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"The entire search is what the Americans would call a crapshoot. Ein Gedi seems to be the best choice, based on the marks that were found at Jabal Ideid."

Rashidi used the Islamic name for Mount Karkom.

"Seems to be?" Javadi said.

Rashidi shrugged. "Like I said, a crapshoot. I have to go on what I am told the marks mean."

"What if the marks are being misinterpreted?"

Rashidi decided to be conciliatory. "General, we can only go on what we know. We continue to study the scroll. Sooner or later, we will find our way to this treasure."

"And the Americans?"

"What would you have me do?"

"Eliminate them. This time, don't fail to do so."

Javadi hauled his bulk out of the chair.

"You have a good reputation, Rashidi. It's the only reason you have not been recalled to Tehran. The Supreme Leader himself is following your progress. Do not disappoint him."

After his tormentor had left, Rashidi opened the windows on his balcony. Better the smell of exhaust fumes than Javadi's sweat and cologne. He thought about the conversation.

Why had Javadi been concerned about the woman's death? She was only a woman, after all. She'd met a martyr's end, which was the best she could ever have expected. Javadi was a pompous fool. Mentioning a secret operation was probably a way for the man to puff himself up, to make himself look important. Well, it wasn't his concern. The Americans and finding the gold were his concerns, not the woman.

The Americans were untouchable while they were in the Israeli compound. Or were they?

Rashidi thought about it. The compound was on the edge of the desert, away from nearby buildings and houses. As far as he knew, there were only two Israeli agents on the site. It would be easy enough to send another team. Perhaps the Americans were not as safe as they thought.

They had proved to be dangerous opponents, worthy of grudging respect.

This time, his team would be prepared.


Rivka and Selena sat on lawn chairs behind the safe house, drinking something Rivka had concocted from fresh limes and soda water, looking out toward the setting sun. Long shadows from a half dozen palm trees stretched across the lawn. The Judean desert outside the compound was bathed in color, a blaze of gold and orange and yellow and red.

"This is incredibly beautiful," Selena said. "I've seen a lot of sunsets, but this one is memorable."

"The desert is beautiful," Rivka said. "Harsh, but beautiful."

Selena sipped at her drink and looked over at Rivka. She was a good-looking woman, the kind of woman that made you think of earth and sun and good times.

"Nick said you took a bullet for him. What happened?"

"That's not exactly what happened. I went up with Nick to his hotel room."

"Oh? His room?"

Rivka looked at Selena and laughed. "Don't worry, it wasn't like that. Although I admit, I was attracted to him."

"Mmm," Selena said.

"There'd been trouble. Your President was in the hotel. Nick had left a telltale on the door of his room. When we got there, it had been moved. It meant someone had been inside."

"I assume it wasn't the maid," Selena said, "or there wouldn't be much to this story."

"No, it wasn't the maid."

Rivka rubbed the old wound where the bullet had struck her, an unconscious gesture.

"Anyway, he opened the door. We had our guns out. At first we didn't see anything, then someone stepped out and began shooting at us. That's when I got hit. The shooter was killed."

"I remember Nick telling me about it after he got back," Selena said.

"The shooter was there to get Nick," Rivka said. "He was the one who was supposed to get shot. That's why he says I took a bullet for him, but really, it was only because I happened to be there."

"Well, I'm glad you were," Selena said.

She raised her glass in a toast and drained it.

"This would be a lot better if it had vodka in it."

"There's some in the kitchen."

"Much as I'd like to, I'm not drinking. I'm pregnant."

"I didn't know that," Rivka said. "You're not showing. When are you due?"

"About seven months from now. At least it won't be the middle of winter. It looks like he might be a Leo."


"Or she," Selena said. "We don't know yet."

"I envy you," Rivka said. "It's hard to find a real partner, doing the work that we do."

"You don't have anyone like that?"

"No. Perhaps I don't try hard enough. I think I scare them away. Israeli men can have fragile egos. They always want to be on top. When they find out what I do, most of them disappear."

Selena laughed.

"Israeli men aren't the only ones with fragile egos."

"You sure you don't want one drink? One won't hurt you."

"I shouldn't…"

"I'll make it weak," Rivka said.

Later, Selena was back in the room with Nick. They were getting ready to go to bed.

"Rivka is nice, isn't she," Selena said.

"Yes, she is."

"I can see how you would be attracted to her."


"Don't worry, I'm not jealous. I know you didn't sleep with her. But I wouldn't blame you if you had."

"Now you tell me," Nick said.

Selena punched him on the shoulder.

"Don't be a smart ass. She told me what happened when she got shot. I'm only saying that I'm glad she was there in that hotel room with you."

"She was almost killed."

"Well," Selena said. "It may sound hard, but better her then you."

"Better if neither one of us had gotten shot."

Selena changed the subject.

"I keep thinking about Alan. No one was supposed to start shooting at us. I can't get away from this, and I? Even when I think something is going to be simple. It's like one of those old biblical curses."

"Hey, come on. It's not that bad."

"No? Try telling that to Alan, or Gideon. And now there's the baby. I don't think I'll ever feel safe again."

Nick came over and put his arms around her.

"You're safe with me," he said.

Later, after they'd made love, Selena lay awake listening to Nick's deep breathing.

You're safe with me, he'd said.

She thought back to all the times she'd been with him and come close to being killed. Whatever else being with Nick was about, it wasn't about being safe. Somehow she didn't think it ever would be.

What does that mean for the baby?

Selena pushed the thought aside. She wasn't ready to go there, not yet.


The chain link fence surrounding the safe house at Ein Gedi was a patterned shadow in the moonless night. The four men Rashidi had picked for the assault lay on the hard desert floor, outside the compound where Nick and the others slept. They had balaclavas pulled over their faces. Dark clothes made them almost invisible. Each carried an Iranian copy of the Chinese Norinco CQ carbine. It was an efficient assault weapon, firing the standard 5.56 mm NATO cartridge.

Vahid Ghorbani scanned the compound with night vision binoculars. The temperature had dropped into the low forties, typical for the Judean desert at this time of year. Vahid had anticipated the chill, but even so he shivered.

Vahid was in charge of the team. His second in command was named Mahmoud.

"What do you see?" Mahmoud said.

"Nothing. It's as quiet as Behest-e Zahra over there."

Behest-e Zahra was the main cemetery in Tehran.

"No guard? No one patrolling?"

"They feel safe," Vahid said. "Nothing ever happens here."

"After tonight, they may not feel the same way."

"God willing."

Vahid signaled with his hand. The four men raised up and ran to the fence.