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She rolls her eyes and lets out a frustrated breath. “Oh you know . . . busy as shit. And for some reason, Dax has only me on the schedule for another thirty minutes.” She holds up three fingers. “Then he has three girls coming in. He expects me to hold the joint down by myself, but can schedule three girls for the late shift. He’s lucky he left over two hours ago or I’d be choking him in a corner somewhere.”

Getting lost in how damn cute she looks when she’s mad, I let my teasing come out, unable to stop myself. I might just get punched for this, but it’s always well worth it. “I’d let you choke me in the corner. Anytime and anywhere.” I take a swig of my beer, before setting it down. “As long as it involves rough, dirty sex afterwards.”

Her face flushes red, but she doesn’t say anything, because some people from a few tables over start yelling her name annoyingly, trying to get her attention. “You’re so damn lucky, slick.” She pinches my nipple, hard, and then walks away, leaving me with a near hard-on.

She’s lucky, because if she did that when we were alone, then I’d have a really hard time not bending her over and fucking her. Best friend or not.

I’m trying to keep my thoughts in check, but I can’t when she does things like that to me.

I’m sitting alone for about five minutes, just enjoying my beer, when a petite blonde scoots into the booth across from me. She’s cute, but I’m not interested in more than a short conversation. My head is somewhere else.

She holds out her hand and smiles. “Mandy.”

Flashing her my dimples, I reach for her hand and shake it in mine. “Alex.” I nod down at her drink when I notice that it’s close to empty. “Let me buy you another drink.”

Tripp walks past just as I’m about to get up and go to the bar, so I grab her wrist to stop her. She looks down at me about to say something, but stops when she notices the blonde sitting across from me. She stiffens for a second, before clearing her throat and smiling. “Hey.”

“Mandy . . . this is my good friend, Tripp. She’s also the sexiest waitress I’ve ever seen.” I wink at Tripp with a smile, hoping to ease the tension.

Mandy flashes a small smile before reaching for her hand and shaking it. “Nice to meet you, Tripp. My name is Mandy.”

“Mandy.” She nods her head. “Let me get you two some new drinks. What will it be?”

I grip Tripp’s waist and squeeze it. “You don’t have to do that. I’ll just go up to the bar.”

Tripp looks down at me and pinches my arm. “Why are you so stubborn? This is my job, Alex. I can manage to get you some drinks.”

Before I can say anything, Mandy holds up her glass, interrupting us. “A Vodka and lemonade will be good.”

Tripp smiles at me and starts backing away. “One Vodka Lemonade and Miller Lite coming right up.” She spins on her heels and walks away, and I can’t help but to feel my stomach sink.

The idea of her waiting on me and some chick makes me feel oddly sick to my stomach. I barely like her waiting on me. It just doesn’t feel right. I like to be the one waiting on her . . . always.

I make light talk with Mandy, trying not to lead her on too much, while waiting for Tripp to return with our drinks. I look over to see her and Harley discussing something at the bar as Harley glances our way, but I can’t really get a read on Harley’s expression. She usually looks irritated, so it’s hard to tell.

Harley slides two drinks across the bar and then Tripp quickly grabs them and starts making her way back to us.

I have the urge to go to her and snatch the drinks before she can serve us, but she gives me that look. The one that will surly make me lose control and rip her clothes off in a corner somewhere if I fight her on it for too long.

“It’s on the house, along with your first beer too, Alex, and don’t even think about trying to fight it.” She sets the drinks down. “I’m going to close out my tabs and I’ll be ready soon.”

She begins to walk away, but I stop her. There’s no way I’m leaving this bar without paying. She knows how much I hate that. “I’m paying for the drinks and I’ll fight it all I fucking want. That’s what I do.” I pull out a twenty and two tens, and then hand them to her. “I don’t want any change either. You two split it.”

She tries protesting, but I send her on her way with a slap to the ass. She glowers at me, before walking away and yanking her apron off.

Mandy stands up and gives me an uncomfortable look. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that you had a girlfriend. I knew you were too gorgeous to be single.” She holds up her drink. “Thanks for the drink. I can pay you back if you’d like.”

I smile up at her and reach for my beer. “She’s my best friend.” I take a swig. “And it’s not a problem.”

She hesitates for a moment before speaking again. “It looks a lot to me like something more is going on.”

“There isn’t,” I reply simply.

Looking me up and down, she reaches into her bag and pulls out a pen. “Well I have some friends over there.” She points over to a table close by, occupied by three girls that suck at hiding their girly chatter and excitement for their girl, Mandy. “And I’m pretty sure you’re about to leave anyways. Can I give you my number?”

I tell her like it is, just like I do all the other women. “I know this sounds shitty, but I’m more of a one night type of guy. I’m just not looking for anything else. So if you’re okay with just having a good time . . .” I tilt back my beer before setting it down in front of me. “Then you can leave your number. I’m not trying to get mixed up in anything that I’m not ready for.”

She bites her bottom lip in thought, before reaching for a napkin and scribbling down her number. She slides it across the table with a grin. “I’d take anything I could get from a guy like you. Sometimes that’s all us women need.” She stands up straight and starts backing away. “Call me anytime . . . Alex.”

I grab her number and nod my head as she turns and walks away, joining her table of girlfriends. Then, I turn back to my drink and quickly finish it off before checking on Tripp to see if she’s ready.

She grabs my arm and starts pulling me toward the door so fast that she almost trips on the way out. “I need to get out of here, Alex. What the hell was Dax thinking?”

I shrug while holding the door open for her. “Told you he’s an idiot. I never lie to you, babe.”

She laughs under her breath, but doesn’t look back at me. “Sticking with the M’s, I see.”

“Only this week.”

I open my truck door for her, but she just looks at me and lets out a frustrated breath. She looks as if she has something to say, but stops herself. I don’t like her doing that.

“Say it, Tripp.” Grabbing the top of the truck, I pin her against it and look into her eyes, waiting for her to speak.

Nothing. She just shakes her head and smiles weakly. “I’m just tired and frustrated. I want to give Dax a piece of my mind.” Maneuvering her way past my arm, she jumps into my truck and shuts the door. Moments later she pokes her head out the window. “Any day now, Carter,” she says teasingly.

Tell me about it . . .

I SIT IN MY ROOM for a bit, playing my guitar. It’s close to midnight and Tripp and Lucas have been downstairs, drinking and laughing it up. A part of me wants to join in, but the other part is too exhausted to pretend that I don’t want to have my way with her.

That’s all I’ve been able to think about since moving in the other day . . . and the more time I spend with her, the more the desire seems to grow. If only I could get it out of my system. I just need one damn night with her.

I look up when I hear a little giggle come from the doorway of my room. Tripp is standing there in a pair of small cotton shorts and a tank top. I can see her nipples pressing against the thin fabric of her shirt, and my cock instantly twitches in excitement. What I wouldn’t give to suck them into my mouth and bite them.