31. Левин И. Введение. — Свод таджикского фольклора. Т. 1. М., 1981.
32. Мелетинский Е.М. Происхождение героического эпоса. М., 1963.
33. Пермяков Г.Л. Основы структурной паремиологии. М., 1988.
34. Пермяков Г.Л. От поговорки до сказки. М., 1970.
35. Пропп В.Я. Исторические корни волшебной сказки. Л., 1986.
36. Пропп В.Я. Морфология сказки. М., 1969.
37. Сомалийские пословицы и поговорки. М., 1983.
38. Aarne A. The Types of the Folktales. Transl. and Enlarg. by S.Thompson. Helsinki, 1961.
39. Andrzejewski B.W., Lewis I.M. Somali Poetry. An Introduction. Ox., 1964.
40. Axmed Cali Abokor. The Carnal in Somali Oral Traditions. Uppsala, 1987.
41. Axmed Cartan Xaange. Dalkii Udgoonaa (The Land of Spices). Muqdisho, 1984.
42. Axmed Cartan Xaange. Gogoldhig. — Sheekoxariirooyin Soomaaliyeed. Uppsala, 1988.
43. Banti G. Litteratura. — Aspetti Dell 'Espressione artistica in Somalia. Roma, 1988.
44. Ciise M. Siyaad. Introduzione. — Favole Somale. — Studi Somali. Vol. 6. Roma, 1985.
45. Johnson J.W. A Bibliography of the Somali Language and Literature. — African Language Review. 1969, № 8.
46. Lewis I.M. A Pastoral Democracy. L., 1969.
47. Mohamed Abdi Mohamed. La Somalie aux hautes periodes. T. 1. Besan^on, 1990.
48. Mohamed Abdi Mohamed. Histoire des Croyances en Somalie. P., 1992.
49. Thompson S. Motif-Index of Folk-Literature. Vol. I–VI. Copenhagen/Bloomington, 1955–1958.
50. Thompson S. The Folktale. Berkeley — Los Angeles— London, 1977.
«Somali folktales» is the first collection published in Russia of narratives of the people from The Horn of Africa. It comprises more than 200 tales translated from the Somali language. A part of them has been taken from different publications of Somali and foreign folklorists and linguists: Aamina X.Aadan, Axmed Cartan Xaange, Cabdulqaadir F.Bootaan, Ciise M.Siyaad, Maxamed Faarax Cabdillaahi, Muuse Cumar Islaam, Muuse Xaaji Ismaaciil Galaal, Shire Jaamac Axmed, Xasan Yaaquub «Baabraqiis», Bogumil An-drzejewski, Enrico Cerulli, Mario Maino, Martino Mario Moreno, Aki’o Nakano, Bruno Panza, Leo Reinisch and Andrzej Zaborski. The other part has been obtained from Somali experts such as: Axmed Maxamed Nuur, Cabdi Xasan Cali, Cabdifataax Xaashi Kediye, Cabdikariin Maxamed Cabdi, Cabdillaahi Axmed Maxamed, Cabdiraxmaan Axmed Aadan, Cabdisamed Abiikar Xaaji, Cabdixakiim Maxamed Shirwac, Cabdulqaadir Xuseyn Aw-Cali, Ibraahim Jaamac Cali, Maxamed Axmed Maxamed, Maxamed Ciidle Mayle, Summaya Aadan Maxamed, Xasan Saciid Maxamed.
Among the tales in the book are such masterpieces as «Knocked out Eye of a Hyena», «А Rebuke», «А Tragedy», «Human Trial», the cycles about legendary Arraweelo, madcap Wiil-Waal, wise Siyaad Dharyo Dhoobe, cowardly Cigaal Shiidaad and others.
The material is devided into five chapters: Mythological tales, Animal tales, Fairy tales, Classical and heroic legends, Novellistic tales, anecdotes and fables. The Introduction suggests a description of the structure of the book, a commentary on the sources of the original texts, a short ethnographic essay of the Somalis and some notes on the artistic peculiarities of the Somali narrative folklore. The Appendices consist of A Dictionary of untranslatable Somali words, Notes and references, An Article on subjects and motifs of the Somali folktales and A List of published sources used for this book.
The «Somali folktales» has been issued in memory of the outstanding Russian folklorist and paremiologist Grigori Permjakov.
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Утверждено к печати редколлегией серии «Сказки и мифы народов Востока»
Редактор Т.М.Швецова
Младший редактор И.М.Гриднева
Художник Л.С.Эрман
Художественный редактор Э.Л/Эрман
Технический редактор О.ВАредова
Корректоры Н.Ч.Годунова, И.Г.Ким
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