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“It’s possible,” Indus answered. “As long as they don’t know about your troops and think their only threat is my cavalry.”

“What do you have in mind, Macro?” Proculus asked.

“I think we should scout ahead and see just how close we can get to their position before we risk being spotted. If we get close enough, we can have Indus’ cavalry strike against the Turani. Have them engage just long enough to bait them into pursuit. With no other threats in the area known to them, they will see it as an opportunity to smash the Treveri cavalry and eliminate any chance of being pursued further. Once we have the terrain advantage, we can sweep them. If we strike hard and quickly enough, we may be able to induce them to panic; they are not professional soldiers.” Macro cracked his knuckles. “And they do not know our true numbers.”

“Such a brazen attack may make them think we actually have them outnumbered,” Proculus nodded approval. “Alright, a couple of us need to conduct a leaders’ reconnaissance of the enemy positions. Who is coming with me?”

“I’ll go,” Vitruvius immediately answered.

“So will I,” Macro added. “Though I think you should stay, Proculus. If something goes wrong, we cannot very well afford to lose our cohort commander. We will take a couple of men with us.”

“Very well,” Proculus replied. “It is almost midday. I want you back before nightfall. Don’t take any unnecessary risks. Just scout out their positions and find out where we need to stage our forces.” He then turned to the cavalry trooper. “Can you make it back to your regiment without being seen?”

“It took me all night in the dark to navigate my way around, but in the daylight I’ll be alright.”

“Whatever you do, do not allow yourself to be spotted,” Indus emphasized. “The enemy needs to think that all Roman forces are confined to the northeast of their position. Have our men advance towards the Turani. At midday tomorrow we will sortie against them and lure them into the low-lying areas.”

“And once we have taken over their positions, a cornicen will sound the order for them to come about and attack,” Proculus added.

The trooper nodded in reply and rode off towards the thick forests that covered the hills to their right.

“Artorius!” Macro waved the decanus over to him. “You can ride well enough, can’t you?”

“Yes, sir,” Artorius replied.

“Good. You’re coming with us.”

At that, Artorius removed his helmet and started unlacing the straps of his armor.

“What are you doing?” Vitruvius asked.

“We won’t get within five miles of the enemy wearing armor and helmets that reflect the sunlight,” he explained.

Vitruvius frowned. He and Macro removed their armor and helmets as well. Sergeant Rufio was also selected to accompany them, as were two legionaries from Vitruvius’ century.

The six men kept their eyes and ears open as they rode up the mountain road. It was steep on both sides, with the right-hand side going up the mountain and the left into the valley below. Both sides were covered in trees and tall grass. Rufio noticed smoke from cooking fires in the distance. He grabbed Macro by the shoulder and pointed towards them. Macro signaled for his contingent to move off the road to their right, into the trees. They moved up the steep slope until it leveled off, allowing their mounts to traverse more easily. Through the mass of trees, they were still able to make out the smoke from the fires. When they were almost parallel to what they surmised was the enemy camp, they dismounted. Rufio and one of Vitruvius’ legionaries stayed with their horses while the rest of the men moved slowly towards the enemy positions.

About fifty meters before where the tree line opened up, the ground rose sharply. The legionaries got down on their hands and knees and crawled up the embankment. At the top they found they had a perfect vantage point with which to observe the Turani camp. The forest road rose up sharply before leveling off for about three hundred meters. It then dropped back down, continuing on its winding way through the base of the Alpes. Off to their right they could barely make out the camp of Indus’ cavalry, at the base of the next ridgeline. They were keeping their distance, but staying close enough to let the Turani know they were there. With no horsemen of their own, the Turani knew any attempts at smashing the Roman cavalry would be futile.

Directly to their front, on the opposite side of the forest road, was a large meadow that the rebels were encamped in. It was filled with tall grass and flowering plants, but devoid of the masses of trees. Though the conditions looked cramped, it was indeed large enough for all five thousand of the Turani to camp. Macro noticed a figure wearing a gleaming bronze cuirass and Greek helmet with a magnificent purple plume, walking across the meadow. He immediately recognized the man as Julius Florus, given he had worn the same audacious attire during their skirmish against the Andecavi.

The centurion felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked to his left to see Artorius pointing towards a bend in the forest road. It was about four hundred meters short of where the ground rose up sharply. Six men could be seen milling about; pickets tasked with keeping an eye out for any potential threats. Macro nodded and pointed this out to Vitruvius. Macro then produced a wax tablet and stylus and began making diagrams of the enemy positions. Once he was satisfied, he signaled for them to leave. After linking up with Rufio and their mounts, they made their way slowly back towards their positions. Just out of the enemy pickets’ field of vision, Macro led them back onto the forest road. He then took a piece of red cloth and tied it to one of the trees.

“Here will be the staging point,” he explained in a low voice. “This is about as close as we can get without running the risk of being spotted.” At about a mile down the road, he stopped and tied off another piece of cloth to a tree.

This particular marker would show where the cohort would ground all of its gear and the men would ready for battle.

Proculus had the cohort on the march, and it did not take Macro and the others long to reach them. The cohort commander came out to meet them.

“How far?” he asked, as the contingent dismounted and gathered around.

“Not five miles,” Macro replied. “I have sketched out their location and positions. Everything tomorrow hinges on Indus’ cavalry being able to draw them down from their camp.”

“They are not expecting us, however they have posted a small group of pickets to warn against any pending attack,” Artorius added.

Proculus looked over Macro’s scribing in contemplation. “We will be ready to march at two hours after sunrise,” he said at last. “We will get into position with plenty of time for the cavalry to execute their diversion.” “Where is Indus?” Vitruvius asked, looking around.

“I sent him back to his regiment. His task with us was done, and his troopers need him. Alright, go ahead and brief your men on tomorrow’s engagement. Have them start the rotating sentry watch and then get some sleep.”

Artorius lay his head down on his pack. It was a cloudless night, and the moon shone brightly. He placed his hands behind his head and took a deep breath. He was nervous about the pending engagement with the Turani.

Magnus, who had just returned from sentry duty, picked up on his sergeant’s mood. “Talk to me,” he said as he removed his helmet and sat down. “You’ve got something on your mind. I can see it in your face.” Artorius continued to stare at the stars, lost in thought

“Oh, come off it,” Magnus persisted. “Artorius, we have been friends for too many years for you to be able to hide stuff from me. We are all nervous about tomorrow, and it is not just the normal anxiety that comes before combat.”

“I know,” Artorius answered. “The entire outcome of this engagement hinges on the ability of Indus’ cavalry to goad the Turani off the high ground. Some of the cavalry have already defected, and I wonder about the loyalty of the rest. They take a great risk by allowing themselves to be used as bait.”