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Nick said, "If we could get over to it, past those rocks, we might be able to walk down to the bottom."

"Be quicker to keep going the way we have been. Ronnie shouldn't try that."

"Yeah, you're right. We'll keep him roped up between you and me. Selena, you lead. I'll take the rear."

"I'm all right," Ronnie said.

"I believe you, but there's no point in taking chances. Besides, you need a doctor to check you out, in case you broke that thick skull of yours."

"Take more than a cliff wall to do that," Ronnie said.

They started down, taking their time. By the time they neared the bottom, the sun had disappeared behind the mountain. It was as if they'd stepped from day into twilight. Selena's foot slipped and kicked a rock loose. It tumbled off to the side and triggered a second trap.

The explosion sent a pillar of yellow and orange flame up the side of the mountain. If they'd been directly over it, it would have turned them into human torches. Nick felt the heat singe his face. The blast shook the side of the mountain. Rocks and debris showered down and bounced off their helmets.

They clung to the mountainside and the rope, stunned. A final waterfall of pebbles rained on them from somewhere above.

Lamont let out a long breath. "What the fuck was that?"

"I'm beginning to really dislike Iranians," Nick said. "Ten feet to the right, we'd be fried like Sunday bacon."

"Let's get off this mountain," Ronnie said. "No telling what might come loose up there."

They made it the rest of the way without incident. Standing on the floor of the canyon, Nick looked back up at the cliff face. In the fading light, it was black and menacing.

The sound of a car engine echoed from the canyon walls.

"Sounds like our ride is coming," Lamont said.


Ari Herzog and an unsmiling man in a rumpled blue suit listened as Nick described what they'd found and what had happened on the mountain. Herzog didn't introduce his companion.

Nick handed him the pack with the Semtex.

"Has to be the Iranians."

"Mmm. And you are sure about the inscription."

"Selena thinks it refers to the port of Ezion-geber."

"Ezion-geber is lost. You saw no sign that anything had been hidden in those caves and removed?"

"No. I don't see how any significant amount of gold or anything else could have been hauled up to those caves in the first place."

"Then the Iranians will already be following up on what was written."

"That's what I'd do," Nick said. "As soon as we get someone to clear Ronnie, we'll keep going."

"That won't be necessary," Herzog said. "I have my instructions. As of now, you are no longer involved in this. I'd advise you to go home."

"With all due respect, Ari, you can't keep us from being involved. You can ask us to leave Israel, but you can't stop us from pursuing this on our own."

"Don't be stubborn, Nick. This is an Israeli matter. We're grateful for what you've done, but it's our show from here. The Iranians complicate things. This is now a matter of national security and political concern."

"So that's the way it is?"

The man standing next to Herzog spoke for the first time. "You would be wise to heed his advice, Carter," he said. His voice was flat. "Further interference in this matter will be considered an unfriendly act. Understood?"


"I'll be waiting at the helicopter, Ari." He turned and walked away.

"Who's the asshole?" Nick asked.

Herzog said, "I apologize for his rudeness, Nick, but my hands are tied. You're welcome to see the sights of my country before you go home. You might enjoy the beach at Eilat."


"I think you would enjoy it. You should go there."

Nick was about to say something when Selena placed her hand on his arm.

"That's a wonderful suggestion, Ari." She turned to Nick. "I think we could all use a few days on the beach. Ronnie needs to rest and I'd love to have a real vacation for a change."


"Trust me, it's the best thing we can do."

"Excellent," Ari said. "I'll have a vehicle brought to you. It's only a few hours drive from here. I can recommend a good hotel on the beach. In fact, why don't you stay there as a guest of our country? I'll make the arrangements. You have my number, Nick, if you run into any problems."


"I mean with the hotel, of course. Tonight, we'll put you up in Ein Gedi. You can get cleaned up and a night's rest before you drive south."

"Ronnie should see a doctor," Nick said.

"I'll arrange it. Someone will drive you all into town from here." Herzog looked at his watch. "I have to get back to Tel Aviv. It's been a pleasure to see you again, Nick. I wish it had been less exciting for you. Perhaps we'll meet again in the future."

When Ari and his companion were gone, Nick turned to Selena.

"What was that all about? Why did you interrupt when I was talking to him?"

"He was giving us a double message. He had to tell us we were no longer allowed to search for the gold. Those are his orders and the man standing with him was there to make sure they were carried out."

"Okay, we're supposed to lay off. What's the other part of the message?"

"Eilat is close to where Ezion-geber was located. He was telling you that he wants us to keep looking."

Lamont walked over to them. "Our ride's waiting to take us into town. Ronnie hasn't said anything, but he doesn't look so hot."

"First stop is a hospital to get him checked out," Nick said.

"You talk to Harker yet?"

"No. I'll do it when we get back in town."


Elizabeth looked at the display on her satellite phone and picked up.

"Yes, Nick."

"We found another marker. The Iranians had been there before us and left a couple of surprises."

"Is anyone hurt?"

"No. Ronnie's got a concussion, but that was from a fall. Director, things are getting complicated. The Israelis want us out of the loop. I was told in no uncertain terms that any further action on our part was unwelcome."

"Who did you piss off this time?"

"No one that I can think of. They handed us the old national security line. But we know more or less where to go next. It might even be the location of the treasure."

"Go on."

"The next stop is an ancient city called Ezion-geber, down at the tip of Israel. The problem is that no one knows where it is. Selena says it was just south of Eilat, on the northern end of the Gulf of Aqaba. After I got warned off, Herzog told me we should go hang out at Eilat. He wants us to keep looking even though his bosses don't."

"South of Eilat is close to the border with Jordan or Egypt, depending. If you have to go into either one, that's a new ballgame."

"So you want us to keep looking?"

"Of course I want you to keep looking," Elizabeth said. "Whatever the Israelis are doing, the Iranians will be doing it faster. If this place still exists, they'll be on it right away."

"First they have to find it," Nick said. "So do we."

"How do you propose to do that?"

"I was thinking you could run a ground imaging satellite scan of the area. If there's anything there under the sand, it will show up."

"Wait one," Elizabeth said. "Freddie?"

Yes, Elizabeth?

"Do we have any satellites with ground penetrating radar capability over southern Israel right now?"

USA 223 will reach the horizon for surveillance of that area in seventeen minutes, thirty-four seconds.

"Nick. I can get something in about twenty minutes."

"The town used to be a port, so there ought to be some indication of that."