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“Why the hell are they up there?”

“No reason.” He opened the cupboard, and I saw the block tucked inside it.


“Hey,” I said. “Bring the entire block down.”

He froze.

“I mean it. Get the whole thing.”

He pinched the bridge of his nose a second, but then he reached in and lifted the block down, setting it on the counter.

We both stared at it.

I pulled out the biggest butcher knife he had. “Take it.”

Grimacing, he took it from me and held it in his hand.

“Are you going to stab me?”


“Good. Are you going to stab anyone, ever?”

“No.” He stared at the blade. “No, I’m not.”

“Then why do you have to keep your knives way the fuck up there?”

He shrugged. “Old habit.”

“Well, break it. If I ever come over to cook again, I need to be able to reach things. I’m high-cupboard challenged.”

He handed me the knife, taking a breath. “You’re right. I’ll move them down.”

“Thank you.” I located a cutting board and got to work, while he melted some butter in a pan on the stove.

“Did anyone ever tell you,” he said, “you’d make a good therapist?”

I laughed. “No. But I’m glad you think so.”

“Hey, do you like champagne?” He opened the fridge and pulled out a long-necked green bottle. “My brother and sister-in-law got me this when the cabin was finished and I never opened it.”

“I love it,” I assured him. “Pop the cork.”

• • •

Sebastian had no dining table, so we ate Caprese omelets and drank champagne sitting next to each other at the breakfast bar, a lemon beeswax candle burning between us.

“That smells so good. I’ve got to get your sister-in-law’s information,” I said between bites. “Don’t let me forget.”

“I saw her yesterday. She gave me some samples and a card for you. Oh,” he said, as if he’d just remembered something. “I have something else for you too.” He set his fork down, stood up, and reached for his wallet, which was on the kitchen counter. “Here,” he said, handing me a business card.

“What’s this?” I took it from him and studied it. “Abelard Vineyards, Mia Fournier.”

“I met her and her husband yesterday at the office. My brother Malcolm is helping them settle a property line dispute.” He sat down again and resumed eating. “They’re new owners in the last couple years or so, and they’ve expanded. She’s pregnant, and she’s looking for an assistant. Someone to help with the tasting room and special events.” He glanced sideways at me. “I thought of you.”

I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. “Thank you. That’s so sweet.”

“He said she’s picky, but I know she’d like you.”

My heart sank a little. “Picky? I bet she wants a college degree. Or more experience.” I set the card down and picked up my champagne.

“Her husband didn’t say anything like that. He just said she’s choosy about who works there. You should call her.”

I bit my lip, bubbles lingering on my tongue. “You think so?”

Sebastian set his fork down again, grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me toward him, kissing my lips hard. “I know so. Who wouldn’t adore you?”

A blush crept up my chest. “It does sound perfect. I’ll think about it.”

• • •

When we’d finished eating, we poured the rest of the champagne into our glasses and went out on the patio. This time we shared one of the Adirondack chairs Sebastian had put together, me sitting on his lap.

“Are you cold?” he asked me, and I loved the way his forehead wrinkled with concern. “I’m sorry. I’m in a suit, but you have bare arms and legs.”

“I’m OK. I’ll let you know if I get cold.” I kissed his forehead, my right arm around his shoulders, my left holding my wine glass.

We were quiet for a moment, and it was a comfortable silence. I wasn’t even the one to break it.

“I’m glad you’re here,” he said. “I thought maybe I’d fucked things up too much the other night.”

“I was a bit thrown,” I admitted. I took a sip of champagne. “Can you tell me what happened?”

He didn’t speak right away, and I didn’t force it. “I panicked.”

I looked at him. “Why?”

“Because you…do something to me I didn’t expect. Something I don’t even really understand.” He dropped his eyes from the water to my legs. “Sorry, I know I owe you a better explanation,” he started, but I hushed him with a kiss.

“You know what? Not right now you don’t.” I kissed him again. “You really don’t. I know what you mean.” In all honesty, I didn’t even really understand what was happening between us, and I sure as hell hadn’t expected it either. Maybe tomorrow we’d talk. Tonight, I just wanted to be with him.

We kissed again, sweet and slow and searching, and eventually Sebastian set down his glass to brush my hair back from my face. “Do you know,” he whispered, “how many nights I dreamed about you?”

I shook my head, my pulse quickening.

“Countless. And in countless dreams, you weren’t as beautiful as you are in real life, and I don’t mean just your face.”

I smiled. “You liked the blow job.”

He groaned. “Fuck yes, I did. But I like even more than that about you. You make me want to take chances I never thought I’d take again.”

“What kind of chances?”

“Being close to someone. It’s never easy for me, but you make it feel that way. And every time I’m with you, it gets easier.”

After a deep breath, I asked, “So in the car tonight…no bad thoughts?”

He shook his head. “None. You managed to shut down my brain entirely—at least, that part of it.”

“You thought with something else?” I asked playfully.

“That’s the fucking amazing thing. I didn’t think at all. I just felt.” Then he kissed me again, and again, and again, his tongue parting my lips, his hand traveling up my leg to my waist. “You have no idea what that’s like for me—to just feel. It’s heaven.” He put his hand on my face and kissed his way across the opposite cheek to whisper in my ear. “You’re an angel.”

I smiled at the sweet words, at the tingle between my legs, at the way I could feel his cock stirring beneath me. “An angel, huh?” My eyes closed as his mouth traveled down one side of my throat, his hand pressing the other side. His warm, wet tongue on my skin sent darts of lust straight to my core.

“Yes,” he said, his voice low and rough. “But this little angel has to answer for her earlier disobedience.”

My heart stopped for a second, then raced. “She does?”

“She does.” He slipped an arm beneath my knees and stood, cradling me as we walked toward the door. “And she better not talk back this time.”

I laughed, although a funny tickle that felt a little like fear was fluttering in my belly. “Where are you taking me?”

“Shhh. My turn to play.” He went up the steps, opened the sliding door, and set me on my feet inside the cabin. “No questions. Go up to the loft and wait for me. Don’t get undressed and don’t take off your shoes.” His light eyes appeared black and shining in the dark.

“OK,” I whispered, wondering what he was planning to do with me up there. “Should I be nervous?” It was a joke…sort of.

“Should have thought of that before you tried to run us off the road tonight.” He leaned in, one hand on either side of the doorway. “And before mentioning you like it a little rough.”

My mouth fell open as he shut the sliding door and walked away. Oh my God, where the hell was he going? And what on earth was he planning? This was a guy who had some pretty violent images in his head from time to time…did they ever merge with his fantasies? I bit one knuckle, hesitating for just a second before hurrying over to the ladder.

My heart thumped hard as I carefully climbed the ladder in my heels, wondering if it was wrong to be so turned on by the fact that I wasn’t one hundred percent sure being the object of someone’s fantasies was entirely safe. I trusted Sebastian…but still.