open battle and smash them, it will help quell thoughts of further resistance.”

After a few logistical details, Plautius dismissed the men. As the assembled leaders stood and saluted, Artorius had hoped to have a moment to speak with his friend, Tribune Cursor. However, he was interrupted by Vespasian, who called he and Sempronius over to a secluded corner.

“I wanted to speak with both of you in private,” the legate said. “As you can guess, Plautius is furious with your commander for foregoing this meeting.”

“If I may speak plainly, sir,” Artorius said, “we are still speculating as to how Glabrio ever received command of the legion in the first place.”

Sempronius grimaced, thinking this would lead to a sharp rebuke from Vespasian.

The general simply snorted and gave a mirthless smile. “From what I gather, he was a favorite of Gaius Caligula,” he said. “And he is a personal friend of the emperor. I doubt that Legate Glabrio is any more enthusiastic about taking part in the invasion than you are having him with you. However, as he still will have a year left on his appointment, none of you have any choice in the matter.”

Both Sempronius and Artorius looked crestfallen by this.

“Sir, can’t Plautius have him removed?” the chief tribune asked, exasperated.

“Unfortunately, no,” Vespasian replied, shaking his head. “Only the emperor can fire him, and that’s not going to happen. However, Plautius did come up with a somewhat viable solution. Glabrio will come to Britannia, but not with the Twentieth Legion. He will accompany Plautius as part of his staff, though still holding the position as legate of the Twentieth Legion. I understand this puts an added burden on both of you, as you will be the ones having to actually lead the legion into battle.”

“And that is why Plautius placed us in a battle group under you,” Artorius conjectured.

“Correct, master centurion,” Vespasian confirmed. “Regardless of who holds what position officially, I will essentially be in command of both legions. Not to worry, my chief tribune has already completed one tour and is damn near ready to become a legate in his own right. And my master centurion has served in the ranks longer than I’ve been alive. You both know how to lead men into battle, so I’ll not interfere with the Twentieth directly. Just know that I will not be far away.”

Landon’s assessment was more accurate than he realized. Both the queen and her consort knew the reasons for Caratacus coming to their kingdom. Cartimandua surmised soon after Togodumnus’ departure for the continent that he and his brother would soon be attempting to rally every kingdom in the isle to their cause. And given the size of Brigantes, Caratacus had decided to pay his respects personally.