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The door to Joshua’s beat-up car squeals loudly as he opens it and gets out. He shuts it, looking around. The farm isn’t much different from his, but the boy looks at everything like he’s never seen a farm before. I try to see through his eyes, and appraise the chipping white paint on the house, the way the barn roof sags, the rusty tractor abandoned on the lawn.

“So this is where you live,” Joshua says, so quietly he probably doesn’t mean for me to hear.

I shoulder my bag, inclining my head. “Come on. My room is upstairs.”

Joshua follows me inside. The screen door slamming announces my arrival to Mom. She doesn’t look up from her position behind the counter, where she’s breaking up some broccoli in a bowl. It isn’t until she hears the heavier thumps of Joshua’s shoes in the entry that her head snaps around. “Oh.” With wide eyes, she sizes Joshua up. She recognizes him; Edson is tiny and it would be impossible not to. Mom wipes her hands on a towel, turning. She glances at me once, and I know she’s surprised I’ve finally brought someone home. “You’ve grown,” she says to Joshua after a moment, taking a couple steps to extend her hand.

He shakes it quickly, shifting from foot to foot. “That’s right; you brought some food over once, after … ”

Displaying a sensitivity I wasn’t aware my mother had, she smiles at him, smoothly directing her next words elsewhere. “I suppose you and Elizabeth are going to work on your project.” She chews some skin from her lip, a nervous habit.

There’s no way to miss how she doesn’t address me, avoids it, really. I hadn’t mentioned working on the English project tonight, but Joshua isn’t stupid. He knows something is off. “Yeah, we are,” he tells Mom. He brushes some of that long hair out of his eyes. “Thanks for letting us do it here.”

Mom flaps a hand dismissively, smiling at him some more. She’s probably thinking about how nice it is to finally have someone normal around, someone who isn’t her family. “Are you hungry?” she asks. “I could—”

“We don’t have much time,” I interject, giving her a warning look. There’s a possibility Tim could wake up soon. She understands and shuts her mouth. “Thanks, though. We’ll be upstairs if you need us.”

Mom nods, returning her attention to the broccoli. I take my shoes off, indicating that Joshua should do the same. He does so, trying to hide how dirty his socks are. I pretend not to notice and lead him upstairs.

It is an odd sensation, having a warm presence at my back.

I shut my bedroom door behind us. Joshua looks around curiously, eagerly, as if the room will tell him everything about me, add more pieces to the puzzle. He eyes the blank emptiness, the scant furniture, with interest. He says nothing. Just studies it all.

“It’s white,” I state, making a motion to the paint cans in the corner. While Tim was sleeping last night I’d gone and fetched them from my truck. “We’re going to change it.”

He takes this in with a bemused expression. “You want me to help you paint? That’s your project?”

“What did you think it was?” I’ve already moved the furniture to the center of the room, so all there is left to do is spread the tarps out on the floor to keep the wood from getting splattered.

Joshua doesn’t answer.“So … ” He begins to roll up his sleeves. “What do you want to do here? I see a lot of … green.” He eyes the paint cans, his mouth curving with amusement. “Guess we’re going for a forest.”

I raise my brows at him. “Exactly. A mural, of sorts.”

Nodding a second time, Joshua faces the wall. His lips twist. Seconds tick by and I know he’s imagining the possibilities as he squints at all the white. Twist, squint, twist, squint. Then he turns back to me. “I told you, I’m not very creative,” he sighs. “So you’re just going to have to tell me what to do. You don’t have a problem with that, right?” He actually attempts a wink. When I smile, he flushes, a bright red that crawls up his neck and face.

To ease his discomfort, I begin spreading out the tarp. He jumps in to help, the material crackling between us. “Let’s start on this wall first,” I direct, and once we have the tarp laid out, I tape it down to the floor. I stand back, thinking. “I’ll outline the trees with pencil, and I’ll let you do whatever you want with them.”

“What?” Joshua scoffs. “Are you serious? You really want to endanger your mural like that?”

His laughter is loud, boisterous, and I listen carefully for movement in the hallway, alert to any stirring in Tim’s room. He snores on in his drunken stupor. Relaxing a little, I turn my attention back to Joshua. “I trust you,” I say with an easy shrug. The simple words startle him; his eyes widen. For a moment he doesn’t seem to know what to say. Before he can read more into it, though, I slap a paintbrush into his hand. I step away quickly. “We don’t have much time today,” I repeat. “I’ll get started.”

Joshua just watches me. After another moment, he slowly turns away. As I draw the outlines, instinct is pushing at me again, insistent, loud, demanding. I already have one Sophia making things more complicated. I already have one Maggie to pretend for. I already have one mother who sees how I don’t belong. Don’t encourage the boy, it says. Don’t be friends with him. End this before it’s too late.

And I consider this. But then there is Courage, his dark loveliness before me, solemn and chilling in his truth: You will need that boy in the end.

I draw.

“It’s going to storm,” Joshua murmurs. He stands by my window, staring out at the fields. Gray skies and strong winds frown and swirl on the other side of the glass. The paintbrush drips in Joshua’s hand, green paint staining the floor, but I don’t mention it.

“You should leave soon,” I say, stepping away from the wall to eye it. I’ve drawn trees on two of the walls, a small stone house and the edge of a cliff on a third, and on the fourth …

“What’s that?” Joshua appears beside me, frowning at the scene before us. When I don’t answer, he steps carefully around my bed. The pencil markings hold all his attention. “It’s sad. Beautiful, but I don’t think I’d want to fall asleep every night with that looking over me.”

I reach out to touch the boy at the same time Joshua does. Our hands brush, and he jumps. Neither of us move. I observe the girl’s silent scream for the millionth time.

“Where did you come up with this?” Joshua asks, his voice husky. I don’t answer, preoccupied with the curve of the girl’s cheek, the way her fingers curl over the boy’s shoulder.

Where is she?

You killed me.

Joshua fidgets—his thumb taps his thigh and his foot makes a beat on the floor—proving my theory that he can’t stand still for even a moment. “I didn’t know you could draw so well,” he adds. Again I say nothing. “Elizabeth?” He sounds worried now; I’ve been silent too long.

“I’m not that good. And I made this up,” I reply. I toss my pencil on the bed, glancing out the window, where rain has begun to patter against the pane. “Thank you for helping me. I’ll walk you out to your car.”

He follows me mutely. So strange. I’m used to demanding questions, impossible expectations. I’ve never known anyone like him. But when we’re going down the stairs, his silence suddenly makes sense. Sorrow stands in the shadows, waiting for Joshua. The boy shudders when Sorrow reaches out, as if he can sense the Emotion’s presence. My mural must have spurred it on—I can guess what sprang to Joshua’s mind, to make Sorrow pay a visit.

Mom isn’t in the kitchen on our way out the door. The house is holding its breath. I don’t think Joshua is aware of much else besides his soundless pain. The screen door begins to close, but Joshua turns back quickly, catching it before it slams. Sorrow looks at me while Joshua is distracted, those constant tears streaking down his white, white cheek. His black hair thrashes in the wind and his essence clashes against me. I see death, sobs, emptiness.