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“This is Mia.”

I took a breath. “This is Skylar Nixon. I got your card from my friend Sebastian Pryce, and—”

“Oh, at the law firm! Yes! Lucas mentioned you might be calling.”

I smiled, relieved that she knew who I was. “Yes. I understand you’re interviewing for an assistant?”

“I am. Are you interested in the position?”

“Yes,” I said, biting my tongue before I added, but I’m not sure I’m qualified.

“Great. Can you interview next week?”

I told her I could, and we set up an interview at Abelard for nine AM Tuesday. I’d have to make sure I got that day off from Coffee Darling, but since Natalie was so supportive, I didn’t think she’d mind.

I went to bed that night happy but fretful, making a list on my phone of all the things I needed to do—print out a resume, plan my outfit, research Abelard Vineyards. Frowning at the screen, I tried to think of what I was missing.

“Stop worrying. She’s going to love you.” Sebastian turned back the sheet and climbed into his bed, where I was sitting up cross-legged, my phone in my lap.

I didn’t look up. “Maybe. We’ll see.”

“Stop.” He grabbed my phone and hid it behind his back.

“Hey!” I got to my knees and tried to get it back.

“Enough,” he said, holding it out of reach. “You have to get up too early to be doing this right now.”

“Come on, give it back. I need it.” I made several unsuccessful attempts to get it, and he laughed.

“You don’t. You need to relax, I can see it on your face. Don’t make me tie you up.”

Sighing, I sat back on my heels. “Very funny.”

“You’re fucking adorable when you pretend to be angry with me.” He set my phone on his nightstand and tackled me, throwing me onto my back. Now that we spent so much time together, I knew why his body was so hot—he went to the gym every fucking day! I was a slug compared to him. And he worked at the law firm a lot too. He’d worked a full day every day this week, and then worked out after that. We didn’t see each other until dinner time or later, which was why I ended up spending the night so much.

It wasn’t that I missed him so badly the two nights we spent apart I could hardly sleep. Nope. No way.

I squealed as I landed, grappling with him but laughing as he pinned my wrists to the bed near my shoulders. “Not a fair fight at all.”

“Nope.” He kissed me, his lips and tongue a soft contrast to the hard strength of his hands cuffing my wrists. “My sister-in-law wants to meet you.”

“Oh?” A little thrill moved through my body.

“Yes. She came into the office this afternoon.” He kissed me again, on the lips first, then the neck and chest over the t-shirt of his I’d taken to sleeping in. “She asked if I’d like to bring you to their house for dinner.”

“And what did you say?”

He barely took his mouth of me. “I said fuck no, you have terrible table manners.”

I rolled my eyes and kicked my legs at him. “You’re so mean. Get off me.”

“OK.” He flipped to his back, dragging me on top of him, holding my wrists above his head. “Better?”

“Mmmmm.” Was I mad at him? I forgot. I drew my legs astride his hips, and slanted my mouth over his. As the kiss deepened, I rocked my hips against his thickening cock, feeling desire spark at my center. God, I was beginning to think I was a fiend, the way we’d been going at it almost every night this week. Last night I’d slept alone in my old bed, and I’d been so lonesome for him I had to get myself off with my fingers like a lust-crazed teenager, and I still felt totally unsatisfied.

I’d been really good about taking my pill, but even so, in the back of my mind I wondered if any hormonal treatment would be strong enough to fend off his crazy smart, super ripped sperm. And holy shit, what would I do then? “I’ll be right back,” I whispered.

He didn’t stop me from going for the ladder, which told me he probably knew what I needed to do. My pills were in my purse, which was downstairs, so it was a couple minutes before I climbed up again. The lamp was still burning, and the sight of shirtless Sebastian waiting for me in bed, on his back, the sheet pulled up to his hips, outline of his cock clearly visible, nearly made me trip over my own feet.

Grinning, I jumped on him, straddling his hips again, my hands on his warm, hard chest. He grabbed the hem of the shirt I wore. “Not that I don’t love seeing you in my clothes, but I love it even more when you’re naked.”

I happily whipped off the shirt and tossed it aside, leaving only my panties between us. Sebastian, I discovered, always slept naked.

No complaints here.

His hands moved to my ass as I leaned down to kiss him, my breasts brushing over his chest. He moaned, his tongue stroking between my lips, his hips lifting to push up against me. I moved my body over his, sliding my clit along his thick, hard cock, feeling my underwear grow damp.

“Take them off.” His voice was low and firm.

I smiled down at him. “Fiend.”

“For you I am.”

I bit my lip. “Did you miss me last night?”

“So much I could hardly stand it.”

Shaking my head, I said, “Me too. What’s with us? Is it because the sex is so good?” Then I panicked. “I mean, it’s good for me…I hope it’s good for you.”

He spanked me lightly. “Stop. It’s amazing for me, and you know it. I can’t get enough.”

That put the grin back on my face and I swung one leg over so I could work my panties down my legs. I was so anxious to feel his cock hit The Spot I left them hanging around one ankle as I straddled him again. But he had another idea.

Shimmying down the bed until his head was between my knees, he looked up at me. “I used to lie awake at night and think about doing this to you.” He kissed one inner thigh and then the other, rubbing his scruffy cheek against the sensitive skin there before wiggling down even further and dragging his tongue up my center.

I shivered, falling forward to grip the simple wooden headboard. “Oh God, Sebastian. Your tongue is just…” But I couldn’t even find a word for it. Light and colors danced behind my closed eyelids as I dropped my head back, undulating my hips over his mouth. His arms looped over my legs, pulling me tighter to his face, and when I looked down I almost lost it at the sight of those gorgeous green eyes in the V between my legs.

“Fuck,” I breathed as he worked my clit with the tip of his tongue. “I didn’t even know enough to imagine this. I had no idea it was even possible to feel this good.” It was true—I’d been with some really good-looking guys, but somehow being incredibly handsome didn’t always correlate to being that skilled in bed. Natalie and I had a theory that slightly less attractive guys were probably better lovers because they had to work harder for it. Like she once confessed that Dan had kind of a small dick but was pretty good with his hands.

Sebastian, however, had everything.


Including his tongue buried in my pussy.

And when the tension at my core whirled into a vortex too powerful for my body to contain, he moaned along with me as I rode out my orgasm above him, grinding unabashedly against his face.

When the spasms had stopped I moved down his body, prepared to take him in my mouth, but he deftly flipped me onto my back and pinned my wrists by my head. In the lamplight I could see his shiny lips and chin, and my insides clenched with aftershocks. He kissed me hard and deep, his mouth open wide over mine. I tasted myself and him and us and sex and it was warm and sweet and I opened my legs for him, desperate to feel him enter my body and drive us both into another mad frenzy.

He glided in easily, and I tilted my hips to take him deep. When he was buried inside, he paused and looked down at me, and I thought he was going to say something but he didn’t. He just kept his eyes on mine as he started to move, his hips rolling like ocean waves over mine. I strained up against him, pressing closer with my chest, lifting my hips.